Gaza War – Confirmation of Crime

November 13, 2023

Gaza War

Confirmation of Crime

Padmini Arhant

USS Liberty air raid by Israel in 1967 reference on Veterans Day / Armistice Day November 13, 2023 is not far fetched compared to holocaust 1933 -1945 nearly three decades prior to USS Liberty attack referenced throughout the remaining twentieth and into twenty first century as a reminder to the old and new generations.

Notwithstanding, the state of Israel since establishment in 1948 has assumed the victimizer (Nazi) role against Palestinians and vigorously exhibited now.

Furthermore, the contentious occupation and colonization of Palestine by Israel is set in Old Testament and Biblical timeline leaving any other references as no match to citation stuck in BCE or B.C.

Israel and United States justifying bombing of hospitals, schools, residential buildings, mosques and entire civilian population area with children among other civilians exceeding disproportionate casualty in the month long warfare is premised on the aggressors’ allegation against Hamas integration with citizens in Gaza.

Does this mean, the same would apply to Israel’s IDF indiscriminate shooting of own Israeli citizens on October 7, confirmed by released Israeli hostage and eyewitness accounts on the IDF assumption of aiming Hamas ended up killing own Israeli public over 1000 of them?

Those representing the aggressor Israel and coalition blaming Gaza civilians for not coming forward with their arms raised above like prisoners of war and surrender to Israel identifying themselves as not Hamas members which otherwise stated as blanket presumption on all civilians as Hamas representatives in the war zone is a far cry.

Not that would make a difference in relentless air strikes as experienced in deadly attack launching torpedo on USS Liberty in 1967 with United States Flag on the mast and Israel repeatedly informed by USS Liberty Captain and crew that they were attacking the United States naval base, the only Naval ship sailing on the sea at that time, evidently did not matter resulting in American naval fatalities in that fateful assault.

With an established pattern by Israel, the October 7 attack on Israeli citizens raise the necessary question on IDF arbitrary engagement prior to ensuring safety and security of Israeli public in their retaliation against Hamas mirrored in the Gaza war ignoring civilian lives at an alarming rate much to international public outcry and condemnation.

These actions are based on guilty yet will never accept responsibility for the ongoing slaughter similar to USS Liberty massacre.

In prioritizing United States – Israel relation despite the latter continuous violations not barring the killing of  United States defense personnel and civilians in foreign shores, the tolerance to criminality is in epic proportion desensitized to ethical and moral obligations towards own service members and innocent children, women and vulnerable citizens in the targeted foreign territory.

Independent international investigation allowing Israeli citizens as survivors and hostage victims’ statements without coercion in the probe is important for free and fair inquiry.

Regardless, the incessant shelling of Gaza targeting children, women and families rejecting ceasefire call from the global citizens is declaration of willful genocide in defiance of humanitarian and international law applicable to all including the military warfare by Israel against children of Palestine. 

Padmini Arhant

Jewish Dominance – Denial of Reality

November 8, 2023

Jewish Dominance

Denial of Reality

The Jew Factor 

Padmini Arhant

The United States of America and the American economy since industrialization until now was and continue to be built by immigrants from all over the world.

The diversity in eclectic contributions of skills, talent, ingenuity, uniqueness, expertise, hard labor…among myriad ordinary to extraordinary representation as the workforce from rock bottom to the top reflected in phenomenal success of corporations enabling the coveted empire status is the bedrock of the long sustained wealthy American economy.

In the irrefutable backdrop with above outlined foundation defining the United States economy,

The selective disproportionate hyperbole recognition of demography viz. the immigrant jews from western and Eastern Europe upon expulsion and forced exile from their place of residence predominantly Europe in the wake of holocaust parallel to imposed displacement of Palestinians from their homeland since 1948 via Israeli illegal colonization and occupation of Palestinian territories executed through military aggression until right now merit due attention and fair appropriation.

The immigrant Jews from Europe emergence from rags to riches is again not only applicable to them as there are many immigrants from other parts of the world as economic or political refugees including any other reason share similar experience upon their arrival in the land of opportunity – the United States of America.

The wealth replacing people viz. the electorate in influencing politics is an unfortunate evolution in any political system not barring the so-called democracy anywhere.

In fact, politics is representative of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy – deviation from the definition of real democracy meant to be the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Among the super wealthy, the Jewish dominance initially in western politics – the United States and Britain in particular besides others only having become extensive over a period of time is evidenced in the following political norm.

The British colonial rulers initiated Balfour declaration brokered with Jewish Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild in Britain set the motion for the state of Israel in Palestine.

Ironically, the Rothschilds then somehow could not disavow ties with the British colonialists based on the latter descendency and close relations with Nazis behind the Jewish holocaust all along alluding to complicity in quid pro quo between wealth and politics taking priority over Jewish persecution.

Since then the Jewish trillionaire and multi-billionaire league from Rothschild to Rockefeller and the likes of George Soros extended into prominent names in the economic sector such as the Goldman Sachs, Abram Pritzker, the Fishers and Microsoft’s Bill Gates among others of Jewish origin wield enormous clout and control over American politics, economy, entertainment, media, hospitality industry and anything and everything combined in the commerce trade and politics.

The powerful Jewish lobby in the United States through organizations like the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and several other overt and covert lobby firms representing Jewish political and economic goals especially those promoting the Zionist ideology is documented event and tradition.

To begin with – the private entity Federal Reserve in the United States as the monetary authority is entirely on Jewish oversight and operation.

The United States treasury is by-and-large governed by members of Jewish descent.  Likewise the Britain’s ex-chequer is not abstinent of Jewish shadow in alignment with Rothschild controlling the Bank of England assertion –

Nathan Mayer Rothschild  – “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets.”

The sun never setting on the empire regardless of any is rather presumptuous miscalculation and proved otherwise.

The judiciary – United States Supreme Court is also traditionally represented by pro-Israeli Jewish justices and the same in government appointed members in circuit and appellate court system.

In other affairs;

The topic with no reference to the Jewish patriarch and lifetime active influential force behind the secret society – none other than the former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger would be devoid of critical information.

The former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger role in the global political landscape carved and maneuvered  to suit the agenda and objectives of the concerned members of Jewish origin produced tumult, turbulence and turmoil in the near and far destinations of the world.

