Presidential Debacles 2009 – 2016

March 30, 2023

United States 

Presidential Debacles 2009 – 2016

Padmini Arhant

To begin with, in January 2009 Barack Obama Presidency swearing in ceremony, the gala event on global view turned into a major embarrassment with the pledge of allegiance by then President-elect Barack Hussein Obama were muddied and malarkey while repeating the solemn oath on camera presided by the United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. in the nation’s capital – Washington D.C.

As a result, the swearing-in after proper rehearsal was privately conducted at the White House a day or two later with merely the presence of the U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G.Roberts Jr. and then President – select Barack Hussein Obama.

The beginning itself was stumbling and did not commence smoothly on the day of the swearing-in protocol which was quite telling in more than one way as celestial warning. 

Then onwards commenced the harrowing experience under the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. They were not only endured in ominous Obamacare continued till date, the carnage and catastrophe inflicted on billions of population from violent interventions worldwide were not ordinary in magnitude.

The victims of violent warfare, carpet bombing in Libya, cannibalism sponsored by the administration against children, women, youth and elderly in Syria, drone attacks deriving sadistic thrills in a manner as video game simulation rejoicing the sight of children, women, physically challenged and senior citizens fleeing for their life from humble dwellings in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Colombia and other destinations in South America etc., are not characteristics of human trait.

Importantly, the Presidency of Barack Obama failures in domestic mid-term elections and international affairs as well as sports events exemplified false magnification of self-image proven otherwise in outcome.

The 2010 mid-term election for Democratic Party under Barack Obama leadership and Presidency suffered severe setback with the party losing the House, Senate and losses in Gubernatorial race.

The Democratic Party had repeat episodes in 2012, 2014 and 2016 with then democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton losing to the Republican contender Donald Trump and thereafter the Presidency of Donald Trump subject to contentious legal and political bias with no end in sight.

The political vendetta anchored on 2016 Presidential defeat remain incessant evidenced in latest developments.

Internationally, among many unsuccessful endeavors involving the Presidency of Barack Obama, the prominent one is BREXIT. The former President Barack Obama could not prevail in persuading Britains to oppose BREXIT in the national referendum despite the former’s personal trip to London to campaign on the matter.

On other international event related to sports – the Summer Olympics venue selection, the personal visit of President Barack Obama and Michele Obama together submitting the choice to host the event in their native city Chicago, Illinois did not come into fruition.

The Obamas lost their bid for Chicago Olympics to Brazilians hosting the event in Rio de Janeiro in August 2016.

The disappointment and anger was visibly expressed on global lens projected at the Obamas not reciprocating cordially to the winner Brazil represented by then Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on the international stage.

Subsequently, the Trump Presidency bidding on the same event i.e. Summer Olympics was won with Los Angeles to host the international game officially known as the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad and commonly known as Los Angeles 2028 or LA28 scheduled in July 2028.

Actions with positive delivery matter and define attribute or the lack thereof.

Padmini Arhant

Presidency Precedence in Misogyny

March 29, 2023

Presidency Precedence in Misogyny

Padmini Arhant

The timeline of these events 2009 – 2016 and resumed in 2021 – 2023 till now targeting female Premierships in different parts of the world set precedence unseating women leaderships on corruption charges with impeachment against them.

On the contrary, the demonstrably scandalous Obamacare selling nation and people to health care and insurance industry in particular touted legendary. In a way legendary for all the wrong and destructive reasons aptly fit the actions during the term in office between 2009 – 2016 resumed in 2021 until now.

Not to mention the Nobel Peace Prize prior to commencement of term in office in 2009 delivering horror, bloodbath, terrorism, cannibalism triggering humanitarian crises and environment disaster…elaborated in the article Presidential Crime – Part 2 published in this site clarify globalists stance on male oriented and dominant catastrophes rewarded with accolades and so-called speech honorariums transformed into extortions ad nauseam.

Notwithstanding, the Barack Obama Presidency outreach to alter ego Indian incumbent Prime Minister rescued from being arrested in New York on Godhra violence is the paradox of the Presidency presiding over series of female leaderships’ removal from the respective nation’s office.

The Indian incumbent Prime Minister’s tainted record in communal violence killing thousands of innocent citizens besides corruption and criminality were perhaps most fascinating striking a chord due to similarity in trajectory prompting White House executive action in September 2014 despite being supposedly left and right in political party position.

Meanwhile, zero tolerance to corruption dealings and purported abuse of power from female counterparts in executive positions’  go well beyond the political norm.

The female leaderships accused of crimes are dealt with not less than ouster from office via impeachment, public arrest, imprisonment and much publicized humiliation aided by globalists media rancor and raucous.

