The Secret Society – Secrecy, Spying and Systemic Abuse of Power

March 1, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The secret society premised on secrecy, spying and systemic abuse of power epitomize hypocrisy in the highest order. 

Secret society members represent different backgrounds nonetheless share common goals such as wealth amassment and dominance for exclusive interests.

The world is a playground to them using politics, economy, commerce, communication media, educational institutions, entertainment industry, environment, religion, charity and human rights group that are instrumental in prolonging status quo.

Having no control over excess greed and self-destructive vices, they exert authority on the rest of the population denying freedom, basic rights and equal opportunity.

The legacy is misery, chaos and catastrophe worldwide.

Secret society is structured on the pyramid scheme with one eye tunneled vision rather than 20/20 sight in functionality. Accordingly their involvement in activities is to benefit self and selective entity at the vast majority expense. 

Their key representatives amplify objection to unipolar world while maintaining monopoly on everything they come in contact with contaminating in entirety.

The archaic supremacy imposed decadent establishments and values are obsolete and obstruct progress.

Criminality, corruption, terrorism, incessant warfare for invasion, occupation and destabilization are the secret society’s hallmark traits.

They continue to pursue disastrous ambitions despite colossal failure every step of the way.

The presumptuous notion claiming superiority to masquerade inferior and unscrupulous agenda reflect reality within degenerative ambit.  The infighting vying for apex position clarifies fraudulence extraordinaire.

Sparing none in exploitation, the secret society is on suicidal mission considering detrimental policies implemented through proxy governance under the guise of democracy and republic rule.

The electoral process is the catalyst to legitimize illegitimacy in the shadow organization engineered mandate pledged allegiance to hegemony.

Creating imposters and prodding wannabes with flawed performance is the latest trend in the futile attempts to avert inevitable ending of cataclysmic conglomerate.

As a result the willful performers buffoonery and promiscuity is on display with the individuals eagerness to appease hegemony for material gains and publicity pronounce notoriety.

In the absence of credibility, the secret society and surrogates violation of trust, propaganda and false flag events peak in the desperate measure to combat imminent decline.

The secret society crusade to perpetuate unsustainable present confirms insolvency in every aspect evident in dysfunctional operation. 

The taxpayers in the United States and western nations are forced into dire economic situation. The wealthiest in society evade taxes shifting the burden on ordinary citizens struggling to make ends meet in life.

Besides, the tax dollars are utilized for funding warfare and intrusion in toppling governments targeted for non-compliance on secret society demands.

Elsewhere, the taxpayers are beguiled with sycophants headed governments stashing wealth in Swiss bank accounts and other tax havens in pervasive corruption deals depriving the respective nations due national revenue.

The money held in illegal format is widely promoted to augur secret society existence unheeding ramifications with reverse impact debilitating the crumbling empire.

Furthermore, the taxpayer funded federal agencies like intelligence bureau and national security is misused with dragnet surveillance on law-abiding citizens not to mention the harassment during travel at the airports conducting elaborate body scan alluding to perversion under the pretext of curbing terrorism when the secret society is the existential terror.

In the domestic front, law enforcement authorities i.e. police brutality against unarmed and innocent civilians especially the minorities is on the rise due to ignorance and prevalent discriminatory practice revealed in the trials exacerbating victims plight.

The judiciary set up on secret society oversight and political influence make a mockery of justice in the system that rewards the crafty and insidious in defiance of fairness and facts that in itself void the politically motivated judgment.

Juxtaposed hegemony operatives crimes against humanity and treason are not even subject to investigation let alone incarceration. 

The convenient rule granting political immunity to incumbents although the privilege is extended beyond the term in office exemplify the travesty of justice.

Similarly public access whether communication, education, entertainment, environment, recreation, religion or charity maneuvered for subversion and mass subjugation.

Anything exceeding limit with resistance to checks and balances ominously evolve into self-endangering act expediting expiration.

Overall the secret society alias the illuminati are destined for dissolution conforming to natural law that predicates extinguishing wild fire threatening lives and habitat.

Wisdom and conscience guided conduct could possibly serve in fait accompli leading to renunciation of delusions on invincibility.

Wishing humanity liberty from calamity experienced under secret society since antiquity. 

Peace to all! 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

World – New Year 2015 Message

January 3, 2015


The audio version is provided for convenience and easy access to all.  Please click on the link for the content. Thank you.

By Padmini Arhant

 Happy New Year!

The New Year is greeted with joy and hope for progress.

This is possible upon ending status quo.

Let us examine the status quo.