In this context, another political official of Jewish background responsible for the creation of al-Qaeda, the terror network leader Osama Bin Laden and Taliban in Afghanistan is the former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, also known for maintaining the secret society culture as leading member against the free world doctrine and open society barring secrecy, conspiracy aimed at supremacy.

In the twenty first century: The neoconservative Washington movement spearheaded the Zionist and neocon ambitions elaborated in the Project for New American Century (PNAC) by the Professor Leo Strauss from the University of Chicago to advance the cause in utter disregard for inevitable devastation and catastrophe that unfolded in the event fruition.

Case in point – the Project for New American Century (PNAC) was to seize control over the oil-rich nations listed in the ominous project together facilitating Zionist long espoused aspiration for the Greater Israel in the Middle East, the ideology having nothing to do with the United States and the republic.

Yet the project was implemented using the United States experiencing 9/11 terror attack in 2001 which in return served as the pretext for knocking down the targeted nations by two administrations in succession – the Bush – Cheney between 2001 – 2008 and exponentially exceeded in violence and carpet bombing of nations by the Obama – Biden administrations throughout 2009 – 2016 and resumed by the pair in 2022 – 2023 in Ukraine and Gaza right now.

The Jewish connection in politics is not limited to business contractual dealings via lobby firms, it surpasses beyond that with every Presidential and high profile candidacy seeking office and positions are either personally or have the next of kin / progeny married to a Jew negating the co-incidence possibility.

The former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s son-in-law is a Jew.

The ex-Vice President Al Gore VP was the Jewish rabbi Joe Lieberman in 2000 U.S. Presidential election against then Republican contender George W.Bush.

The 2016 Republican President Donald J. Trump’s son-in-law is a Jew.

The Barack Obama and partner Michelle Obama claimed to have long lost relation – the latter’s uncle as a rabbi from the Jewish religion that certainly won acknowledgment in the otherwise dismal Presidential prospects in 2008 and re-election in 2012.

Fast forward to the current Vice President Kamala Harris Emhoff – the Jewish partnership preceding just before the selection for VP position in the Biden administration.

In Britain – the Jewish embedment in British politics and within Royalty is a long held practice. More so confirmed in the controversial present Britain’s Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s tying the knots with Jewish member in 2017 catapulting the opportunity to the present post in British government is yet another example.

In the non-western political front, the former cricketer and Prime Minister of Pakistan – Imran Khan’s nuptial knots with the daughter of Jewish British multi-billionaire received approval from the incognito forces in Britain having clout over global politics and economy.

These are few among many such inter-links between politics and Jewish members in the super-rich club exerting authority on all important matter.

Not to mention, Hollywood representation of Jewish campaigns now infiltrated into crony Indian cinema, media and sycophant politics is international footprint in the ongoing monopoly.

As for the massive Jewish propoganda paradoxically emulating Adolf Hitler’s dissemination policy against targets as anti-semetism involved in advocacy of Jewish permeation in the U.S.economic sector are not without omissions and hidden facts.

For instance, in the course of overwhelming complimenting of Goldman Sachs as the behemoth in the financial industry, the narrative neglecting significant financial losses and liabilities caused by Goldman Sachs’ notably unscrupulous deployments in the hedge fund fiasco, sub-prime mortgage securities bundled with toxic add-ons resulting in global economic meltdown severely affecting the U.S. financial markets and economy is significant in financial market collapse.

The egregious decisions led by Goldman Sachs and counterparts prompting public taxpayer bailout of financial industry – with then Bush-Cheney administration along with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson ( Paul Hank) in 2008 stating the situation as do or die predicament is a memorable legacy.

Goldman Sachs defaults reached across the Mediterranean to the Greece economy expediting financial insolvency to near irreversible state in 2009 and thereafter.

The bond sales by Goldman Sachs in 14 countries with the Southeast Asian nation – Malaysia filing charges in 2018 against the financial firm as misleading investors are further damages and financial liabilities inflicted upon the global markets by the widespread Goldman Sachs debacles.

Above all, the Microsoft associated billionaire Bill Gates of Jewish origin and Melinda Gates of the Gates Foundation direct investment along with other investors in the bio-engineered virulent SARS (COV2) experiment in Wuhan virology institute, China triggering the global pandemic as the Corona virus consuming millions of lives world over is historic health disaster.

As such the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation contentious endeavors in agriculture economy has driven farmers to bankruptcy and committing suicide in the United States, emerging and developing economies around the world.

Yet none of these serious crimes ever held accountable with political impunity across the spectrum.

In essence, the present intensive publicity for Jewish pervasive impact in shaping American economy as exclusive although the wealth distribution and concentration until now is held within family and insular network of Jewish orientation.

Accordingly implying the justification of American taxpayers indefinite financial, economic and military aid to the Jewish State of Israel in the far away Middle East is unreasonable and unsustainable precedence at the vast American taxpayers’ expense.

The Jewish wealthy entrepreneurs and power brokers entitlement to unilateral determination of United States politics, foreign policy and decision-making on warfare for Israel’s domestic and geopolitical interests shed light on the incontrovertible reality on Jewish dominance in western and global politics.

Not to mention the analogy reminding the proponents in this regard that –

Almighty God as the creator of the universe of which the planet earth with immense natural endowments and landmass is meant for all living species’ inhabitation and life sustenance in their native habitat and homeland.

The covenant is universal rejecting exceptionalism and prohibiting human mandated exclusions in deprivation of life sources such as water, food, fuel, electricity etc., to human population underway in Gaza at the moment, with contagion effects on other species and environment due to irrational political will in defiance of reasoning faculty.

Such violations bear severe ramifications and never in favor of willful transgressors abusing the power misinterpreted as ultimate authority.

The permanent ceasefire with humanitarian assistance and restoration of all facilities in Gaza averting delay to save lives is the urgent need of the hour.

The Palestinian statehood and independent Palestine is the priority for regional and global peace and security.

Padmini Arhant 

Israel And Coalition Genocide of Civilians in Gaza

November 6, 2023

Israel And Coalition Genocide of Civilians in Gaza

Padmini Arhant 

UNGA Vote on October 27, 2023 on Gaza ceasefire calling for Humanitarian truce i.e. ceasefire and humanitarian assistance: 

120 countries YES,

13 nations – NO – led by the United States, Austria (Adolf Hitler’s birth place) and the rest from South Pacific Islands – obviously coalesced with such decision given their minority status.

