Farewell Violent Decadent Politics

December 31, 2023


Violent Decadent Politics

Padmini Arhant

The world run by politics surrendered to treason, evil actions, violence, greed, power mongering, cronyism, identity politics, prejudice, hatred, mass deception, propaganda, diverse narcissism is responsible for status quo.

The political decadence in utter disregard for human lives, rights, home, space, territory are overrun with perversions and brute indulgence.

The writing is on the wall confirming the end of cultural moral human degradation predominantly represented by politics facing imminent termination. The trend conforms to anything destructive as unsustainable with inevitable dissipation.

The problem is politics unfortunately headed by obsession with power despite dismal track record and disastrous performance. The desire to be seated in power on permanent basis is aided by shenanigans and shady deals at the expense of the nation and citizens at large.

Politics flouting rules and responsibility is the norm. The political crimes including abuse of power is evaded with immunity holding members above law while applying the same exceeding fullest extent against those regarded opponents and the rest of the law abiding in society.

War is waged to deflect domestic attention on personal political scandals, subversion of democracy besides failed governance reflected in bad economy and public dissatisfaction in all matter.

The war crimes committed in the course viz. genocide and the true holocaust citing the so-called self-defense are normalized as entitlement.

Such politics reining control is equivalent to the fox guarding the chickens den with false assurance as the only trustworthy guardian in absolute denial of reality.

The political environment is toxic entrenched in corruption, criminality and on the precipice with resistance to peace, reason and rationality in the contemporary turbulence period.

Accordingly, bidding farewell to politics in turmoil in the out with all things counterproductive negative  and in with recognition of individual liberty, national sovereignty, territorial integrity, self-determination and equal opportunity barring selectiveness is the only way to experience normal existence.

Good riddance unruly, mob, perverse, violent decadent politics wreaking havoc.

Padmini Arhant




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