The status quo is destruction and devastation from endless warfare through terrorism, invasion and occupation of foreign land, denying freedom to the oppressed and persecuted; depriving ordinary citizens economic opportunity and the minority forced to deal with discrimination, deportation and social injustice.  

Then there is corruption, secrecy and deception via proxy governance serving hegemony interests.

Not to mention the environment abuse discards detrimental effects on life.

Human suffering is caused by failed policies and ill-conceived notions chasing illusive dreams despite proven setbacks until now.

The architects and master minds representing various institutions and organizations along with leaderships in power are directly responsible for global mayhem.

Unfortunately these entities refusal to accept responsibility and the worst being their persistence to continue trend is exacerbating current situation worldwide.

Furthermore, the polarization strategy using religion, race and ethnicity besides social and economic background constantly deployed to maintain chaos and marginalization.

The communal violence and civil unrest is vigorously promoted for political gains and fragmentation within society.

Hegemony rule evidently is unsustainable.  Sooner than later the extremities would have irreversible impact on source.

Since there is no desire to review and reflect on folly amongst those behind global destabilization, the inevitable meltdown could no longer be differed with negative developments having reached a crescendo.

The internal operatives in the political system are engaged in illegal and fraudulent practice in an effort to prolong dysfunctional authority.

Meanwhile, the educational sector, mass media and entertainment industry are utilized for mind control with misinformation and distortion to deflect public attention from reality.  The medium is widely used for propaganda and diversion from facts.

The eagerness to lead the world towards nuclear confrontation is yet another sign of recklessness and ignores pervasive catastrophe.   

Notwithstanding such indulgence would be an invitation for self-disaster.

Accordingly these activities expedite the collapse of pyramid structure lacking in complete vision beginning at the apex.  The thoughtless actions stifle constructive concepts and productivity.

The options are to abandon illegitimacy exerted as global supremacy and instead adopt democracy premised on transparency and accountability.

Rejecting positive measures to alleviate humanity plight confirms hegemony decline together with agents and accessories aiding the ill-fated mission.

Independence from vassal statehood for functional republic rule is imperative to experience liberty – the inalienable right of all beings on earth.

The fundamental problem lies in the flawed electoral process disguised as free and fair election allowing hegemony nominees to usurp to power.  The members of political dynasty claim representation as their prerogative irrespective of dismal performance and criminal record.

During and after the term in office the political impunity on crimes varying from genocide, instigating violence in and outside the country, embezzlement, treason and toppling people choice representation… are regarded the ruling class privilege.

The developed nations leaderships primitive role viz. sponsoring cannibals, arming terror networks, dictatorial regimes and drug cartels proliferating narcotic trade alongside militarization of continents enslaving population for hegemonic goals significantly reverse mankind achievements in other fields.

In conclusion, peaceful resolutions to conflicts, recognition of human rights, respecting life, renouncing violence, revival of democracy without Kingdoms, fiefdoms, imperial dominance and religion based hierarchy and last but not the least – planet protection is the only alternative to a bright future.

On that note,

Best wishes for a new age led by wisdom, courage, compassion and integrity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















World Events

October 18, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Global Citizens,

The audio version on World Events made available in the above link. 

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant


World Event – United Nations General Assembly 69th Session 2014

September 27, 2014

The audio version is for visually impaired listeners and others convenience as well as preference.  Your interest is appreciated. 

Segment 1 of the UN address.

By Padmini Arhant

My Greetings to world leaders and citizens across the globe attending the 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly 2014.

The global events resulting in death, devastation, decimation and destabilization premised on deception, deceit and depravation is a reflection on forces and facilitators preoccupation to proliferate violence and instability all around.

Contemporary politics under the guise of democracy using electoral process and referendum legitimize illegitimate rule and repeatedly beguile electorate to prolong status quo.

The vote rigging and irregularities accompanied by domestic and foreign illicit funding confirms the unlawful system usurp to power.

The world problems emanate from the conglomerate reining control over politics, economy, religion, communication media and press, entertainment, social issues and environment.

Mass manipulation through media propagation widely practiced to suppress genuine voice and facts presentation.

The overt and covert implementation of laws undermining constitution, democratic principles and citizens’ rights are diverse strategies for subjugation.

More relevantly the alter ego in proxy rule representing shadow power and behind the scenes operatives are increasingly and defiantly launched to deny people choice. 

The political structure sculptured to project authenticity even though actions and decisions are invariably favorable to imperial aspirations, ideological and personal advantage. 

