COVID-19 Relief Package

December 24, 2020

COVID-19 Relief 


Padmini Arhant 

Congress in the House and Senate are required to prioritize American families and Small businesses over foreign nations. The pandemic related indefinite lockdowns have caused excruciating economic conditions crippling survival.  Many retail businesses and restaurants are permanently shut down due to ravaging health and economic effects from the pandemic.

In these situations, the political and judiciary backing Beijing quid pro quo Presidential candidacy unequivocally harm the nation.

The egregious decision bowing to Beijing promoting Beijing candidacy to the White House rather than holding China CCP accountable for pandemic disaster is the irony.

The personal and vested interests overriding national interest in this regard defy reason and constitutional obligation.  Not to mention the position reflecting treason.

Congress failure to pass desperately urgent stimulus package without contingent on foreign aid is tragic and confirms political reality. The procrastination alludes to American tax payers funded United States legislative branch betrayal in every respect.

Furthermore, the stimulus package rested on foreign welfare hinder prospects to much needed domestic economic recovery.

Congress agreement to $2000 stimulus relief is welcome. However, the political wrangling over pork spending and philanthropy to foreign governments cannot be tied to American families plight.

Charity begins at home prior to extending financial aid to foreign nations.

It’s important to keep own house in order before distribution of American tax payers funds offshore.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 



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