Needless to say, the well substantiated hard core facts on crimes, corruption and extraordinary abuse of power from male heads of the state compared to female counterparts are generally protected with impunity with rare exceptions in actions linked to political vendetta.

In a nutshell, the crimes committed by the face of the global cartel and clique are exhumed and mummified as exclusive rights of male representation of globalists in the political sphere and permanently held above law.

The chronicle interestingly in the period 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 until now reveal the contempt and bias against female leaderships.

In contrast, equal or exceedingly higher crimes committed by male heads of the state during the above specified time or earlier and thereafter granted immunity and worse celebrated as legendary and messianic. The trend is an insult to human intelligence and whatever sanity left in the world.

The chronicle detailing events related to female heads of the state elimination from power while serving their elected term in office in the modern era claiming gender equality is a far cry.

Timeline – 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 till date is not a mere coincidence. 


Thailand –  Thai Prime Minister – May 8, 2014 — Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra forced to step down

Thailand’s democratically elected female prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, has stepped down after a court found her guilty of abusing her power. 

South Korea : October 2016 

Park Geun-bye – South Korean Female President

Widespread coverage of this South Korean political scandal began in late October 2016. On November 29, Park offered to begin the process of removing herself from power. On December 9, 2016 Park was impeached, and then Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn became the acting president.


Southern State Tamil Nadu 

Jayalalithaa sentenced to 4 years in jail; clashes in Tamil Nadu

India – Sep 28, 2014 — Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalithaa was convicted of corruption in an 18-year-old disproportionate assets case by a Bangalore court on Saturday.

South America  – September 2016 

Brazil – Brazilian President – Dilma Rpusseff impeached and removed from office on September 1, 2016. 

AUSTRALIA – June 2013 

Julia Gillard ousted as Australia prime minister

Jun 26, 2013 — Julia Gillard confirms she will not contest next parliamentary elections after losing Labor party leadership ballot to Kevin Rudd.

UKRAINE –  October 2011

October 2011 – The first female Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko removed from office and sentenced to seven years in jail.

On 11 October 2011, the court found Tymoshenko guilty of abuse of power, sentenced her to seven years in jail, and ordered her to pay the state $188 million. She was convicted for exceeding her powers as Prime Minister, by ordering Naftogaz to sign the gas deal with Russia in 2009.

BRITAINJuly 2016 

Theresa May  – UK Prime Minister elected in July 2016 and moved forward with Britains favored BREXiT in the referendum held on 23 June, 2016.

Incidentally then United States President Barack Obama traveled to London to campaign against BREXIT and failed in the national referendum that delivered the contradictory outcome.

Theresa May was removed from office in 2019 with her Premiership targeted in July 2016 from the White House on BREXIT debacle.

May survived two votes of no confidence in
December 2018 and January 2019.

May announced her resignation in May 2019. She left office on 24 July 2019.

Britain 2022 Latest – Liz Truss is the shortest-serving former prime minister, resigning after seven weeks.

Liz Truss was invited to the office in September 2022 and evicted from office in October 2022 allowing the occupancy for mere 49 days in office.

The former PM of Britain was brought down on the charges of her alleged inability to miraculously revive  Britain’s economy from mayhem after COVID19 in her 49 days in office.

Has Britain recovered from economic collapse and reached economic Supremo status now following ex-PM Liz Truss ejection from office? 

The female leaderships systematically targeted and disqualified from office during former President Barack Obama terms in office beginning at the campaign trail against democratic opponent Hillary Clinton and then onwards against above female heads of the state continued till date. 

The female XX chromosome deemed corrupt and hence violable in the eyes of the apparent noblest of the noble and,

Contrarily the male X(Y) chromosome regardless of overwhelming criminal and corrupt legacy remain fabulously scrupulous and virtuous in the global citadel.

No wonder the status quo in self-denial and incontrovertible reality on Karma accompanying the soul upon demise is deceitfully refuted in absolute fear and guilt.

The guilt is the capital punishment in living. One cannot run away from oneself. The soul is never detached from karmic effect until debts are settled with all those the Soul is indebted to in a given lifetime. The deed accompanying the Soul upon departure from the world is irrefutable certainty. 

The false propagation against actuality is fraudulence binding the Soul in more Karmic bondage for the doers and others in collusion. 

Padmini Arhant 

Factoid – Violations with Taxpayer Money

March 28, 2023

Factoid – Violations with Taxpayer Money

Padmini Arhant

The abuse of power such as spying, snooping, eavesdropping, trolling, tagging and identity theft  of individual taxpayer using taxpayer dollars is the worst self-denigration for the desperate in deep swamp burdened with irredeemable sins.

The perversion and criminality in such indulgence define fundamental character.

No matter what those famished for power engage in or do to anyone in series of violations, their deeds in this respect accompany them upon departure from the world for due judgment unavoidable despite reference such as pitch fork. 