Accordingly the immediate priority is to reject existing conditions and dismantle incognito command center evidently authorizing systematic destruction of life and habitat in general.

Accepting current developments regardless of detrimental results set dangerous precedence.

The trend predictably leading to abyss due to dysfunctional and demoralized management at the helm and representation in various format across the spectrum.

Following World War II, United Nations formation with United Nations Security Council consisting five permanent members assuming authority including veto power is predominantly responsible for warfare through economic sanctions and military operation against selective targets i.e. nations perceived adversaries by hegemony.

The hegemonic goals having no limit or boundary continue to assert aggression under false pretexts creating lawlessness and terrorism to justify illegal invasion, occupation and topple democratically elected governments in Ukraine, Thailand, Iraq and now in Syria.

The tradition continues in Latin America with ongoing attempts to derail democracy in Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia and other states in southern and western hemisphere.

Hegemony promoting candidacies and nominees renowned for corruption scandals, treason, embezzlements and communal violence besides dictatorial regimes in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Turkey and elsewhere in the Middle East emphasize conformity in the surrender of sovereignty.

Similarly hegemony intrusion in the continent of Africa and influence over Asia and remaining world signify malignant foundation to avert the inevitable self-dissolution.

Furthermore, hegemony maneuvered United Nations as an international body is yet to demonstrate fairness and competence in diffusing crises albeit manufactured by UNSC permanent members and alliance.

Arguably recognition of organization involved in global mayhem is endorsement of authoritarianism and the degenerative process would only expedite imminent termination.

The provocation and intervention in Iraq, Syria and earlier in Libya in addition to Afghanistan and several other countries citing terrorism and militancy has no credibility whatsoever considering United States and coalition sponsorship of terror network al-Qaeda and affiliates in the Syrian conflict.

United States leadership at hegemony behest conducting air strikes in Syria and Iraq producing civilian casualties while refusing alternatives such as cease financing and weapons delivery to ISIL / ISIS reveal pre-conceived ambition seeking fall of Syria and neighboring Lebanon with contagion effect.

The counterproductive policy ignores consequences adversely affecting global economy and critically the origin – United States and counterparts rallying to revive flawed and decrepit concept.

The downfall of Syria would have drastic impact on Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, UAE and trigger regional disintegration conclusively yielding a failed mission for the architects and purveyors of terror.

Syria and Iraq affair would be extremely costly and perhaps debilitate aggressors in every aspect to point of no return. 

The cataclysmic adventure reminiscent of earlier attack on Iraq in 2003 paralyzed United States and European economy with no recovery in sight. 

United States and participants resurgence in Syria and Iraq guaranteed to backfire and precipitate the empire decline.

Whenever regency is desired at vast majority expense and loss of innocent lives, the malicious intent harm the source and catalysts with irreversible outcome.

Hence, United States, Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia and associates abandoning catastrophic pursuits could be saving grace for them and ease the debt burden on guilt and responsibility to be settled with no exception.

The global mater covering myriad issues will resume and submitted in segment 2 of the UN address.

Your interest and focus is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Topic Discussion – Departure of Hegemony and Proxies Behind Global Mayhem

September 16, 2014


 The audio version of the text is presented for visually impaired listeners and others preference.  The citizens participation and attention is much appreciated.

By Padmini Arhant

The conglomerate comprising imperial powers and remnants along with oligarchy and ideologues as members of secret society minding politics through proxy representation in most parts of the world.

The imperial quest for dominance and unfettered access to economic resources worldwide persists and directly responsible for immense suffering and planet degradation.

The concentration of power and wealth amongst incognito forces has deprived nations and people from experiencing real democracy.

The shadow power exerting authority en masse beginning with politics, economics, education, health, communication media, press and entertainment not barring religion, social issues and environment is opposed to peace, harmony and democratic rule.

Accordingly, the so-called democracies under the guise of democratic setting follow instructions from behind the scenes operatives in maintaining status quo regardless of political parties claiming distinctions in governance.

In the absence of checks and balances in political and economic systems, any challenges to prevalent structure are regarded major threat and responded with subversion of facts, vitriolic attacks and false propaganda to discredit challenger and truth presentation.

The tactics even include assassination attempts to stifle genuine voice.

Global citizens awareness and understanding of current situation in the domestic and international affairs is important to reclaim sovereignty, individual rights and political, economic and social freedom. 

The governments declared as democratic having discarded national constitution deny citizens basic rights with overt and covert implementation of laws meant for mainstream population – the ordinary people in particular while exempting the self-proclaimed privileged clique from accountability.