The worst of all 45 abstentions – Germany and remaining EU members, Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan, India…exhibiting impotence in political will to save children, women and innocent civilians besides help to heal the wounded and rescue the dying in Gaza.

What good is any power that cannot refrain from violence, military aggression producing mass graves and Death Valley?

Abstention is political expediency exposing cowardice lacking integrity to take a stance one way or another. Such positions are the worst in betrayal of trust against either side.

Padmini Arhant 

Man opposes and Almighty God disposes. 

Almighty God will always prevail over evil. 

The video below is now made available on this site.

Padmini Arhant

: The supposedly social media and publicly owned Google Alphabet Company showing true colors of western hypocrisy.

FYIYouTube – The divine mission never use ads on the site or in the video content.

The non-commercialized humanitarian service unlike yours is divinely committed to humanity service in the battle against evil. 


Padmini Arhant 


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Fascists under the guise of democracy

The restriction and prohibition of free flow of factual information to the public in fear of exposure of ground reality is classic FASCISM.

Fascism hopelessly rely on authoritative control over information deploying unscrupulous tactics and unethical practice of prejudice depriving public access to diverse sources and content. 

The undemocratic unlawful censorship and cancel culture is the epitome of FASCISM going wild inviting tumult and peril upon selves and all those in collusion and complicity in the blatant assault on FREE SPEECH – the first amendment constitutional right defining democracy. 

The collaborators’ paranoia is the harbinger of FASCISM demise having reached the ultimate abuse of power and draconian policy leading the collective league towards decadence and decline. 

All FASCISTS meet similar fate of downfall and imminent extinction without exception. 

Padmini Arhant 

The video presentation on the content to follow momentarily.

The video will be made available on this site besides youtube shortly. Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant




United States – Democrats’ War Policy

November 3, 2023

United States

Democrats’ War Policy

Padmini Arhant

The Democrat political party in the United States exceeded their rival Republican Party in the previous century in Vietnam war initiated by then President John F Kennedy and propelled by the successor President Lyndon B. Johnson.

The former President Jimmy Carter’s legacy tainted citing Iran hostage crisis in foreign policy and worst economy similar to contemporary Bidenomics – the 3I’s viz. skyrocketing inflation, interest rates and income tax affecting consumer basic affordability.

Nevertheless, President Jimmy Carter administration’s footprint in South East Asia viz. Indonesia during the military dictatorship of Suharto’s violent invasion of East Timor is hardly known fact.

The Carter administration along with western allies sporting monicker – the U.S. lap dogs until date Britain and Australia backed the Indonesian dictatorial Suharto regime and aided in the massacre of 100,000 or more civilians in East Timor and participated as cheerleaders in the brutality of Suharto human rights violations against population in East Timor, an island of Timor on either side of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

The United States and western alliance funded and militarily backed Suharto government atrocities in Indonesia and East Timor is long remembered by victims of worst humanitarian crimes in that domain.

The Carter administration’s then National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski pioneered the terror network al-Qaeda in the course of training the mujahideens in Afghanistan to end Soviet occupation. The process also included the later turned al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia trained and regarded the high value asset of the American CIA. The emergence of Taliban is also the by-product of radicalized mujahideens in Afghanistan. 

Under President Bill Clinton, the balkanization of Yugoslavia and the rest of Eastern Europe with Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovak with the prominent one being the Kosovo wars involving NATO intervention with carpet bombing of Belgrade, Yugoslavia killing civilians and leveling buildings in business centers are episodes of typical Superpower syndrome repeated currently in Gaza and Ukraine.

However, the ethnic cleansing of Bosnians resulting in mass graves of Bosnian Muslims in the aftermath of Bosnia and Herzegovina breakup from Serbian control is a gruesome remnant of Yugoslavia disintegration.

The Clintons influence in Haiti in the western hemisphere has been deadlier for the Haitian politics and the population. The situation further exacerbated by successors ex-President George W.Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney ousting the first democratically elected Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in the United States authorized 2004 coup d’état post-midnight with then elected Haitian leadership Jean-Bertrand Aristide in sleepwear forced into exile to South Africa.

In 2009, the Democrat administration led by the so-called  hope and change Presidency of Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden avowed to complete the unfinished task of the predecessor Republican President George W.Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney war assignments related to Project for New American Century (PNAC) setting the stage for 9/11 terror attack on American soil.

The 9/11 event then serving the long espoused and desired military invasion of endless list of oil-rich nations in the Middle East, North and NorthEastern Africa commenced with Republican Bush-Cheney administration and carried out in full swing under the Democrat Obama-Biden stewardship resuming the trend in the ongoing Gaza and Ukraine wars in 2023 as Biden-Obama war game.

The Democrat administration of Obama – Biden between 2009 – 2016 demonstrably surpassed predecessors in decimation and destruction of nations, innocent civilian lives besides creating terror outfits like IS, ISIS, Al Nusra front and various terror factions in Syria, Libya and spreading across the region. Among these eclectic activities, the sponsoring of cannibalism tops the chart in Obama-Biden track record.

The much touted hope and change Presidency of Barack Obama taunted then Republican opponent John McCain of potentially prolonging the Bush-Cheney era upon being elected to office with the political slogan – more of the same in the smear campaign ads and amplified the message of ending wars in the world.

The hope and change Presidency of Barack Obama was incentivized with the Nobel Peace Prize even prior to assuming the Presidential responsibility in 2009.

The recipient Barack Obama Presidency responded to that acclaim in surpassing the previous office bearers – Bush-Cheney carnage and catastrophe exhibiting military might and relentless bombardment like the one in Gaza and Ukraine right now.

Under the democrat Presidency of Barack Obama, the NATO – US military operations intensified in Afghanistan, the supposedly Arab Spring instead of full bloom flora and fauna inflicted full blown shelling, air strikes and nuclear component laden missiles in all targeted destinations worldwide.

The Barack Obama Presidency earned the coveted title ‘The Drone King’ due to passionate penchant for drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia and establishing drone base in South American Colombia unleashing new wave technology and military armament on the developing nations as economic resources enriched regions of the world.

The drone assaults under Barack Obama Presidency was pursued in a manner like video game simulation with reality unfolding on the grounds in violence showered on vulnerable victims fleeing for their lives from the humble dwellings in Afghanistan, Pakistan and locations of aggressors’ choice.

