Evil Imminent End

January 26, 2024

Evil Imminent End

Padmini Arhant

Emphatic TRUTH:

Those assuming and defiantly remaining in power on the delusion they are indispensable and that the nation and the world would collapse upon their exit or removal from power are enlightened with emphatic truth. 

Any leadership as the head of the state claim and believe they are irreplaceable and hence lifetime position is justifiable admittedly declare their individual incompetence and colossal failure to generate talent, leadership qualities, thinkers, visionaries and diverse contributions towards collective progress, development and prosperity.

The status quo is synonymous to a teacher with students failing to meet standard requirements to survive and succeed in life in the former objective to retain the job for lifetime. The paradoxical scenario obstructs new enrollment by detaining / failing entire class for personal interest.

The condition then attributed to the one heading the class as the only one capable and suitable for the position despite results revealing otherwise. 

Padmini Arhant 


1. Who should be helped anytime in life?

A. Dog in difficulty. ☑️

B. Sleazy uncouth ungrateful exploitative politics seeking power only turn around and show true colors black or white regardless.👎

2. What is the indicator of poor economic growth?

A. Export domestic labor force overseas with unemployment at 8 – 10% or more in national economy.

B. Imports at all time high. Inflation, Interest and Income tax at peak.

C. Per capita income is all time low.

D. Significantly behind in the global poverty index than other developing nations in the region.

E. All of the above. ☑️

3. What is fake glory?

A. The quid pro quo bribe with economic and monetary transactions for glorification in public. ☑️

B. Performance exemplified with modesty.

4. What kind of politics endanger national interests?

A. Coup d’é·tat, corruption, criminality, lack of transparency and accountability, extension of power by any means and at all costs jeopardizing republic status and democracy.☑️

B. Acknowledge own failure and aid able and reliable replacement.

5. What is true leadership?

A. Create leaders among general population on merit barring cronyism.☑️

B. Respect term limits in office and facilitate peaceful efficient succession of power.☑️

C. Deny opportunity to talented and potential prospects.

D. Promote violence, exploit social and religious aspects, polarization of society for political gains.

E. Never seize or claim anything that does not belong or apply to self i.e. hijack identity.☑️

F. Servile to oligarchy, special interests and obedient to evil diktat.

G. Tolerance to free speech and basic constitutional rights. ☑️

H. Accept constructive criticism gracefully without acrimony and political vendetta.☑️

Padmini Arhant 


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