There are two types of political classifications created for variation although they are essentially synonymous and conform to set agenda – i.e. suppression of people power.

One is poised as democracy and the other demonstrably undemocratic despite claiming the state as republic.

The democratic structure enables subjugation under the pretext of national security with pervasive surveillance and civil rights infringement.

Evidently the political class zero tolerance to constructive criticism on inactions and egregious decisions affecting millions of lives is a sign of desperation and unwillingness to enable functioning democracy.

Juxtaposed the few nations that are democratic targeted with western powers instigated unrest and terrorism leading to destabilization notably in Thailand, Ukraine and Syrian conflict spreading violence in the entire Middle East and extending across North, West and East Africa.

The so-called think tanks and institutions in the United States and Belgium representing European Union dedicated to debilitate nations with natural endowments in Iraq, Venezuela and countries throughout Africa.

Western democracy premised on prolonging imperial aspirations pledge allegiance to Crown and financial sector.

The taxpayers aided Royalty unequivocally the major liability for the local and foreign citizens world over.

The continuation of monarchy – constitutional or ceremonial is an impediment to true liberty.

The relentless pursuits for indefinite influence over nations cannot be ignored leaving the latter identity as dominion republic.

Elsewhere the political establishment loyal to foreign powers and domestic groups facilitate undermining of sovereignty and complicit in imposing economic stagnancy leading to exponential rise in abject poverty, suppression of human rights and marginalization.

The people are treated as subjects alienating them from fair and equal opportunity with widening gap between the haves and have-nots more prominent in global society.

Imperialism survival made possible with proxy rule starting from financing political campaigns not barring black money infusion and counterfeit note distribution to buy votes proudly claiming the process as free and fair election.

Besides political maneuvering and mass manipulation – the hall mark traits, yet another resource for hegemony reining control over politics and multifaceted interests is corruption.

The epidemic now enforced as acceptable norm with impunity granted to special members in political, economic, entertainment, religious and relevant sphere.

The massive electoral mandate in New Delhi government’s possession apparently has no impact.  

There is no desire to curb corruption and instead every effort expended to protect those profiteering from high profile economic scandals and exposed in political scams in India.  The ruling party disposition makes mockery of world’s largest democracy.

Not surprisingly in such democracy, politics is reserved for members of political dynasty, celebrities from film and sports field, industrialists from economic sector with left over seats to accommodate token minority candidacy. 

The other side of the coin extending support to hegemony rule is authoritarianism.

The pretentious democracies like United States, Britain, France, Germany and alike alliance with dictatorial regimes engaged in violent crackdown on peaceful protesters notwithstanding apprehension and persecution of political dissidents are slighted to forge mutually benefiting defense contracts and military base in the respective state.

Again, the formation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) with five permanent members granting themselves veto power since inception within United Nations General Assembly emphasize hegemony goals creating hierarchy and exceptional category.

The UNSC selective resolutions on economic sanctions and military actions targeting developing nations perceived adversaries to P5+1 contribute acute food shortages and devastation.

The trade embargo victims are driven into starvation, premature deaths emanating from deficiency to non-availability of medical supplies and drugs for common to rare diseases exacerbate living conditions rendering life impossible.

Contrarily, the nations that abuse power as colonizer and occupier of sovereign territories are exempt from compliance of international standards and efficacy. 

The trade, diplomatic and political ties with states known for belligerence, provocation and violation continue unabated constituting endorsement of discriminatory practice.

Similarly on military and nuclear status, the preferential treatment justified on the basis of responsible versus reckless conduct.  The strategy has promoted proliferation rather than containment of nuclear arsenal.

Nuclear weapons enhancement and diversified stockpiles remain the major powers prerogatives with strict restrictions on other nations from following suit in the conspicuously biased policy.

NATO as the military wing for United States in expanding operations worldwide has transformed nations like Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan into terror haven as well as opium production center respectively.

In Mexico – United States incumbent administration initiated fast and furious program surged arms flurry to drug cartels and as a result made Mexican authorities task to combat violence indomitable.

The local residents fleeing violent neighborhoods in Mexico eventually seek refuge in the origin nation – the United States orchestrating such scenario.

Likewise, in Eastern Europe – NATO’s presence to stymie Russia’s capability could not be underestimated prompting economically struggling NATO allies to beef up defense potential at taxpayers’ expense. 

In the Asia Pacific – Korean peninsula is confronted with tensions arising from United States military drills and ongoing skirmishes in North and East China Sea.