Padmini Arhant 

World – Power is Intoxicating

March 28, 2023

World – Power is Intoxicating

Padmini Arhant  

Israel – The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saddled with corruption charges upon return to office attempts on judiciary overhaul tied to personal interests halted as of now.

The quest for power overrides national interests triggering nationwide protests to save democracy.

What is about to ensue in the aftermath of judicial reform rested on its track?

Is the Prime Minister’s withdrawal an abandonment of the controversial executive action?


Is the retreat a temporary pause to calm the rising tidal wave across the spectrum in Israel only to surreptitiously surface sooner than later?

The interlude delaying the judicial reform as opposed to departure from empowerment of executive position would be a major political risk for any leadership not excluding a seasoned political figure like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with enormous ambitions for power.

Overarching power to silence democracy and undermine the nation’s highest judicial authority i.e. the Supreme Court arise when the powerful not content with people granted power through electoral mandate subject to checks and balances to avert current situation and unnecessary turmoil.

The urgent need to overhaul judiciary to protect own position is an explicit expression of guilt felt and experienced from underlying corruption charges leading to extra judicial execution of power in Israel right now.

The overt assumption of office bearer of the highest office as the absolute power in direct violation of democratic system primarily endanger the soul of democracy and constitutionality governing legislative,  executive and judiciary in the independent and combined political edifice.

Anytime action exceed norms to gain more power quelling dissent demonstrated in the arbitrary dismissal of own cabinet defense minister Yoav Gallant for sharing concerns and calling for rationale, the inner turmoil within is prominent and impetus impulsive reaction.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu priority prior to suspension of the bill to overhaul judicial power misconceived false safety zone to circumvent legal proceedings on corruption charges while remaining the cause for cavalier approach arousing national opposition against the embattled decision.

However, the guilt for doers never dissipate rather exacerbate in living and beyond.

Accordingly, overhauling of judiciary and extreme measures cannot possibly absolve the source from responsibility to face due process in observation and respect for none are above law in a democracy.

Neither denial of guilt nor extraordinary measures to curb democratic means would deliver desired outcome. The might is right strategy has invariably backfired for anyone set in the treacherous trail.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The topic will resume with focus on other major world events.


Democracy in Crisis

March 24, 2023

Democracy in Crisis

Padmini Arhant

Political reality today is politics has transformed into theatrics with incognito pulling strings from behind as puppeteers and political actors chosen to perform the puppet act. Not to mention commercialization of politics with price tag not for the worthy and meritorious rather the notorious prostrating in obsequious to puppet masters reining control.

The media and various communication outlets along with entertainment industry represent the ensemble in the political orchestra.

The modus operandi is follow the script meant for all in the concert.

Not surprisingly, the yesteryear democracies upended to satisfy ravenous appetite for prolonged power despite terrible track record during term in office.

Accordingly the strategy deploying anything goes to remain in power and absolve from corruption and criminality by those in the highest office is the norm.

The democracies in the United States, India and Israel…regularly touted the world’s modern, largest and the only one in the region etc. in the serial order are contemporarily displaced for personal political interests.

Those pitched and paraded as the messiahs in these democracies are proven emperor without clothes with those behind the imaginary facade backing falsehood unwilling and incompetent to recognize actual situation.

Nonetheless, the trajectory is not without inviolable outcome.

The people’s rights seized in a republic by the head of the states with amassment of power to self / selves lasting several terms i.e. decades have invariably resulted in tumult and turmoil. 

From Russian Czars to then head of the nation Joseph Stalin along with Hitler, Mussolini and alike from around the world have succumbed to gluttonous greed for power in their vain assessment of might is right.

How gravely they were wrong was established in their disappearance and self-termination feat.

No difference between them and those treading in their path now as all roads to authoritarianism, dictatorial power and despotism ultimately leads to only one destination – the precipice.

Padmini Arhant  

United States – Extortions and Hypocrisy

March 21, 2023

United States – Politics Witch-hunt

Extortions and Hypocrisy 

Padmini Arhant

The interesting details on events corresponding to Presidential terms 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 till date in office is noteworthy.

The major United States and international banks on the target during Barack Obama Presidency then and now.

BNP Paribas – The French International Bank headquartered in Paris with presence in 65 countries settled on June 30, 2014 nearly $9 billion with then U.S. Department of Justice headed by former Attorney General Eric Holder on charges as criminal plea for facilitating bank transactions for nations under U.S. economic sanctions. The nations quoted are Sudan, Iran, Cuba.

NB: The Barack Obama Presidency a year later in July 2015, released US $100 billion to Iran citing contingent to nuclear deal much to neighbor and arch nemesis Israel’s fury and frustration.

Wells Fargo – United States’ one of the largest banks headquartered in San Francisco, California was another target in 2013, 2016 under Barack Obama Presidency extended into 2021 until now.

