India – Anti-Corruption Rally

December 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Anti-corruption rally began in Mumbai and New Delhi in protest against government introduced corruption bill.

Shri Anna Hazare is on three-day fasting expressing dissent over government Lokpal bill.

Considering the report that Shri Anna Hazare is unwell and prescribed antibiotics for quick recovery,

Shri Anna Hazare is kindly requested to skip fasting and instead observe silence (Maun Vrath) in continuation of commitment towards Jan Lokpal bill.

Shri Anna Hazare’s health and well being is vital in every aspect.

The Gandhian crusade against corruption nationally  empowers the voiceless and defenseless in civil society.

The government Lokpal bill currently passed to protect Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi and Home Minister P. Chidambaram implicated on numerous corruption scandals is worthy of condemnation.

Specifically, the clause defending Members of Parliament right to continue as Cabinet Ministers and lawmakers despite judicial trials against them on corruption charges is an affirmation for the status quo.

Misleading the nation in the direction in defiance of morality and ethics affecting national credibility is a kamikaze action with serious repercussions noted in the latest developments across the Middle East and Italy.

Not to mention the inevitable electoral backlash in the forthcoming state assembly and national election.

The republic version seeks the following legitimate proposals:

Jan Lokpal autonomy rather than government appointed Lokpal committee to prevent conflict of interest.

CBI brought under Jan Lokpal Ambit for investigation and due process to curb corruption across the spectrum.

The current arrangement with incumbents control over CBI is unanimously admitted among ruling and opposition members in Parliament as gross misuse of power.

Citizens charter and lower bureaucracy under Jan Lokpal,

Besides other relevant inclusions related to Prime Minister and corporations laid by IAC for effective anti-corruption law.

Nationwide – State Lokayukta implementation without procrastination would enormously ease the marginalized demography’s painful experience in daily life.

Arriving at general consensus is possible provided members of Parliament regardless of political differences assume responsibility to serve in public and national interest by passing Jan Lokpal bill to eliminate corruption.

Winning elections – the political parties primary goal is not achievable unless the electorate plight is sincerely acknowledged beginning with crippling corruption and basic human needs such as safe drinking water, solar power and other renewable energy sourced electricity, clean environment and repaired roads are delivered to the frustrated vast majority.

India against corruption is corruption victims’ generated movement represented by Shri Anna Hazare and dedicated team members having endured series of litmus tests conducted to deter Jan Lokpal emergence.

The success of Jan Lokpal lies with every citizen in India against corruption – the epidemic eroding national resources and taxpayers hard earned savings held in offshore tax havens and illegal bank accounts.

People tired of prevalent corruption and bribery have a unique opportunity to join Shri Anna Hazare in Mumbai and every corner of the country in enacting strong meaningful Jan Lokpal bill.

Youth in India have a greater responsibility as emerging and future leaders in energizing the nation and accelerate momentum on monumental national legislation.

Although Shri Anna Hazare leadership is focused and determined to prevail,

Citizens’ cooperation and participation is paramount to demonstrate against inherently flawed system upheld by political establishment and elitist allies in the society.

Ending corruption culture espousing bribery on basic to advanced services,

Double standards maintained in transparency and accountability with political class and surrogates granted life impunity from inquiry and judicial proceedings.

Meanwhile average citizens subjected to rigorous and undemocratic scrutiny.

Furthermore, it is important to realize the youth, middle class and lower income bear the tax burden attributed to various scandals costing national exchequer trillions of dollars that essentially belongs to the republic.

Freedom from corruption is a second independent struggle concerning all those affected by fraudulent practice.

Zero tolerance to corruption through peaceful and non-violent assembly urging political leaderships in the ruling and opposition to pass Jan Lokpal bill  is an immediate priority.

The local population dealing with routine corruption cannot afford any delay notwithstanding adverse effects from weak Lokpal bill.

Please rise to the occasion and support Jan Lokpal rally organized by India against corruption under Shri Anna Hazare and team in Mumbai and across the nation.

It is not the time for complacency rather formidable coalescence urgently required to take back India and restore republic governed democracy.

Once again, Shri Anna Hazare switching to Maun Vrath and resuming food intake for health reasons would benefit the honorable leader and the nation at large.

Good Luck to Jan Lokpal legislation becoming the national law!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




















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