On the environmental front, the activities ranging from hydraulic fracking, shallow water and offshore oil explorations, mountain top removal in coal mining to nuclear power plant disasters show no political or economic concerns considering ramifications on lives, livelihoods and habitat in general.

The contentious carbon emission has significantly risen with automobile industry in emerging economies like India and China allowed extensive manufacturing permits causing congestion and air pollution.

Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Middle East are constantly in turmoil with democracy and peace regarded obstacles for hegemony goals aimed at everlasting supremacy.

Historically imperialism infiltration is not tenable without insiders or agents cooperation to instigate turbulence within nation.

In contemporary politics, the leaderships and members of political parties betrayal of public trust, committing treason and embezzlement for personal and hegemony ambitions has no limit.

The illegitimate and remote fusion run governments are involved in fiduciary and defunct governance camouflaged as democracy and the alter ego being hegemony installed extremist faction viz. Ukraine, Thailand, Libya, Myanmar and more.

Arguably, the contamination reflected in present format is unsustainable and bound for imminent collapse.

Hegemony and proxies together with surrogates in different capacity are behind global mayhem.

Hence expediting hegemony and affiliates inevitable departure is critical for life and planet existence.

The people across the globe are urged to reject secretive and deceptive sources embarked on a mission to eliminate republic governed democracy, stability and peace.

People empowerment is the effective and viable alternative for hope and dreams to become a reality.

May God bless the world with wisdom, compassion and patriotism affirming independence, peace and prosperity for all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Social Event – Happy Mother’s Day! 2014

May 11, 2014

By:  Padmini Arhant

Happy Mother’s Day! 

 Tribute to Motherhood and Mother Nature.

Life begins with you in your womb

You bear pain and pleasure during gestation

 Not without risks, the process of procreation 

Sadly sometimes lead some to the tomb 

Oh! Mother you never cease to care.


Like the cool breeze on ocean waves

Your love and warmth calm the nerves

There is nothing to worry about dearth

For you provide necessary comfort upon birth

Oh! Mother you never cease to share.


Learning starts with your able gentle guidance

 You show the way to maintain balance

There is much more about your wisdom

Could not be expressed in subtle freedom 

Oh! Mother you never cease to spare.


Laughter and joy experienced in your presence

You soothe any sorrows with your patience

There is seamless attribute in your magnanimity

Selflessness and sacrifice exemplify your inherent purity 

Oh! Mother you never cease to dare.


Lucky are those who receive your kindness 

You are strength to many seeking forgiveness

There is reason to appreciate your commitment

You are dependable in leading towards enlightenment

Oh! Mother you touch upon infinite creature.


Luscious meadows and majestic hills represent serenity

 Your charm and grace equally enhance beauty

There is symmetry in your sacred rhythm

The rainbow emerging from sunlight through prism

Oh! Mother your elegance reveals beautiful nature.


Lavender, roses and jasmine with sweet fragrance

Your breathtaking landscape and pleasantness highlight magnificence

There is melody conforming to natural symphony

Perhaps stimulating inner vibrancy in perfect harmony

Oh! Mother earth you deserve endless nurture.


Luminous sky decorated with twinkling stars galore 

You arouse excitement parallel to amusing folklore                                                                

There is sparkling diamond signify your brilliance

The bright moonlight on glaciers reflect radiance 

Oh! Mother your glory honored in rapture.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






















World – Departure from Status Quo with the Arrival of New Year 2014

December 31, 2013

By Padmini Arhant 

The past year events shed light on actions required in the New Year with bold initiatives and measures for departure from status quo. 

Human suffering emanating from centennial systems with organizations set up primarily to prolong imperial aspirations justifying unjustifiable decisions evidently unsustainable.

The exclusive club represented in UNSC permanent membership with veto discretion arbitrarily imposes economic sanctions and authorize military attacks against developing nations for vested interests furthering geopolitical dominance.

UNSC role with conspicuous bias on all global issues especially Palestinian statehood, refusal to end Syrian conflict, indefinite embargo on Cuba, North Korea, Iran and Syria,

Notwithstanding neo-colonization in Africa viz. Mali, CAR, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and the rest of North Africa has conflated political, economic and humanitarian crises facilitating foreign intervention.

European Union on the other hand extending authority beyond 28 nations bloc with European Commission and euro zone draining economies in and around Europe.

NATO under United States military command having earned the reputation as the belligerence force based on trajectory in balkanization of nations viz. former Yugoslavia, Central Asia following the Soviet Union dissemination, illegal invasion and sedition of Iraq, bombing in Libya claimed humanitarian mission  and now engaged in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan.