The accomplice in the sadistic thrill also involved Britain’s Royalty – Harry together with Obama chasing children, women and elderly from their make-shift inhabitation in Afghanistan via merciless drone attacks, the series of violent transgressions comprise the paradoxical hope and change trajectory.

The Barack Obama Presidency never shied away from land mines and IED s – the improvised explosive devices, the existential threat to lives in developing nations with innocent children and adults losing lives and / or their limbs and body parts leading to amputation from explosives beneath soil in the battle grounds. The Obama administration had the opportunity to ban the use of land mines and IEDs in 2010 instead let the deployment active much to all living beings detriment.  

The Barack Obama Presidency unprecedented misogynistic unseating and systematic elimination of women leaderships and women headed governments in South and South-East Asia, Latin America, Europe, Australia, Eastern Europe except Africa unravel latent misogyny and selective prejudice against the opposite gender.

Notwithstanding the Barack Obama Presidency apathy declining the former Nigerian President Jonathan Goodluck’s plea during personal visit to the White House for United States assistance in freeing the Nigerian girl students held hostage by the terror group Boko Haram further explained the status quo towards female population by the hope and change Presidency.

Above all, the Barack Obama candidacy in the tough re-election bid in 2012 despite the hoax Abbottabad mission in Pakistan claiming the administration authorized assassination of the long deceased al-Qaeda leader- Osama Bin Laden, the dismal prospects for Barack Obama Presidency evidenced in 2010 shellacking experienced by democrats in the mid-term and gubernatorial election under his leadership prompted desperate action.

The 2012 re-election of Barack Obama Presidency entailed the militarization of the African continent by the military industrial complex, the deal deemed not politically expedient under earlier successive white Presidency in the White House.

The first black Presidency behind the African continent militarization objective posed no resistance from the African Union easing the establishment of the military industrial complex pervasive occupation.

In the rapid escalation of military intrusions in the second term of Barack Obama Presidency, the otherwise difficult bifurcation of the largest African oil-rich nation Sudan was split dragging the citizens in Sudan and South Sudan into persistent political turmoil continued till date.

The Barack Obama Presidency with Vice President Joe Biden marred with military, economic, cyber and environment disasters. Not to mention the blood river flowing throughout the Middle East, North Africa and other regions is legendary in the context of the hope and change vision resulting in miserable contradiction.

The Republican President Donald Trump Presidency obliging United States war policy in favorite destinations such as Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Israel’s war against Iran was minimally focused owing to Donald J. Trump Presidency internal warfare waged by democrats extended well and beyond 2016 into 2023 and perhaps longer.

The democrats confining the Trump administration to battle the onslaught citing 2016 alleged Russian collusion expending taxpayer dollars in millions in Robert Mueller Committee and series of impeachment proceedings brought against the Donald Trump Presidency restricted the administration to spare time for the routine United States military excursions offshore.

Subsequently, the COVID global pandemic substituted military warfare with bio-war achieving explosive population reduction satisfying globalists agenda yielding bonanza for profiteers in the bio-engineered virus proven windfall at the pandemic victims’ death, devastation and endless health malady.

Fast forward 2021 – 2023 – the extension of Obama Presidency as Biden – Obama administration financing two wars – Ukraine and Gaza is least surprising.

Neither wars i.e. Gaza nor Ukraine are United States wars and they are fought with American tax dollars, military aid and much more on behalf of Israel against Gaza and Europe especially the rich state Germany against Russia’ draining American taxpayers and the U.S. economy.

Both Israel and Western Europe are habitual of extracting the most out of  American taxpayers for their individual political aspirations and the so-called regional security with Americans funding their wars and financing NATO for Western Europe alongside the latter continuation of energy flow from the warring Russia. 

The politics’ distraction strategy from worst economy with soaring inflation, interest rates and income taxes as highlighted above is to divert public attention to foreign base rejecting the global economic ramifications from constant wars as the custom with utter disregard for human lives, livelihoods, the population present and future existence. 

There is no doubt, the western war policy disguised as democratization in the past and present century is instrumental in demolition of democracy worldwide proved in the violent overthrow of democratically elected governments and leaderships replaced with despots authoritarian fundamentalist governance obsequious to western hegemonic goals and supremacy.

The western fake aversion for socialism, communism and Marxism has been debunked many times over with obvious hypocrisy prevalent in the long surviving and now thriving communist China stronghold on western treasury and economic sector binding western power brokers and politics in quid pro quo empowering the communist nation China to economic powerhouse status.

The United States political party echelons on either side of the aisle receiving the communist China’s overt and covert financial contributions, the corruption dealings with Beijing controlled capitalism for the political members’ personal and vested interests are maintained contrasting anti-communism in the make-believe show and tell politics.

Contrarily, history testament to western viz. the United States and EU key member states involvement in the displacement of democracy in different parts of the world is irrefutable.

The western stance on the global pandemic is another example of western collusion with Beijing ignoring the origin of virus from Wuhan Virology Institute with western funding facilitating the deadly pathogen to consume lives world over.

The Geneva based World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus coordination and cooperation with Beijing withholding critical public information on SARS(COV2) until well after the contagion effects spread far and wide across the globe and adherence to Beijing instructions rather than international health guidelines on life threatening disease is self-explanatory.

Regardless of political factions in the White House, wars are considered essential rain or shine to enable the defense contractors and the Pentagon flourish together with investors in defense stocks make a killing out of killing innocent children, women, the young and the old, the able and the sick in the zero sum game.

As a result, the Pentagon flouting independent external audit on $$$ Trillions evading accountability to American taxpayers is political resignation from checks and balances alluding to complicity.

Notwithstanding, the private entity Federal Reserve as the United States monetary authority adoption of similar practice prohibiting congressional inquiry impetus legislation for compliance to external audit on Federal Reserve financial transactions in $$$ Trillions including domestic and overseas monetary exchange.

The Democrats in the United States historically left their Republican counterparts far behind in removal of democratic governments, triggering political upheavals and transformation to perpetual war zones in the past and present century.

The Republican war quest and actions are fulfilled by democrats in succession as witnessed and experienced in Bush – Cheney administration war mongering exponentially heightened to meteoric rise under the Nobel Peace Prize winning Obama – Biden tenure between 2009 – 2016 only to be replayed in 2022 with Ukraine war and now in Gaza in 2023.

There is never a dull moment when the administration is obsessed with experimenting military weaponry or science bio-designed virulent microbe. 

The en masse deception, misrepresentation and treason against the nation as well as the republic is normalized as culture.

