India – The Power of Marginalized Demography

March 7, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Indian elections held in five states early March 2012 clarified mainstream mandate against corruption riddled government UPA 2 Congress Party led by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, Home Minister P. Chidambaram, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal, Law Minister Salman Khurshid (one of the candidates in the election) and last but not the least,

Rahul Gandhi – Son of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and General Secretary National Congress Party touted as heir apparent in the Indian dynasty under the guise of democracy.

Congress Party Chief banked enormous optimism considering vigorous campaign by Rahul Gandhi and rest of the family in the most populous and electorally crucial northern state in India – Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh – with 403 State Assembly seats representing 200 million population is also the largest in size and comparatively one of the poorest states in India.

U.P. being traditionally Nehru-Gandhi constituency was expected to catapult Rahul Gandhi’s political career aimed at the top position in the country – Prime Ministership to lead 1.2 billion electorates in South East Asia.

Subsequent to Congress leadership dismissal of overwhelming public demand for anti-corruption law,

The action largely emanating from corruption epidemic in the society and above mentioned leaders involvement in major national scandals ranging from –

Cash for Votes – Parliament members were charged and briefly held in custody with the accused released on bail for bribery to secure votes in the No Confidence motion against Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi government.

2G Spectrum – Government distribution of licenses to selective corporations estimated at staggering costs to national treasury with key members like Home Minister P. Chidambaram and Congress Party leader Mrs. Sonia Gandhi cited as direct beneficiaries in the deal.

CWG Scandal – Common Wealth Games 2010 in New Delhi grounded until the eleventh hour marred with corruption is also linked with Congress government and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.

Swiss Bank Accounts – Again Congress government refusal to pursue tax frauds and kickbacks from national arms contract such as Bofors Scam related to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi intervention in Italian businessman Quatrocchi investigation abandoned due to conflict of interest.

Not excluding numerous government projects,

Tax evasions among private sectors as well as celebrities from Bollywood movie industry with alleged black money hoardings were few of the many contentious issues tied to offshore deposits.

Corruption paralyzing average citizens lives across the nation with government leading the trend galvanized national movement in 2011 seeking stringent laws to curtail graft.

The Congress government reaction was violent crackdown in the anti-corruption rally that resulted in civilian death with several others seriously wounded from police violence.

When political power defy popular uprising on problems affecting daily existence, the consequences are ignored at that time.

However, the people in the lower economic strata in Uttar Pradesh followed by others in Punjab, Uttarakhand and Goa delivered a fitting response with crippling defeat for the hegemony favored government in New Delhi.

The ruling party – Congress reportedly lost 4 out of 5 states in the closely observed elections with colossal failure for the leadership despite Indian print press and media coalescence sworn allegiance to foreign power control in New Delhi,

Along with bourgeois loyalty to political establishment protecting the famous, influential and powerful in the society – conforming to feudalist dominance at vast majority plight.

Poignantly Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh, Home Minister P. Chidambaram, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee served World Bank – the institution apparently instrumental in structuring UPA 2 prime portfolios and Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal appointment per U.S. State Department choice revealed in Wikileaks expose.

Fortunately, the marginalized demography neglected in the exclusive club in India is the force to reckon with and determined to democratically reclaim sovereignty from the globalists remote operation subjugating the world’s largest democracy through subservient proxy cohorts compromising national interest.

India is infiltrated in the same manner as Iran was in western installed regime under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi rule with society’s upper echelons adapting to culture for western appeasement in the false assumption of modernity generating self-identity crisis within hierarchy.

The precedence goes further back when treason facilitated East India Company establishment in India with imperialists then eliminating traitors after using them for colonization.

Adding to complexity is the caste, creed and religion card played during election enabled by media outlets in semblance with divide and conquer strategy.

The print press self-contradictory articles on Indian society having transcended these elements while the newspaper attack against political targets and scapegoat is the irony amongst ruling class cashing in on polarization.

Meanwhile, significant electorate in Uttar Pradesh categorized as uneducated and not politically suave by the self-proclaimed elites surprised the mass media with a far better understanding of political reality than pundits and analysts commercialized views.

The election debacle for Congress as incumbent power at the federal or national level is a huge setback and entirely attributed to systemic abuse of power in office.

The public sentiments have been explicitly conveyed through ballots and concerned citizens call for national awakening to establish republic governed democracy.

Congratulations! To the voters and winners in the State Assembly elections in India.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Citizenry initiated reform presented below with information urging pro-active measures for positive political change nationwide.


Courtesy: Letter to the editor, Indian News Daily, New Delhi, India. March 6, 2012 – Thank you.


Dear Reader:

Congress is too corrupt to be fixed ever.  This party needs to be dismantled.

Look at the Congress starcast:  Man Mohan Singh, Ambika Soni, Salman Khurshid, Kapil Sibal, Chidambaram, Beni Prasad Verma and the ring leaders of this circus:  Sonia and Rahul.

Here is the plan to dismantle congress constitutionally:

1) Vote in every election

2) Vote against Congress and its interests and,

3) Discuss your vote with anyone who will listen.

If BSP or SP join Congress, they will become the enemy in the next election under rule 2 (vote against congress interests).

Congress is an anti-national party.

India has no credible media and no credible intelligentsia that can take principled stands against the government’s corruption, vote-banks, anti-national policy, and lack of passion for India.

And Congress is the root cause of this dismal state because if the dynasty must be protected at all cost, there is no room for any talent.

If you like the above three point plan to dismantle congress,

Please repeat it anywhere you can: in the Internet forums, on dining room tables, in drawing room sofas, in auto rickshaws, in trains, in army-barracks, in theatres, on stages, in letters to the editors everywhere, in colleges, in schools.

This message must be sustained.



Salute you mate, thank you and spread the message. Very truly.


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