Similarly, the banking monopoly with the privately owned Federal Reserve in the United States, European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of England, Deutsche Bank, IMF and World Bank together leading global economy towards decline and trend continuation could be the point of no return.

The defense industry and drone manufacturers in particular from the military industrial complex profiteering from violence and innocent blood fund political campaigns in the United States and other western nations to promote wars worldwide.

Additionally, the multinationals like the energy corporations, food and agriculture viz. Monsanto and counterparts from Wall Street and world over exert influence on domestic and foreign governments to privatize national assets at respective population detriment.

The neo-imperialism agenda targets sovereignty for subjugation using false pretexts ranging from economic bailouts to debt forgiveness over agreement on creditor nation troop deployment.

Not to mention security reasons including training national army and police personnel to establish and expand military base in the occupied country.

Furthermore, the tradition to undermine sovereignty is not without intelligence agencies infiltration organizing economic and military coup d’état against governments regarded adversaries and accordingly earmarked in the elimination process. 

Again any resistance from nations to foreign intrusion involving globalists ambition are isolated with proxy wars sponsoring terrorism, political unrest, instigating sectarian clashes, false flag incidents, aiding and abetting fundamentalism, radicalism and militancy constituting diverse aggression.

The conventions encompass surrogate governance premised on corruption and criminality committing treason and betrayal of public trust depleting national treasury and depriving citizens normal existence.

The conclave with concentration of power and nuclear arsenal reining control on nearly seven billion people is the existential threat to humanity and environment despite the planet remaining the only habitat for all. 

Besides egregious policies, the fervor to revive feudalism in anticipation for vassal statehood across the globe exacerbate human plight.

Global rejection of activities lacking in transparency and blatant human rights violation carried out with no accountability imperative to reclaim republic status and individual liberty. 

The so-called democratic elections in the west and allies domain are formality with majority of elected representatives not barring the head of state and administration pledging allegiance to global conglomerate.

The viable solution to these problems is invalidation of counterproductive sources behind human misery and formation of institutions dedicated to peace, fairness and result-oriented strategies relieving victims from political and economic oppression and social prejudice. 

Ignoring immediate priority to overhaul political apparatus alongside creating alternatives to dysfunctional operations would perpetuate systemic abuse of authority and supremacy. 

Hence, citizens rising to the occasion to restore human values and national independence could be the resolution in the year 2014.

Happy New Year!  Wishing the world freedom and success in peace endeavors for a promising and prosperous future.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 


United Nations General Assembly 68th Session 2013

September 27, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Greetings! To citizens and leaderships of nations represented as UN members in the 68th session of the General Assembly in New York.

United Nations Organization initially set up as an international body to deal with world affairs evidently serves the interests of the core members in the permanent Security Council reflecting hegemonic goals to establish feudalism and vassal statehood.

United Nations Security Council comprising United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany included as P5 + 1 prolong imperialistic quest and continue to remain the existential threat to humanity at large due to arbitrary ruling and discriminatory policy. 

The P5+ 1 epitomizes exceptional status that Russia recently denounced despite being part of the privileged club with no desire to dissolve the council that is directly responsible for human suffering imposing economic sanctions and military intervention at will against nations defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity. 

Every P5+ 1 member share colonization legacy and are also the ambassador for arms industry competing with one another as prominent purveyor of ammunitions, nuclear submarines and lethal weapons to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt in the Middle East and similarly elsewhere causing death and devastation world over.

Not to mention the P5+ 1 and Israel are nuclear states with substantial WMD in their possession endangering life and habitat.

Furthermore none of them have come forward and allowed legitimate verification of their stockpiles or in compliance on WMD disarmament yet they are in the forefront enforcing such demands on nations targeted for destabilization.

Again United States, Britain, France and Israel having used these arsenals in Japan, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Gaza and now Syria respectively adopting the moral high ground against their adversaries in this context is paradoxical delineating them as lawful offenders in the crimes against humanity.

The P5+1 formation essentially polarizes the world facilitating abuse of self-proclaimed supremacy amongst nuclear powers threatening global peace and security. 

UNSC egregious decisions attributed to human plight across the globe. 

The illegal invasions and occupation of foreign land viz. Mali with unanimous consensus in December 2012 and earlier under the guise of humanitarian mission the NATO air raid in Libya enabled arms influx into Syria extending operations on unsubstantiated allegations against Syrian government and defense forces for hegemony control in the Middle East. 

Likewise UNSC approved trade embargo on non-western nations thus far crippled economies affecting millions of population leaving them in generational adversity.