Wells Fargo was initially reported in 2013 – during Barack Obama term in office on the bank’s “widespread illegal practice of secretly opening unauthorized accounts.” and fined by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (a federal government arsenal on political witch hunt than serving consumer real issues) fined the bank $100 million in September 2016.

Fast forward in December 2022 – the Wells Fargo Bank in the Bay Area California was pursued again upon return of Barack Obama defacto Presidency displacing Biden administration.

This time the financial institution was charged $3.7 billion in settlement on charges of wrongful banking practice in auto loans, mortgage and variety.

On personal account – my experience in this regard due to unlawful political intervention from the White House at that time in 2011 – 2013  resulted in loss of investment assets in real estate that were verified and confirmed in independent inquiry on the dealings. The bank was not Wells Fargo.

In 2023 – Upon Barack Obama return to power, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in Silicon Valley, California again one of the largest banks serving the Silicon Valley tech industry collapse in the manufactured crisis.

The SVB event propagated as a major fiasco and wildly spread in recent dissemination reverberating in the Presidency surrogate podcast and Indian social domain by design with New Delhi counterpart as alter ego coordination. 

The multi billion dollars from international banks specifically BNP and United States financial institution Wells Fargo cited in the above mentioned events during Barack Obama Presidency

The settlements in billions of dollars BNP – approximately $9 billion and Wells Fargo $100 million in September 2016 and $3.7 billion in December 2022 received by then Department of Justice (DOJ) under then Attorney General Eric Holder directly serving under Barack Obama administration and later transaction in 2022 merit accountability and audit to ascertain the funds return to U.S.Treasury. 

Here are the interesting connections between me – Padmini Arhant and the banks sought after during Barack Obama Presidency then and now which is conspicuously more than a mere coincidence. 

In the early years of my professional career – I briefly worked for BNP Paribas in the late 1980’s in Melbourne Australia. Subsequently I continued my career in banking industry in Wells Fargo, San Francisco, California in 1990. 

Now the Silicon Valley Bank is tied to my Silicon Valley base though I have no affiliation or link to the bank.

I wonder if I happen to live on the moon, would there be a Bank created on the moon and intentionally designed to crumble?

Regardless of the selectively targeted above financial institutions’ activities and charges against them to which I have no connection or relation only highlights inappropriate political motive in the Presidential pursuits.

It is clear to me the political bullying and harassment associating my personal and professional career background with institutions notwithstanding extortions under the pretext revived reminiscent of unethical indulgence in 2009 – 2016. 

The practice conveniently evading transparency on funds receipt by government in power and deposit or the lack thereof to relevant department between 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 till now. 

What is next for Barack Obama expired Presidency 2009 -2016?

In my professional career – I also worked for international banks – Bank of Singapore and National Australia Bank in late 198o’s in Australia. 

Are they going to be pursued now by defacto Barack Obama Presidency having resumed action against Wells Fargo Bank in 2022 in continuation of the past action against the institution in 2016. The latest being Silicon Valley Bank in 2023. 

FYI – Barack Obama Presidency 

My late father was a Chief Executive for international airline British Airways – with whom he had life time career.

Is that going to be in the line of target as well in slew of politically charged unscrupulous actions misusing the office of Presidency and public funded federal agencies for reasons other than intended purpose?

The latest statement from the democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren emphasizing on none are above law and necessary indictments are appropriate against the former President Donald Trump in the continuous saga between democrat political party and former Presidency of Donald Trump.

In that context, the legitimate question arise concerning a citizen of the United States and the members in the highest office.

When is the open public investigation with indictments scheduled against the Obamas – Michelle and Barack Obama in the incident involving the unarmed civilian African American Miriam Carey – the young mother mercilessly gunned down with 25 or more round of bullets by White House secret service personnel per authorization from the Oval Office?  The D.C. police joining the shooting spree.

Justice maneuvered to suit political bias is serious assault on constitutional based democracy unfortunately under siege right now. 

Padmini Arhant

India – Election Fraud

March 17, 2023

India – West Bengal 2021 Bypoll 

Padmini Arhant

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee projected as rival and so-called opposition to national political party BJP and incumbent in New Delhi, the former role in the state’s bypoll in 2021 is noteworthy for two reasons.

1. For voter awareness and awakening in the Chief Minister’s own state – West Bengal.

2. Another scene play with script and performance at national level is ready to roll in general election in 2024.

The 2021 bypoll in West Bengal – the ruling party Trinamool Congress (TMC) wins comfortably against national political party BJP with a large majority in the State Assembly headed by the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

Now individually, the TMC candidate Mamata Banerjee contested from two constituencies rather than just one – breaking the tradition held from 2011 – 2021.

