Egypt – Republic Revolution for Democracy

January 30, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Yet another country in North Africa is confronted with republic revolution against tyranny and oppression.

Egypt – the Pharaoh land has remained so until now with autocratic rule since declaration as the republic on July 18, 1953.

The systemic abuse of power and corruption in the political system has been endured by the 80 million people without any representation in governance.

Uprising in the past has been successfully quelled with violence by the security forces including intimidation through military presence in civilian zone – the standard practice of all repressive regimes in pro-democracy peaceful protest.

The political freedom struggle is never without sacrifice especially against totalitarian government emboldened by strong diplomatic and strategic relationships with powerful ‘democracies’ advising the embattled ally to contain the uprising and not called for renunciation of power due to vested interests.

Besides Egypt military funded with U.S aid in billions of dollars is believed to exert authority in power sharing with the unpopular government.

Egypt following Tunisia – triumphant in ousting the dictatorial power has suffered casualties reportedly around 100 in the past five days only expected to rise considering the incumbent political maneuvering to stay in power against republic will.

President Hosni Mubarak in a frantic effort to salvage the situation is reported to have appointed former intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman as the Vice President after 30 years vacuum and ex-aviation Minister Ahmed Shafiq as Prime Minister despite public rejection of the extemporaneous political decisions.

Further claims are the administration sought cabinet’s official resignation to prove the transitionary measures again not conforming to citizens’ demand seeking President Hosni Mubarak and affiliates removal from office.

Meanwhile curfew is imposed in major cities – Cairo, Alexandria, Suez…with communication sources shut down to restrict information flow on the ongoing political turmoil.

As for United States foreign policy in the latest political events around the world – it has been forthright in defending Southern Sudan secession with Abyei the disputed border territory between North and South Sudan remaining unresolved and contentious in the political quagmire predicted to trigger tribal confrontations.

Lebanon recent political stalemate leading to the government collapse attributed to United States prompted Special Tribunal for Lebanon against adversary Hezbollah on the alleged involvement in the Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri assassination in 2005.

In contrast – Sudanese President Omar Bashir indicted by International Criminal Court for genocide in the prolonged civil war is least affected in the U.S quest for justice and continues to rein control over Africa’s largest nation now polarized with inevitable disintegration within having continental impact in the near future.

These political transformations around Egypt with Tunisia liberated through people power inspiring others in similar authoritative environment to implement fundamental change only possible through real democracy – the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

It is clear that democracy in Egypt and elsewhere can no longer be determined by the privileged members in the global society.

Defiance in this regard could exacerbate the political crisis resulting in more civilian casualties and possible destruction of world’s cherished treasures notwithstanding the rich cultural heritage in the land of ancient civilization.

Hence President Hosni Mubarak is urged to honor the mass request to gracefully step down from office and allow the democratic process to take place peacefully in accordance with national constitution.

People of Egypt have a greater responsibility to maintain non-violence and peace in their political pursuit for individual liberty and inalienable human rights.

The parties responsible for looting and vandalism referred to as anarchy in the news reports are not verifiable at this present time.

However, Tunisia had similar incidents and the government resistance forces were not ruled out in the crime and clarified as an attempt to portray the dissenters as offenders.

Nonetheless citizens can achieve their long desired goals for meaningful democracy without compromising on civility during demonstration and defend lives as well as national property in the historic liberation cause.

Egypt synonymous to any other nation is not devoid of intellectual talent, courage, integrity and selfless sacrifice required to lead the imminent democracy in the new beginning.

The democratic leader will be the one pledged to promote unity, secularism without hierarchy, social equality, political opportunity and economic progress for all.

Furthermore, Egypt will be an exemplary peace mediator in the Middle East and North Africa upon becoming a democratic nation under progressive leadership committed to universal peace and prosperity.

People in Egypt are close to realizing their dream for democracy and therefore extremely important to ensure the absence of nationalism and foreign intrusion in their political choice to eliminate the puppet figure perception among the disenfranchised population in the region.

National security rests on the current leadership in accepting the reality with people mobilization resilient to end President Hosni Mubarak era.

The armed forces engagement on the ground for reasons other than enforcing law and order would confirm the inconspicuous means to suppress the peaceful democratic movement in modern Egypt.

Likewise internal and external influences favoring the undemocratic government extension would be self-detrimental and foment anti-sentiments evolving into potential global threats.

There is tremendous hope for democracy to emerge in the transcontinental nation – Egypt with people power prevailing against the political establishment leaning towards dynastic rule in the twenty first century.

The government interim actions to sustain control over the unanimous call for the head of the state departure is counterproductive and instead conciliatory response would ease tension to enable smooth political exit.

Democracy in Egypt would facilitate peace in the Middle East deprived of political freedom and social justice contributing to economic disparity.

Invasion and occupation along with complacency to any political rule but democracy in the region has engendered terrorism and militancy used as the premise for incessant warfare.

Egypt is poised to experience political freedom in semblance to contemporary democracy and deserves international support in the extraordinary humanitarian challenge.

Birth of a nation or a paradigm shift in political concept could be expedited with global empathy exemplified in the coordinated political activity.

People in Egypt must keep their spirits high and aim for the positive outcome i.e. republic governance.

Best Wishes and Good Luck to all citizens in Egypt for a magnificent victory in the political strife for peaceful democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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