Evil Extinction

September 29, 2023

Evil Extinction

Padmini Arhant

Evil forces trepidation on imminent termination and extinction is expected considering the treacherous havoc, catastrophe and monstrosity wherever possible exhausted catapulting demise.

Evil, the prisoner of guilt, greed, gross violence and violations confronted with expiration headed towards undesirable destination upon departure from the world in a way is return to original abode.

Having created hell on earth from nostalgia for native environment, the evil’s resistance to exit is in vain.

Evil attracting hooligans, hoodlums, heretics and other demonic traits’ as representatives are natural instincts.

The evil represented by rogue murderous corrupt treasonous regimes are wilder and grotesque than the beasts the evil is disguised as leading the entire evil clan to an abyss and eternal peril denied redemption and salvation whatsoever.

The fatalistic self-annihilation is self-inflicted through Karmic backlash that none escape from ever.

Evil extinction would free the world from carnage and calamity that evil via puppets have unleashed on earth.

The evil era conclusion and ex-termination is a certainty marking the end of evil’s savagery and beastly existence.

What evil sow is what evil reaps – rotting in hell for eons along with accomplices and crony minions buttressing evil in any shape and format having surrendered to evil diktat.

Evil never prevailed at any time nor will ever in the present or future.

Padmini Arhant


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