Aristocracy aka kleptocracy and banditry

December 9, 2022

Aristocracy aka kleptocracy and


Padmini Arhant

Emerging literally from the basement in unknown Bavaria, Germany as Saxa Gotha Coburg clan – the so-called Royal liability is abundantly qualified as kleptocracy and banditry in the loot, plunder, pillage of colonies worldwide unlike the falsely propagated and indoctrination on their aristocracy.

Hobnobbing with Nazis as descendants, hosting fostering, fawning and nurturing ruthless brute dictatorial tyrannical regimes worldwide leading and promoting oppression, repression and persecution of population is the Royal trajectory represented with pride and unapologetic prejudice.

What does make the pompous so-called prince, princess, queen, king etc., fleece of the so-called peasants and commoners so to speak for generations ?

Such status authenticate them parasites.

The parasitic existence amongst the presumptuous so-called aristocracy is the reality. The centuries old tradition continued till today characterize the emperor, empress and empires – deadbeat, freeloaders eternal dependents on the so-called ordinary and average population in society.

The newly acquired societal status of the apparent privileged and self-branded exclusive in society on the other hand especially in politics, entertainment and corrupt oligarchy along side deceitful religious knaves… exploiting, bankrupting and conning those whom they denigrate as beneath them are leeches – yet another category in predator parasitic species.

Similarly in any society  – the propaganda on the supposed aristocracy otherwise plutocracy typically – corruptocracy, khandaani rayees (clannish wealthy) – ख़ानदानि रईस turn out to be ख़ानदानि लुटेरे   i.e. clannish dacoits in looting national wealth and treasure stashed in offshore tax havens, Swiss and other bank accounts besides devouring national real estate lasting several generations leaving the fleeced people to struggle for generations, these types are classic paupers ever surviving on the exploited ones’ charity.

The embarrassing status quo is hardly a jewel in the crown which by the way is also stolen from colonized region.

Where is the prestige in such incontrovertible background, profile and legacy?

The monetized propagandists and sycophants have exhausted material and means to project the fraudulent Royalty, Kingsley, Princely and Empire and other exploiters as enviable or admirable (?).

Give this world a break from fictitious fables and fairy tales laughing at you and them out loud LOL.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter


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