The tradition is unsustainable with imminent termination of the cause and impact sooner than later.

Padmini Arhant

California – Economic Data

September 30, 2023


Economic Data

Padmini Arhant

California Economy: 

California’s $3+ trillion GDP is an enormous figure in its own right, so it’s no surprise that it is larger than certain nations’ economic output. But even when comparing with economies like Malaysia, Colombia, and Finland, all among the top 50 countries by GDP, California stands tall.

California’s GDP in 2022 was $3.6T, representing 14.3% of the total U.S. economy. If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world, and more productive than India and the United Kingdom.

If California were a sovereign nation (2022), it would rank in terms of nominal GDP as the world’s fifth largest economy, behind Germany and ahead of India.”


The important factor about California is with 39 million population generating $3.6 Trillion GDP growth. The stellar performance ranked as 5th largest economy in the world in return contributing to and enhancing United States economy to rank number one in the global arena is an impressive milestone.

Proud of the Golden State – California.

Padmini Arhant 

United States – Political Media Hypocrisy

September 23, 2023

United States

Political Media


Padmini Arhant

The state media networks bias and hypocrisy failing to apply the same rule of law on all especially against political hierarchy and members exempting none is the hallmark of sycophancy, the trait denied in the latest media mass deception.

The NBC’s Meet the Press recent interview of the former President Donal J Trump perhaps meant to be titled – meet your opponents’ surrogate in the major media spin zone.

When the interviewer emphasized on the Presidency of the United States is the highest authority elaborating the position as the commander-in-chief and accordingly attributing the issues and problems to the office bearer in that position. 

The status quo apparently not applicable to the other side – the democrat Presidency 2009 – 2016 or for that matter the incumbent democrat administration 2021 until now. 

While branding the health care as Obamacare, proved a windfall for health insurance industry through then administration mandated compulsive health care insurance subscription in return the health insurance industry rewarding political authority behind it at that time in mutual exchange of monetary benefits is the grand deal. 

Contrarily, distancing from debacles in the administration triggered Arab Spring in 2011 leading to Benghazi Gate not as Obama gate is media and politics impulsive flip over.

When healthcare referred to as Obamacare, 

Why not Benghazi Gate mentioned as Obama Gate?

Applying the criteria – the buck stops at the highest office – the Presidency of the United States and the Commander-in-chief at that time.

The public as taxpayer deserve explanation.

Padmini Arhant 

P.S. In yet another note – the desperate domestic political and media together with foreign fanatic regime hatch – the conspicuous untruthful riding on TRUTH bandwagon is on notice similar to cease and desist warning lately received on plagiarism and piracy – evidently the impulsive parasitic nature.

Civility and ethics flouting bear consequences synonymous to ill-conceived actions with ominous outcome.



United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2023

United States

9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

September 11, 2001 – the fateful day when the United States – the Superpower in economy, military and nuclear might, the state of the art technology, powerful resources and enviable means at disposal was allowed to be attacked despite prior knowledge, adequate warnings and credible information about the event well ahead of time.

Yet then administration headed by the former President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, the CIA, FBI, National Security and the remaining government apparatus let the catastrophe befall on innocent Americans and many foreign nationals together exceeding 3,000 lives lost on the single day in world view.

The event then unfolded politics to set rules shackling democracy, individual rights, civil Liberty and all that proudly proclaimed as United States insignia on freedom. The move unanimously legislated in Patriot Act, establishment of FISA (foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) initially meant for foreign terror suspects then extended against American citizens as permanent surveillance that had only gotten worse in the present time.

The successor Obama – Biden enacted National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) granting self with extra judicial execution power at the executive branch besides subjecting American civilians arbitrarily under military tribunal rather than civil court system.

The preventable 9/11 terror attack not only chained United States freedom with pervasive impact world over experienced in travel and other lifestyle changes, those awaiting the momentous assault on American sovereignty via 9/11 spearheaded their long aspired agenda – the ominous Project for New American Century (PNAC) to invade hosts of nations overseas beginning with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Sudan…on their list.

While the invasion and occupation of all those foreign nations in PNAC were carried out in successions between Bush-Cheney administration followed by Obama-Biden to complete the mission, the bulk of the foreign onslaught under the guise of false Arab Spring became the hallmark for Obama – Biden administration from 2009 – 2016.

Due to Bush – Cheney and Obama – Biden administrations partnership and shared engagement in violent military interventions overseas, the human rights breach with respect to Guantanamo Bay and foreign based prisons such as Iraq’s Abu Ghraib  prison holding terror suspects without due process via abductions and other hostile activities…the predecessor Bush – Cheney era gross violations in every respect emulated and advanced to extreme level under Obama – Biden reign.

Accordingly, all of them are guaranteed and protected with political impunity on treason, corruption, criminality and human rights violation at home and abroad.

The democrat party having seized power in 2008 highlighting Bush – Cheney administration crimes till date could barely afford time or interest to pursue the predecessor Bush – Cheney on any of the monumental atrocities and displacement of democracy.

Meanwhile tirelessly squander tax payer dollars against their predominant common foe – Donald Trump with multiple indictments and mug shot in different angles claiming the political theatrics and showdown as American justice.

Understandably, the partners in crime such as the administrations since 2000 – 2016 resumed in 2020 – until now are unified in keeping American freedom and sovereignty under siege executing anti-democratic plans and policies not barring the cataclysmic pandemic hatched going back in 2002 onwards and the deal sealed in 2015 unleashing the deadly virus on American population and humanity at large exactly at the start of United States Presidential election year in January 2020.

Was it a mere coincidence that the pandemic happened in the Presidential election year 2020?

The democrat political party and leaderships since 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 extraordinary cooperation and complicity sparing their predecessor Bush –  Cheney administration’s political, constitutional, legal and ethical transgressions from any inquiry or investigations as held against their successor Donald Trump from 2016 till date provide clarity on mutual pact amongst members of political establishment in Washington transcending party affiliation.

In other issues, there are some interesting correlations and contradictions in the events coinciding elections in the so-called democracy and otherwise.

The parallel developments nearing election season with the fate of formidable opponents targeted by the ruling power settled on extending terms in office regardless i.e. within or beyond term limit if not indefinitely are uncanny defining the obvious about who is following whom in dismantling democracy.

The election in Russia is carefully watched and monitored by the United States as it is the case with the rest of the world. The Russian election arouse American political interests from adversarial perspective producing topic of discussion.