In that bypoll – the West Bengal State assembly candidate Mamata Banerjee contested from her original home turf Bhavanipur against BJP’s female candidate interestingly bearing the name Priyanka Tibrewal.

Mamata Banerjee is reported to have won a major victory against BJP’s Priyanka Tibrewal with a margin of 58,832 votes in Bhavanipur constituency.

Source: The Hindu News –

October 3, 2021.

“Mamata Banerjee back in Bengal Assembly with Bhabanipur win

Bengal Chief Minister registers record margin of 58,835 votes over BJP’s Priyanka Tibrewal.”

In the same bypoll in 2021, the candidate Mamata Banerjee contesting in a different constituency Nandigram where she did not have a firm footing or popularity given voter grievances against the TMC chief is challenged by BJP’s male candidate Suvendu Adhikari who reportedly defeated Mamata Banerjee by 1956 votes. Though not a substantial margin, the defeat of Mamata Banerjee by BJP’s male candidate is registered important.

The difference in margin of votes in victory and defeat of Mamata Banerjee in two different constituencies deserve attention from voters in West Bengal and Indian electorate en masse for present and future reference.

The Bhavanipur constituency delivering victory to Mamata Banerjee is a wide margin 58,832 votes giving Mamata fancy wings to fly with BJP in national contest as defacto. In a way flattery and adulation in politics is never enough.

Contrarily, in Nandigram constituency, the low key 1956 votes a mere digit higher than Mamata Didi’s birth year is assigned to the loss to safeguard Mamata Didi’s image in West Bengal and national politics that is tarnished and damaged in controversial Sarada financial scam used by BJP against Mamata Didi.

The typical arsenal for sitting Indian Prime Minister and Home minister against members within and outside  political establishment, institutions and organizations they target for nefarious goals. 

These two glaring distinctions in the so-called electoral outcome in this bypoll in West Bengal is litmus test on electoral process legitimacy dismally  failing as it is clearly indicative of refined calibration of results to suit political manipulators strategy. 

That’s unfortunately the sad fate of Indian democracy and election credibility having become nothing more than a number for easy political maneuver however possible.

TMC Chief Mamata Nanerjee winning by significant margin against BJP’s Priyanka Tibrewal is attributed to Mamata Banerjee as the candidate. The rival BJP’s Priyanka Tibrewal on the other hand is the proxy nominated as Padmini Arhant by BJP losing miserably in the make-believe contest.

Simultaneously, BJP’s male candidate Suvendu Adhikari winning against the candidate Mamata Banerjee now this time is apparently Padmini Arhant.

The deeply insecure incumbent Prime Minister of India is using political factions and proxies to gain satisfaction from bizarre ridiculous imaginary swaps again borrowed from the masters to witness and rejoice my loss in elections that I am no part of  to begin with.

The same scenario is ready to be rolled out with none other than TMC Chief Mamata Banerjee cast as me i.e. Padmini Arhant with incumbent BJP Prime Minister candidate defeating Mamata Banerjee as Padmini Arhant with a landslide margin in 2024 national election.

That’s the reason TMC Chief Mamata Banerjee is advised to remain aloof from the rest of the opposition and announced the solo bid in 2024 general election to aid Indian PM’s devious agenda.

Indian incumbent Prime Minister, Home Minister and so-called political opposition in India kow-towing to international clique, their masters in global arena are reminded once and for all on status quo between you and me and that is explicitly fait accompli.

Accordingly politics squandering public taxpayers money in pseudo elections against me to serve egotistical megalomaniacal political aspirations is lunacy reflecting desperate times seeking desperate downfall – the current stark reality. 

What the TMC Chief Mamata Banerjee as the state’s Chief Minister must explain to voters in West Bengal and Indian electorate at large is the quid pro quo between West Bengal CM and Indian PM.

What exactly transpired between the two members prompting Mamata Banerjee to engage in 2024 national election as a single candidate?

What kinda of rewards promised and agreed to for this performance earlier in 2021 West Bengal bypoll and the one organized in 2024?

Indian democracy as such long been subverted and laid to rest. The political theatrics by the ruling and so-called opposition only deceive voters in West Bengal or any state and national electorate.

Indian politics is in serious crises with corruption, power struggle and plutocracy in governance.

Finally, reiterating earlier statement that I’m Padmini Arhant. My name is Padmini Arhant and not whoever wherever whatever name they choose for me that would be my identity. Such charade only confirm politics in fools paradise.

I say to Indian and international polity – the incognito in particular presiding over the ignoramus identity swap imposed on me as their prerogative.

I need no more namkarans – christening with any names of your choice or random naming which is.a serious violation of my individual right in identity theft mania ultimately hurting all those involved without exception in severe karmic effects.