Hence abolishing UNSC and rejection of exclusivity prevalent in the proposals and actions is the preliminary step towards UN transformation desperately required in the organization role as genuine multinational forum to preside over matter concerning mankind,

Simultaneously the International Criminal Court conspicuous bias in indictments incarcerate scapegoat thereby granting persistent predators impunity on crimes committed in the course of economic, military and cyber warfare against citizens of the world.

The contemporary practice defending criminality in defiance of reality discard evidence and ethics aimed at criminalizing as well as terrorizing victims with possible military aggression not barring nuclear option.

The tradition premised on historic 9/11 false flag event demonstrates intolerance to any resistance against authoritarianism. 

Solution to burgeoning militarism and sponsorship of terrorism is for people in these countries i.e. victim nations solidarity forming coalition in opposition to foreign interference in internal problems of independent nations along with citizens protest within country demanding ouster of terrorists groups on western and regional alliance payroll could convey a strong message to outside world reminding them the responsibility to thwart their leaderships engagement in killings of innocent lives abroad.

The shadow forces strategy deploys overt and covert mechanisms to usurp power during national elections and international crises to maintain status quo i.e. subjugation and undermining of sovereignty. 

Creating unrest in nations through infiltration and fomenting violence via recruitment of terrorists like in Syria then reaching agreement with unilateral conditions not necessarily applicable on the perpetrators such as al-Qaeda and al-Nusra front as well as their sponsors is the typical crime management tactic for the syndicate represented by seemingly contradictory factions however working together to deliver mutually beneficial outcome favoring the conglomerate. 

When two sides as chief negotiators poised to promote hegemonic objectives weakening the victim and ultimately surrender to aggressors’ diabolical agenda, the blatant deception surface with the notion on the end justifying the means in collusion.

Syria’s acceptance to U.S and Russian plan on chemical weapons is apparently  to avert military assault on key installations that has been openly declared in United States Presidential speeches and press conference.

President Barack Obama asserting the view on credible threat to use force alongside rigorous diplomacy – is a clear evasion of  ceasefire commitment that must be the immediate priority for anyone concerned about civilian deaths since the beginning predominantly from the dispatch of weapons to terrorists fighting United States, western and Gulf partners proxy war.

Russia on the other hand having not honored the pre-paid and pre-arranged consignment of S-300 air defense system to Syria that could have saved lives during U.S. authorized Israeli air strikes three times this year and eliminated constant military posturing could now terminate western counterparts wanton belligerence.

The antidote to counterproductive stance is implementing universal standard on WMD renunciation by all parties and abandoning terrorism or other methods of violence in the war ravaged state.

Russian President Vladimir Putin statements regarding ghouta chemical attack on August 21 as sly provocation reiterating that Russia has proof implicating western hired terrorists in the incident could divulge relevant information prior to coordination with western irrational conviction on Syria.

Instead, Russia proceeding with United States set criteria in disarming Syria of CW without subjecting Israel. Saudi Arabia and others to the requirement raise credibility factor in the so-called Samaritan effort.

The viable dispute settlement pertaining to Syria is for major powers to submit to international peace treaty encompassing pervasive WMD destruction by all and not Syria alone combined with cessation of violence that has gripped the nation.

The pragmatic approach to expedite healing and recovery would exemplify authenticity in mediation process.

Otherwise the present protocol and upcoming UNSC resolutions amplify the war rhetoric disregarding bloodshed caused by terrorists presence on Syrian soil.

Besides transcending superiority disposition in acknowledgment of all nations as respect worthy and adherence to international rule of law without exception is the appropriate measure for trust and confidence building in the increasingly volatile environment.

On the espionage activity – the underlying truth is other nations in collaboration with NSA equally culpable in massive dragnet surveillance on citizens in the national and international domain conforming to hegemony designed new world order.

Mass awakening in dismantling empires excoriating earth resources for selective wealth distribution utilizing collective productivity is critical for individual liberty and sustainable progress.

Finally, the super power syndrome equipped with nuclear and WMD dominance produce deterrence capability especially in nations on hegemony radar for decimation.

Accordingly addressing the source would eradicate symptoms in global denuclearization.

World deserves peace for meaningful and purposeful existence leading to salvation from misery and injustice made possible with republic empowerment.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

































Syria – Global Peace Pledge With Prayer and Fasting to End Conflict

September 6, 2013

 By Padmini Arhant

Concerned citizens and religious leaders decision to observe fasting and prayer for Syria on Saturday i.e. September 7, 2013 is honorable and praiseworthy.