The main focus is on the conspicuous anti-democratic practice by the long term Russian leadership President Vladimir Putin alternating roles as President and Prime Minister…vice versa. Nonetheless maintaining absolute control over the Russian Federation.

In general, elections are a mere formality to convince electorate of their voting rights and subsequently the elected and the electorate subjugation is inevitable under campaign bidders and financiers’ greater influence and clout.

The Russian election is witnessed with violence against political opposition emerging from people protests demanding fair and equal opportunity to political opposition and factions to compete against the permanent ruling power especially under President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s consistent actions against the one and only political rival Alexei Navalny with others largely surrendered to status quo is self-explanatory on Russian democracy denied existence.

The Russian political opponent Alexei Navalny imprisonment and various charges leveled against the political contender, the allegations usually mounting around election time in Russia is in itself attract international attention and concern.

Although, the Russian President Vladimir Putin argue that the political contestant Alexei Navalny is a western appointee to stir political chaos in Russian politics, the Russian leadership’s reaction in handling such situations further generate anti-ruling power sentiments amongst silenced Navalny supporters and moderate thinkers in Russian society and overseas.

The ruling authorities anywhere crackdown on opposition with income tax raids and sometimes even arrests on unsubstantiated charges on their soil squarely describe the democratic conditions or the lack thereof.

Unfortunately, the strategy is the norm in contemporary politics in most parts of the world and prevalent in the so-called democracy as the world’s largest, modern or nascent in nature.

The tradition thus far suggests the ruling power’s preference on no opposition or in the least opposition in name only representing in mere numbers on taxpayers’ funded payroll.

Similarly, the United States touted as the beacon of democracy, the democrat political party and the influencers within the establishment contentious aggressive obsession of their arch nemesis in the form of Donald Trump Presidency right from winning election in 2016 throughout and until the present time with unprecedented congressional hearings, impeachments, indictments pending life imprisonment do not appear to satisfy the vindictiveness in their mind and unresolved acrimony.

As stated above, the similarities in Russian and United States Democratic Party attitude and approach towards strong political contender whether Alexei Navalny in Russia or Donald Trump in the United States are apparent.

The current administration and United States politics criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin in this context is called out as authoritarianism and dictatorial.

Juxtaposed, the incumbent administration and political party imposed series of judgments and legal quagmire against the leading political front runner in the opposition viz. Donald Trump is justified as protecting democracy and constitution that has long been laid to rest unraveled in the horrendous 9/11 terror on American mainland and recently during the pandemic.

Suffice to say that 9/11 terror catapulted violence, military invasions, terrorism and importantly heralded state terror against citizens in domestic and foreign shores flouting accountability at the cost of millions of lives falling victims to the abominable crime against humanity executed in the abuse of power and electoral mandate.

Anything carried out at the innocents and vulnerable victims’ expense is self-perilous and bear enormous burden on the perpetrators and colluders of such crimes.

Remembrance and gratitude to the brave souls as fire fighters, paramedics, medical professionals as well as thousands of volunteers from civil society for their selfless participation and sacrifice to save lives on 9/11/2001 and the pandemic.

Padmini Arhant 

United States – Inconvenient Politics

September 10, 2023

United States

Inconvenient Politics

Padmini Arhant

United States – Incumbent Administration Vice President Kamala Harris response to MSNBC media on women’s abortion rights and SCOTUS decision on Roe v. Wade.

“I believe that we should put the protections of Roe v. Wade into law, and the way that will happen is if we have a United States Congress, who regardless of their personal view for themselves or their family, would agree that the women of America should be trusted to make decisions about their life and their body based on what they know to be in their best interest,” she said.

“It’s that simple.”


COVID Vaccine – Somehow the same administration neither granted trustworthiness nor tolerated American citizens’ inalienable individual right to exercise discernment and discretion on the haphazardly expedited COVID vaccine to which some had reservations due to personal or family members’ adverse experience not barring vaccine related death denying disclosure and discussion on the topic in public domain.

The censorship on COVID vaccine associated incidents and issues were imposed even on the experts, medical professionals presenting qualified clinical data and credible testimonials from the victims…all of whom were regarded a threat to the major windfall reaped by those behind the entire pandemic from origin to the extended versions of variants promoting opportunity for booster shots and more without any choice to those with medical and family history conditions creating a dilemma for them.

As usual politics hired surrogates from Hollywood and wherever possible to mock and vilify those American citizens with genuine vaccine related problems as anti-vaccinators even though it was COVID vaccine specific and yet they were scorned and ridiculed as vaccine opponents in general which was a blatant false propaganda.

Regardless, politics and the administration in particular in 2021 and thereafter succumbed to intense coercion and influence from vaccine manufacturers evidenced in the later publicly known deal formalized and sealed back in 2015 between Moderna and NIH funded Dr. Anthony Fauci headed NIAID and the likes of billionaire investor Bill Gates…on the corona virus vaccine mRNA – 1273.

May 4, 2023 : “Is Moderna profiting from COVID vaccine?
Moderna said on Thursday it expects a tax benefit of $300 million to $500 million for the year due to credits for research and development and certain one-off items. The company had generated around $36 billion in sales over the last two years from the COVID vaccine, its only commercial product.”

Politics playing politics to suit and maneuver agenda is well known using people as the pawns for political and economic gains with the trend established as irreversible.


Presidency Age: On the age factor concerning the publicly stated 80-year-old incumbent President Joe Biden, the same democrat party and affiliates together with democrat party media collectively objected to then Republican Party Presidential candidacy in 2008, the 71-year-old John McCain running for the highest office.

The Republican Presidential candidate John McCain in 2008 was subject to rigorous medical exam with voluminous extensive medical report demanded and made publicly available.

In comparison, the democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama had a simple wellness certification from personal physician unlike the Republican Presidential candidate John McCain ordered to be seen and certified by the opponents’ nominated medical opinion.

The prominent bias conveniently ignored the fact about then democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s publicly witnessed and confessed personal habits on cigarette smoking and other substance abuse. Somehow these were not considered a health hazard in the Presidential selection criteria.

More from the horse’s mouth CNN and alike positioned differently in 2023 with respect to President Joe Biden’s re-election bid flipping from that maintained in 2008 against then much younger 71-year-old Republican Presidential candidate John McCain with democrats raising age as a considerable factor at that time.

