Identity Appropriation Culture

January 15, 2023

Identity Appropriation Culture

Padmini Arhant

India – the most invaded and colonized nation on earth is lately trending in renaming cities and monuments of only Mughal period to Hindutva nomenclature.

The tradition is also adapted in referring to me by names per their discretion rather than my birth and legal name Padmini Arhant in direct violation of my personal and individual right. 

Indian and alike from wherever applicable fraudulent practice to appease the cowardly incognito criminal clique in utter obedience as the vassal state and cronies of the colonial regime and fascism following the unprecedented unscrupulous identity misappropriation impetus the reference of India from now onwards to Tughluqstan substituting Hindustan in quid pro quo to identity appropriation culture.

After all, Tughluqstan as Hindustan substitute is not far-fetched compared to the kind and variety dumped on me at evil will much to own peril.

Tughluq dynasty with prominent Muhammad Bin Tughluq – the eighteenth Sultan of Delhi. He reigned from February 1325 until his death in 1351. The Sultan foolishness is well known for changing the capital city numerous times to suit the whims and fancies of the Sultanate as witnessed currently in identity falsification of my profile by the evil syndicate.

Likewise, Indian states like Kerala referred to as Kampala should make no difference considering the widespread illegality of violating my personal right despite my objection and condemnation of this criminal behavior continued as abusers’ prerogative.

Similarly, the Tamil Nadu political factions Dravida kazhagam (DMK, ADMK and the rest) especially the corrupt Karunanidhi family of Telugu Nayakkar clan ruling Tamil Nadu prolonging dynasty politics in the so-called democracy allocating public taxpayer funded government positions – the key portfolios to next kith and kin making a mockery of democracy aside,

The nefarious tactics deployed through politics owned Indian cinema indulging in my identity distortion is provocation leading to the source and offenders’ self-termination.

As per earlier warning, the criminal cabal dumping proxies from own inventory in politics, media, entertainment industry and all over…crooks and con artists from religion and floozies as beauty queens in the fashion, entertainment sector and remnants in the mainstream and the so-called independent media as my identity is a failed experiment for the abusers and the wannabe opportunists capitalizing on identity theft. 

The names ranging from Meghan to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious…and many atrocious attributions as my identity could be conniving evil desire implemented by sycophants to win favor.  Again not without consequences to such criminal engagement.

Human decency and civility that are expected to be commonly demonstrated in mutual respect and acknowledgment of equal rights upon being deliberately ignored and violated will be dealt with accordingly until the lunacy and insanity of identity swap or misrepresentation is abandoned for good.

If you can’t and won’t treat others the way you want to be treated such as referring to the original legal name of the person unlike the opposite assigning and determining identity to satisfy evil imposition of own choice to be accepted as the norm, you classify yourself not human but demon ruling such mindset. 

Needless to say, unpleasant and undesirable ramifications are inevitable to such classification.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


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