Evil Funeral

March 1, 2024

Evil Funeral

Padmini Arhant

Scoundrel Kavodhi Funeral

(Video Presentation in Hindi Language)

The subject in the video – name – Kavodhi

Place of Birth – Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Date of Birth – September 17, 1950

Father’s Name – Unknown

Marital Status – Polygamist

Offspring – None due to ED

Language – Teleprompter

Occupation – Corruption, Criminality, Massacre, Communal Violence, Provocation, Perversion, Radical Fundamentalist, Authoritarian abuse of power.

Expiry Date – September 17, 2003

The following message is also applicable to every autocratic lunatic abusing politics and political power holding democracy under siege and leaving the republic in such democracy, the oppressed prisoners of 21st century Fascism.

Is it surprising that the one having mastered the art of homicide in practice throughout his life to get where he wants and comfortably evolved into cannibal and terror sponsor. Then sooner degraded to behind the scene chief operative in genocide rushing to rescue his alter ego ditto in character and sins upon the latter convicted of communal violence related pogrom in political tenure?

The evil duopoly play the race and religion card for survival in evil swamp.

While the one obsessed with skin pigmentation specifically the melanin though having murdered many among own race, the other exploit religion of the majority in his domain despite him not belonging to that religion prompted by vindictiveness are the mirror reflection of each other confronted with appropriate karmic effects of their sinful violent embarrassing legacy in living and thereafter.

The evil duopoly together corral behind similar types in political circumference.

Attention: Fascist  Genocider

You neither have any right nor the authority over individual or content published in locations outside of your jurisdiction as this is not the first time you have violated free speech rights of foreign citizen. 

Your wanton provocation, sleazy intervention and intrusion in personal life of others and that of sovereign nations as your megalomaniacal privilege is your delusion that needs to be abandoned in your limited life span’s interest.

This ain’t your Gujarat back alley for you to flex your rogue hooligan hoodlum tactics.

Your time was up long ago and your bruised ego is evidently expediting your long overdue exit.

You better not indulge in such intrusive indecent impropriety for the sake of the country India, you claim to represent with 1.5 billion citizenry held hostage to your authoritarian diktat and brute mobocracy fraudulently declared the world’s largest democracy.

Padmini Arhant 




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