The Republican Presidential contestant John McCain was 9 years younger then to the current 80-year-old sitting President Joe Biden insisting on re-election making the candidacy – the oldest incumbent in 2024. 

From: The CNN in 2008

Analysis: Age an issue in the 2008 campaign?

  • Sen. John McCain’s age, 71, has been highlighted in the presidential race
  • It remains to be seen whether McCain’s age will be an obstacle for voters this fall
  • Poll shows voters age 65 and up support McCain over Obama by 8 points

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Is Sen. John McCain too old to be president?

Listen to some Democrats, and you’ll think the 71-year-old Arizona senator is a man lost in a perpetual fog. He is “confused” and has “lost his bearings” or is “out of touch.”

Listen to the McCain campaign, and you’ll be convinced that Democrats are using those terms to exploit concerns that the presumptive Republican nominee is too old to effectively serve as president.

For his part, McCain tends to answer questions about his age with quips such as, “I’m older than dirt and have more scars than Frankenstein, but I’ve learned a few things along the way.”

The first salvo of the general election’s age war may have been launched in May, when Sen. Barack Obama argued in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that McCain had “lost his bearings” while pursuing the Republican nomination.

The McCain camp claimed that Obama’s use of that phrase was “a not particularly clever way of raising John McCain’s age as an issue.”

————————————————————————————Apparently, this is Washington politics with hypocrisy running deep aided and abetted by media narratives on any matter.

Padmini Arhant 

United States – Political Race Baiting

July 27, 2023

United States

Political Race Baiting

Padmini Arhant

The Gospel Truth


The operatives behind democrat political party in extension of unconstitutional undemocratic expired Presidential term engaged in relentless and hopeless racial connotation smothered in pseudo defense of own black culture draw attention to unsavory events.

Furthermore, the taxpayer funded politics unnecessarily adding brown color code in the palette in congressional hearings via proxy rank and file members recruited as the quad aka the squad is disingenuous to begin with notwithstanding the display confirming desperate times seeking desperate measures in political theatrics at taxpayers’ expense. 

The sincere care and concern of own culture – such as the black history or African American cause demonstrated in respect for life and acknowledgment of responsibility towards own family such as acceptance of the child born out of wedlock in extra marital affair with her African American mother gunned down in public square through taxpayers’ financed security personnel reveal the true nature in black and white.

Importantly leaving aside the deliberate brown interjection in these discussions which is at the least imposition of black supremacy overshadowing white supremacy in the nuanced characterization of a witness with further inference on the background of the latter as a philosopher allegedly undermining Africanism is a far cry.

In defiance of the bare naked facts – the source behind the dramatic innuendoes continue to remain the existential threat exemplified in violent legacy denying own people whether family deprived of parental and child support,


The community at large of African American race the right to exist with alarming outrageous incidents of merciless killing and mysterious deaths dismissed as freak accidents growing in numbers by the day.

Amidst the inherent complexities within, the political outcry on black culture setbacks ascribed to fixated target conform to the pot calling the kettle black.

As for the brown race, needless to say is adequately and satisfactorily capable of confronting challenges without any requirement of apathetic empathy especially from those mocking elements of genuine compassion and thoughtfulness defining the fundamental human value.

Last but not the least, the latest fad in political jab with anchored slur and slander of philosophy, only if the present politics disposed to constant racial bidding more in abuse of the contexts than serving any meaningful purpose other than individual and political traction were to adhere to philosophical traits on ethics, moral and social consciousness,

It would benefit politics and the nation in better management of all matter vulnerable to known and unknown crises.

PS: American political history is testimony to incontrovertible reality on slave ownership pertaining to African American race predominantly prevalent among democrat members in that era leading to a Republican President Abraham Lincoln emboldened historic precedence – the Emancipation Proclamation issued in 1863 on abolition of slavery freeing black population that cost then Republican President Lincoln’s life.

Not to mention the democrat party members such as the late Robert Byrd, the longest serving former democrat Senator from West Virginia – the known KKK member was also a close friend of the incumbent President Joe Biden.

The former Senator from Delaware Joe Biden now sitting President sharing some of his own racial overtones against different racial and ethnic demography in America called out during 2020 Presidential debate by none other than the current Vice President Kamala Harris reminding then Senator of racial discrimination on segregation endorsed and supported at free will.

The incumbent President Joe Biden controversial remarks and position throughout his spanning political career were consistently excused as Biden gaffe until today while never missing a moment on anyone not in agreement with democrat political establishment ideology.

Interestingly, the first black Presidency in 2009 settling for Vice Presidency Joe Biden and subsequent endorsements until today regardless of then Senator Joe Biden’s track record on race, civil rights, African Americanism and proximity to then democrat Senator Robert Byrd whose KKK association was open secret etc.

None of the significant background ever found relevant while choosing the running mate in 2008 and / or later honoring the VP Biden with Presidential medal of Freedom by the first black Presidency.

The favors continued into the present by campaigning and fund raising for the administration in quid pro quo. 

The bizarre preference create credibility issue for the black Presidency now crying foul on SCOTUS decision on Affirmative Action alongside scapegoat the one and only target on anything citing alleged indifference to African American plight for concurrence in the specific case involving other immigrant groups such as Asian Americans’ fair opportunity right.

Yet another factuality in contradiction to the black Presidency and present administration’s teachers Union platform used for political reasons in the hidden backdrop of an African American gay male elementary school teacher also a choir conductor at Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church, Chicago – Donald Young at age 47 shot dead in December 2007 with the case ruled homicide and those implicated contrarily experience meteoric rise in their political career in 2009. 

The make-believe dilemma is the biggest irony for the democrat political party transformed into the party of elites with the party prominent member condescendence towards ordinary citizens referenced as deplorable on campaign trail, one of several overt  and covert inappropriate assessments from the top tiered hierarchy.

The latest insensitive callous assault on speech impediments through staged enactments in public by democrat party leadership at the behest of the puppeteer in particular aside from Hollywood gigs on big screen and ceremonial award fiascos is disgraceful behavioral pattern.

The grave disorder amongst those priding in misconstrued self-perfectionism insulting and hurting the sentiments of thousands and million or more citizens in the United States and worldwide with such issues living their life with dignity unlike the performers is paradoxical parody. 

The democrat party self-declared supremos post 2009 until now and others conveniently discount the party structural malefic via Super delegates comprising upper echelons and influential members within and outside the party overriding the democrat grass roots choice in the party’s Presidential primary election.