Padmini Arhant 

FYI – Politics Fait Accompli

March 17, 2023

FYI – Politics

Fait Accompli 

Padmini Arhant

Indian incumbent Prime Minister, Home Minister and so-called political opposition in India kow-towing to international clique, their masters in global arena are reminded once and for all on status quo between you and me and that is explicitly fait accompli. 

Accordingly politics squandering public taxpayers money in pseudo elections against me to serve egotistical megalomaniacal political aspirations is lunacy reflecting desperate times seeking desperate downfall – the current stark reality. 

Padmini Arhant 


Presidential Crime Part 2

March 16, 2023

United States

Presidential Crime  Part 2

Padmini Arhant 

The ex-President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama trajectory shed light on international network.

The former President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama evidently not quite resigned from the office till date owe explanation on one too many issues that are obviously not regarded important or necessary in politics that targets only those whom partisan politics view as arch nemesis and pursue endlessly much to theirs and taxpayers’ liability.

Accordingly, the former President Barack Obama‘s personal and Presidential office and administration interventions leading to deaths, destruction, chaos, catastrophe and gross human rights violations beckon attention and awareness.

Foreign Policy:

Ukraine status quo in 2023 – today Ukraine is in rubbles and enduring Russian invasion and onslaught is the result of Barack Obama administration and state department intrusion in 2014. The unlawful violent insurrection against democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, thrown out of office at gun point in world view while the former President Barack Obama attempts to champion gun control in the United States is an irony.

Not to mention Ukraine lost Crimea in the course of Barack Obama administration and EU direct involvement in destabilizing a democratic nation.


The  re-election to second term in office in 2012 was premised on resurrection of long deceased Osama Bin Laden – the terror mastermind to the world nevertheless retained as CIA’s high value asset by Barack Obama and predecessor Bush – Cheney administration.

The latter duo allowing safe passage of Osama’s close family out of United States to protect them from any harm on the fateful day September 11, 2001 clarify close ties between Bush and Bin Laden family.

The Osama family escapade especially on the gruesome day of 9/11 terror, the Bush – Cheney administration meticulously arrange their exit out of United States when the entire world was brought to a grinding halt with no flights flying anywhere on the sky.

The Presidential campaign in 2008 touting hope and change proved anything but hopeful and as for the change – the predecessor Bush-Cheney were despised and vilified towards their second term in office largely by blue and some purple voters along with the rest of the world. Whereas in ex-President Barack Obama’s case, the Presidency got free pass and got away with anything as prerogative.

That’s the CHANGE experienced under first black Presidency.

As for holding Bush-Cheney Presidency accountable for upending democracy beginning with 2000 and 2004 election and re-election debacles, illegal invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and other nations per Project for New American Century (PNAC) which was  taken over by ex-President Barack Obama to complete the domino effect in 2011 and then onwards.

None of the entire events were considered an issue under Barack Obama Presidency compared to slew of legal and congressional proceedings not barring impeachment episodes interestingly more than once against successor Donald Trump elected in 2016 continued till date.

Not surprisingly the accountability factor on the predecessor Bush – Cheney was out of question under Barack Obama Presidency and no taxpayer funded committee or congressional hearings similar to the ones against Trump were held against Bush – Cheney despite their violent criminal legacy.

It is clear election as formality is comfortable for incognito approved candidacies in world governments  against candidacy in agreement to lose the race. In other words unopposed election is designed by choice.

In fact it is deja vu. The set up in the United States 2012 Presidential race between then incumbent Presidency Barack Obama against incognito organized name sake Republican contender Mitt Romney ( another reason was Romney rhyming with Padmini) delivering the incumbent Barack Obama victory in accordance with the pre-arranged plan.

The 2012 United States Presidential debates between incumbent Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney further demonstrated the Republican candidate in concurrence with democrat incumbent on issues in a manner as not opponent rather running mate. 

The movie is ready to be replayed in Indian national election in 2024 with incumbent Indian Prime Minister against chosen opponent as consensual loser in the bid to highest office in government.

The format is similar to match fixing prior to the game in international sports relevantly in cricket with key players in team bribed for lack luster performance to suit set agenda favoring the bidders and those betting with a windfall from the outcome.

That’s why the inference the incumbent Indian Prime Minister alter ego of then United States incumbent Barack Obama is made in later segment of  this article in cognizance of the pattern replicated in current Indian Prime Minister and former United States President Barack Obama political tenure.

As for Barack Obama’s re-election prospects in 2012 after the Democratic Party headed by Barack Obama was shellacked in 2010 midterm election, the strategy was to resurrect long dead Osama Bin Laden who actually passed away from kidney failure in December 2001 which was even corroborated by then Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf in 2002 CNN interview confirmed by ABC News.

ABC News United States reported:

“In a January 2002 interview with CNN, Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had probably died of kidney failure, and that he’d taken two dialysis machines into Afghanistan with him.”