The positive approach to the otherwise counterproductive course pursued by sponsors of terrorism and violence against the sovereign nation could expedite peaceful resolution. 

Global solidarity demonstrating commitment to peace and harmony on this day continuing until the end to Syrian crises could inspire people in thwarting impending United States and allies military intervention in Syria.

United States citizens opposition conforming to worldwide rejection of any U.S. and coalition involvement in Syria through vigorous campaigning expressing their opinion to elected representatives in Congress is paramount to restore republic status.that is increasingly made irrelevant in Congressional proceeding on national and international matter.

Please come forward and pledge your support to peace benefiting humanity at large regardless of your decision on fasting and prayer considering such practice is discretional. 

Your participation is critical to avert imminent disaster upon United States unlawful and unconstitutional military aggression against Syria.

Universal call for peace and unanimous dissent to war is the only effective world action to save humanity and habitat from protracted warfare. 

The global event in recognition of peace and unity would guarantee freedom, stability, and security for all.

May God bless Syria and the rest of the world with eternal peace and liberty.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant












Russia – St. Petersburg G-20 Summit 2013

September 6, 2013

 By Padmini Arhant

Greetings! To World leaderships attending the G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. 

The persisting economic recession is a challenge and attributed to erroneous policies favoring privately owned banks in control of the central monetary system in North America and Western Europe alongside relentless warfare costing taxpayers – the United States in particular with no end in sight. 

United States executive and legislative branch pre-occupation in pursuit of destructive course ignores national and global dissent to unconstitutional and unlawful military intervention in Syria.

U.S. determination is this regard exacerbates economic conditions preventing opportunity for nations to invest in the respective economies due to disproportionate allocation for defense spending. 

The fiscal crises generated from strategies exclusively benefit members sharing imperialistic agenda.

The primary goals aimed at unlimited access to foreign natural endowments and geopolitical dominance setting up financial institution in the destabilized domain undermines economic growth and development.

Furthermore, the Federal Reserve as the private corporation in money management exercising authority over United States financial decisions burden ordinary citizens with economic liabilities related to scandalous dealings such as the missing $9,000,000,000,000 i.e. $9 trillion in 2009 and,

The latest widely known incident involving the organization secret loans $16 trillion to prominent European banks calls for restoration of republic power in money matter i.e. printing, distribution and fiscal responsibility per constitutional requirement.

Federal Reserve restricting quantitative easing program in preparation to eliminate the process by the middle of 2014 deprives ailing U.S. economy from stimulus allowing arbitrary interest rates adjustment contained until now with optimum figure.

Similarly, the European counterparts directing euro zone nations with emphasis on debt reduction through severe austerity in the absence of economic revival mechanisms responsible for regional melt down.

Besides, tax evasions from banks and multinational corporations together with their wealthiest stakeholders continue to derive maximum returns while subjecting the 99% global population to deal with economic woes including the national budget to run the government. 

Spending cuts targeting essential aspects stifle economic progress.

The misappropriation of funding to unnecessary and illegal wars denies qualified work force gainful employment leaving millions struggling to make ends meet with political establishment misplaced priority on issues detrimental to national interest.

Trade policy premised on globalization with free trade rather than fair trade agreement adversely impact agriculture and industrial sector leading to enlargement of lower income category and middle class dissipation in the prevalent hierarchy.

Again globalization promoted to suit big corporations monopoly on world resources with minimal or no regard for labor and environment laws in the domestic and overseas operations.

The synopsis on solutions to burgeoning problems comprises review and restructuring of monetary, fiscal and trade policies introducing robust measures to revitalize and sustain positive trend in economic activity.

Additionally, international rules on financial and tax fraud depleting developing and industrialized nations revenues deserves attention with universal enforcement to limit and ultimately eradicate embezzlements identified as common syndrome affecting overall economic performance.

The consortium to discuss global economic situation via G-20, AEEAN and other meetings is important in terms of exchanging concerns and ideas that are unique and general in experience.

However, unless the conflict in Syria and cessation of violence in Iraq as well as military expansionism across the globe is terminated, any economic remedies would be ineffective.

The ongoing escalation of tensions in oil rich Middle East and Africa’s minerals attracting neocolonialism with synonymous aspirations in Latin America and Asia Pacific produce volatility in fuel and food prices amid inflation slowing down major and emerging economies that could be avoided to facilitate global economic recovery.

Adopting peaceful resolution to western and allies invasion of Syria is key to economic and political stability that in return would deliver peace and security worldwide. 

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






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