The democrat political party selection of Presidential nominee by Super delegates displace the primary electoral mandate considering behind the scenes deal making transpire in the process.

The democrat political party is misled on race and identity politics, opportunity and equality since 2009 – the election of the first black Presidency set in perpetual denial of progress and prospects despite phenomenal gains evidenced in selves and others from African American race.

Meanwhile, the same members as the so-called democrats ignoring their personal lineage as descendants of slave ownership insisting on reparations compensation from immigrants in California, who in return have their past and recent accounts on systemic prejudice and exploitation is hypocrisy ad nauseam.

Introspection is the need of the hour prior to provocative insinuations on philosophy by politics gone astray.

Padmini Arhant

Politics’ True Colors and Anti-Semitism

July 22, 2023

Politics’ True Colors and


Padmini Arhant

Update: July 24, 2023 Acknowledgment of own crime and sins in the present time with repentance rather than outreach to events in the past century for political reason define human character.

Politics’ penchant for monument is universal. However, evading responsibility and submission to common law on personal monumental crimes such as the ones listed below is second nature.

Politics’ committing crimes against own folks and families seizing the victims’ rights to live via gruesome killing and their offsprings related to political power denied parental and family support in non-acceptance lay bare facts on reality.

All said and done, charity begins at home and getting one’s own house in order prior to minding others is the place to start for credibility.

Padmini Arhant 


Politics known for race, religion and contemporarily human anatomy baiting in identity distortion to masquerade corruption scandals, criminality and utter failure in governance embarked on political theatrics is least surprising.

Anti-semitism branding is the rancor among those who care less about Semitic or any other human classification in the politics manufactured social divide, sectarianism and communal polarization.

Interestingly, the politics crying foul on the so-called anti-semitism is yet to come clean on these horrific crimes committed by politics with political impunity.

The politics abusing power and authority at the helm authorized cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians is the existential threat to ordinary citizens falling prey to predator instincts.

The former first black Presidency Barack Hussein Obama of the democrat party is accountable for the brutal slaying of African American young mother Miriam Carey gunned down by security personnel of African American Presidency and family in public square in 2013 abusing ordinary citizens as electorate granted power against people.

Similarly, the democrat political party is incumbent in opening the case subject to public hearing on the murder of democrat political party aide – the merely 24-year-old young Jewish male – Seth Rich shot dead in broad daylight in Washington D.C. following the internal controversial email leak pertaining to scandalous 2016 Presidential election involving then contentious democrat nomination of Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton sidelining then Jewish Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders in the democrat Presidential primary.

The murder of democrat political aide, the Jewish Seth Rich associated with democrat party internal turmoil under then Chair of the Democrat National Committee, Jewish Deborah Wasserman Schultz, during tumultuous 2016 democrat Presidential primary is apparently not relevant and never considered worthy of investigation let alone be anti-Semitic that otherwise loosely attributed as such against politics’ target.

As for Israel’s politics and representation in the United States politics in absolute entirety pledging allegiance to the State of Israel than the United States Stars and Stripes as well as constitution, the United States politics’ tradition speaks volume on loyalty and commitment translated in eternal multi-billion dollar financial, military and technological aid to economically affluent Israel.

Contrarily, the status of economic and financial dependency of the newly born once poorest nation Bangladesh in South Asia was denounced by Jewish patriarch, the former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger quoting the South Asian nation Bangladesh as a “basket case”  – referred to as the state on western aid for survival.

Bangladesh since then has evolved into a nation of self-reliance with impressive economic growth and development competing effectively with regional economies in the twenty first century.

With Israel, United States politics unanimous consent and servility to endlessly serve Israeli interests at United States taxpayers expense allude to renaming United States of America as the Jewish State of Israel.

The United States political trait on Israel surpass those in Israeli Kenesseth comprising local political factions forging alliance in Israeli politics on the path of displacing democracy undermining judicial autonomy in the centralization of power at the executive branch.

Welcome to the era of democracy in serious crisis in systems proudly touted democratic with events unraveling democracy in distress.

The latest political synchrony is in compliance with the current anti-democratic trend in politics premised on dismissal of checks and balances evading responsibility and accountability on corruption charges and crimes at the apex misusing public office and violating electorate trust.

Anti-semitism – The sensitivity to Jewish life and sentiments in public or private statements however  not barring invasion of privacy and intrusion via policing, spying and eavesdropping…prevalent as political prerogative invariably attract censure and censorship.

Juxtaposed, politics engagement authorizing killing of unarmed innocent victims whether black or white in racial composition and Christian / Judaism or any other faith such as the African American Miriam Carey or the white Jewish democrat political aide Seth Rich and,

In Israel – the heinous murder of American Jewish human rights activist Rachel Corrie, then 23-year-old squashed to death in March 2003 by Israeli forces run bulldozer for her plea to stop the demolition of thousands of Palestinian homes in the Israeli forces controlled Gaza Strip.

The question now arise on Jewish life and anti-semitism that did not seem to matter to Israeli authorities in the State of Israel authorizing the violent killing of a young woman Rachel Corrie of Jewish origin by those claiming to be faithful to Judaism and Jewish lineage.

The Israeli authorities decision to bulldoze a young woman alive did not take into account the bleeding hearts of her Jewish parents in the United States hopelessly forced into accepting the violent death of their daughter in the hands of Israeli politics setting precedence in indiscriminate violation of human lives and rights.

The parallel in this crime and that of Nazi activities in the previous century reflect commonality in unhinged political atrocity.

The politics deployment of violence against innocent lives in the United States, Israel or wherever witnessed against African American Miriam Carey, Jewish Seth Rich and Rachel Corrie besides several unreported crimes callously ignore human element to value life.

Instead pretend to highlight importance on color, creed and religion etc. all for personal and political gains in the increasingly hostile political environment endangering citizens’ lives in the misconstrued political power.

These actions reverberate louder than any political rhetoric on campaign trail or monetized advertisements to mislead voters at the onset of election and especially American Jewish lobby for Israel transforming American politics and U.S. taxpayers – the sole benefactor of the state.

The latter reluctant to set itself free in economic independence and refrain from political dominance over the former.

Meanwhile, ordinary citizens continue to pay the price as casualties exposing politics’ true colors and the much propagated anti-semitism.

Padmini Arhant

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