The Abbottabad operation in Pakistan approved and conducted by Barack Obama Presidency assigning young NAVY SEALS dubbed SEAL TEAM SIX were authorized to raid a house in a compound not far away from Pakistan’s military headquarters Rawalpindi.

The operation outcome propagated as capture and assassination of long dead Osama bin Laden subsequently eliminated the young NAVY SEALS from SEAL TEAM SIX.

NAVY SEALS entire team not even sparing  a member in a strange set up, the crew deployed in Abbottabad mission in Pakistan on May 2, 2011 were three months later on August 6, 2011 ordered to board 1960’s chinook helicopter used during Vietnam invasion and the chopper brought down stating Talibans involvement in the heavily militarized U.S. and NATO occupation of Afghanistan.

President Barack Obama in 2011 having authorized the Abbottabad mission upon being questioned on the lack of any evidence in producing Osama bin Laden body, the White House press release was FBI disposed Osama bin laden’s body in Arabian Sea adding in adherence to Islamic culture which was false and did not correlate with reality.

The young NAVY SEALS barely 19 -21-year-old subject to premature killings post Abbottabad hoax, their families were denied any investigation on abhorrent calculated fatal incident in Afghanistan.

The Middle East decimation in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Egypt political turmoil, Sudan bifurcation causing more deaths and devastation, Mali re-colonization by France etc., are just few examples under Barack Obama’s Presidency between 2009 – 2016 far exceeding the predecessor Bush-Cheney carnage.

In fact, Barack Obama re-election in 2012 was tied to cooperation and complicity in militarization of Africa with U.S. military base and arms supply to the region proliferated similar to Latin America under Barack Obama Presidency.

Case in point is the White House under Barack Obama Presidency and then attorney general Eric Holder from DOJ – department of Justice odd illogical experiment fast and furious program arming dangerous violent drug cartels in neighboring Mexico returned to haunt United States with effects experienced today in the Mexican and Central American population influx across the southern and Californian border more than ever now.

Again under Barack Obama Presidency, the carpet bombing of Libya under No Fly Zone in 2011 led to Benghazi attack on United States officials in 2012 killing then U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, CIA operatives and other embassy staff members becoming the controversial Benghazi gate.

The Benghazi gate interrogation by Congress and usual media surrogates washed, mopped and covered up Benghazi scandal absolving Barack Obama Presidency and State department of any responsibility ignoring the lives lost in the violent assault.

SyriaBarack Obama Presidency set precedence in sponsoring cannibals through creation of IS, ISIS and various terror outfits to whom weapon cache were delivered via Croatia and other routes to kill, rape, maim and murder innocent children, women, pregnant mothers, elderly, physically challenged…nothing were taken into consideration during White House sponsorship of the terror factions.

In South East Asia – the administration under Barack Obama Presidency intervened in Malaysia, Indonesia arousing political turbulence, Vietnam was approached to go nuclear.

Thailand – The democratically elected 1st female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was violently removed from office and replaced with military junta.

North Korea – The White House with Nobel Peace laureate declined to hold any talks with North Korea. Instead escalated the crisis in Korean Peninsula with nuclear laden submarine and air power constellation.

Likewise the nuclear threats were constantly posed by Barack Obama Presidency against Iran, Syria… in the Middle East with the signature White House mantra – ‘All options are on the table’ resonating from campaign trail till entire term in office.

The Presidency of Barack Obama superseded others earlier in imposing economic sanctions against population of nations with governments referred to as rogue regimes by the White House.

The sanctions not excluding basic food and medicine supplies suffered by Iranians, Syrians, North Koreans, Cubans and nations in Latin America paid significant price with their lives under excruciating embargo directly affecting the people not their government.

The Palestinians were thrown under the bus like many others in Barack Obama Presidency letting the former and now incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel violate and completely disregard UN and UNSC resolutions on Palestinian dispute as irrelevant and inconvenient. 

In South East Asia – the White House during Barack Obama term in office fueled the fire in Myanmar triggering atrocities against Rohingya Muslims and thereafter major humanitarian and refugee crisis akin to Syrian and South Sudanese humanitarian calamity.

South Asia – Pakistan – Under Barack Obama Presidency the White House presence in Pakistan reached historic proportion in drone attacks earning the title drone king for Barack Obama. The White House under Barack Obama expanded drone strikes in South America viz. Colombia besides Pakistan, Afghanistan and Middle East.

The arbitrary air raids, private army continuing Bush – Cheney hired contentious Black Waters later reintroduced as XE were recruited by Barack Obama administration to roam loose as defense contractors and private army in Pakistan, Libya, Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

The extra judicial execution of power heightened under Barack Obama rule adding more inmates in the world’s worst human rights violation prison camp – the notorious Guantanamo Bay inaugurated by Bush – Cheney and driven to extraordinary abuse denying habeas corpus to whomever targeted by the White House in Barack Obama’s Presidency.

