Egypt Political Development

February 14, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Egypt interim government under Army rule has taken significant actions with Parliament dissolution and Constitution suspension in accordance with civilian pro-democracy requests.

Further, the caretaker military authority has vowed to organize a committee for constitutional reform with Egyptian electorate participation through referendum and subsequently prepare the nation for a free and fair democratic election.

The military command pledge to honor peace treaty with Israel and other nations for international security is praiseworthy.

These measures and intentions to lead the nation on a democratic path are extremely important and necessary to expedite orderly political transition from military to civilian rule.

However, the cabinet retained from previous government is a matter of concern for a decent majority of revolution with skepticism on the predecessor loyalists’ attempt to revive undemocratic governance as reported in Tunisia.

It would be reassuring to those members if such arrangement is strictly for transitional purpose with the general election expected to be held within six months or upon stabilizing political situation in a reasonable time frame sooner than later allowing fresh ideas and talent reflecting mainstream potential towards self-governance.

The Army clarification on the precise role in the transfer of power recently demonstrated with two crucial political steps are encouraging and addressing other issues such as release of all political dissidents along with lifting the state of emergency would exemplify similar democratic trends.

Additionally the military effort to redeploy police force to maintain law and order is an absolute requirement and again the public valid expectation in this regard to eliminate security personnel involved in instigated violence during political uprising would prevent any tensions between previous administration sympathizers and main street.

Essentially the departure of representatives associated with past regime at every level would prove the fundamental change for real democracy.

The military initiatives in acknowledgment of citizens’ proposals are positive steps and momentum in implementing outlined policies would restore political stability imperative for economic recovery.

Citizens’ involvement in government formation would be the preliminary aspect of nation building.

There are many challenges ahead nonetheless like stated earlier solidarity within society would ease the burden as witnessed in the revolution triumph over repression.

Egypt democracy is a test for the republic and the incumbent military power. The army’s conciliatory response thus far is promising and the revolution cautiously monitors the progress with an ultimate goal for civilian rule.

The economic development is equally a priority while remaining focused on political restructuring for the vast population deprived of basic living standards justifiably need assistance with jobs and promoting the strongest areas of the economy like tourism, agriculture, industrial, service sectors as well as academia would enhance the desirable growth.

It is evident from the successful revolution in Tunisia and Egypt with a ripple effect on other parts of the Arab world that the political freedom quest can no longer be suppressed for the people power is defiant and determined to prevail over decades of oppression leading to dire economic straits.

Egypt and Tunisia serve as a model in the liberation movement committed to peace and non-violence.

Now it’s time for them to display their ability in achieving meaningful democracy beneficial to all and not just the privileged groups in the society.

Your remarkable victory in ending authoritarianism is the foundation for realizing all other political and economic dreams.

Good Luck! To fellow citizens in Egypt, Tunisia…for a great new beginning.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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