South Asia under Barack Obama term in office –

Sri Lanka – The White House upon Barack Obama assuming power as President had then President and commander-in-chief of the island nation Sri Lanka – Mahinda Rajapaksa known for ruthless dictatorial governance anchored on indigenous Tamil population genocide.

The summary execution of Tamils with children as young as 10 years of age hamstrung with their arms tied to their back and blindfolded were mercilessly shot from behind by Sri Lankan military executing order from Mahinda Rajapaksa with international collusion 

The United States under Barack Obama Presidency and the United Nations under UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon went AWOL deserting the pleading Sri Lankan Tamils – the children, women and disabled crying their heart out to defend them from Mahinda Rajapaksa’s tyranny and international including Indian collusion in the inevitable massacre of Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009 after eliminating the LTTE Chief Velupillai Prabhakaran.

India – India’s largest anti-corruption rally in 2011 with people aspiration to curb endemic political corruption via legislation and enforcement of laws was successfully torpedoed by White House under Barack Obama.

Barack Obama personal outreach averting the arrest upon arrival in New York by then Gujarat Chief Minister and later Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Godhra pogrom in 2002 was politics living up to “you scratch my back and I will yours’” with the latter emerging an alter ego of the former in tossing constitution rule of law, abuse of power, violence, corruption, criminality and targeting individuals ad hominem…among plethora of power exploitation.

In contrast, the Barack Obama Black Presidency declined to rescue own member of the race – Troy Davis and sent the innocent man to the gallows to succumb to lethal injection.

The bizarre personality trait of the supposedly democrat left leaning community organizer Barack Obama overarching executive power to defend the right wing fundamentalist Narendra Modi implicated and guilty of instigating Godhra violence with thousands of innocent victims from children, women, youth to senior citizens slaughtered in Gujarat following then Chief Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah’s order preventing law enforcement from containing violence.

Juxtaposed the Nobel peace prize winner Barack Obama entry into White House as the first Black President rejecting clemency plea from wrongfully  convicted African American Troy Davis – United States citizen lay bare facts on actions define character.

In the domestic front Barack Obama Presidency pact with health care and health insurance industry selling the nation and people for mandatory health insurance linked to severe penalty on citizens left at the mercy of health industry conglomerate from Big Pharma to health care and insurance indulging in price gouging intensified more than ever today.

In a real democracy, such engagement by the highest office with private economic sector hurting ordinary lives with federal state mandated compulsory health insurance without appropriate and fair contributions from the corporate health sector would be treason against the people granting power and funding the public office with tax dollars.

The quid pro quo in Barack Obama Presidency reflected in meteoric rise in financial status of Obamas having claimed in 2008 campaign grounds of saddled with their outstanding student loans nearly 30 years ago carried into their entry to White House in 2009 and exiting White House as billionaire to qualify for elite premium golf membership with a whopping nearly $300,000 annual fee summarize politics as treasure trove.

In other critical domestic and international affair – Barack Obama administration presided over the decade perhaps the new millennium cataclysmic gain of function research allowing the virus manufacturing in Wuhan lab, Hubei province in China funded by United States NIH via catalysts and so-called philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates foundation as well as EU unleashing the deadly corona virus precisely in the United States Presidential election year in 2020.

The timing is of essence in this regard. The events in synchrony with World Economic Forum Agenda on Great Reset in financial sector requiring global economy freeze and lockdown enabled by global pandemic i.e. COVID19 officially made known to public in 2020 coinciding with United States Presidential election in 2020.

Aside from phenomenal pain and misery inflicted on population at home and abroad under Barack Obama Presidency, there were many false flag events across United States taking the lead from 9/11 terror on American soil with Bush-Cheney administration choosing to neglect numerous verified credible warnings from intelligence apparatus worldwide on confirmed terror attack on United States in September 2001.

The Presidency of Barack Obama continued Bush -Cheney’s Patriot Act made effective after 9/11 targeting U.S. citizens with federal agency surveillance not without abuse of the law.

Simultaneously the long established FISA in 1978 – the foreign intelligence surveillance act is associated with foreign intelligence information between foreign powers and agents of foreign powers suspected of espionage or terrorism.

Bush – Cheney administration did not stick with procedures outlined by Congress on FISA and arbitrarily misused FISA which Barack Obama Presidency was also cited for in this respect.

The continuation of Bush – Cheney policy in these federal activities were noted in Barack Obama Presidency much to some real progressive democrats grievance in Congress and Senate at that time unlike fake progressives or  so-called moderates referred to as the Squad inducted in Congress by Barack Obama Presidency for reasons other than political representation.

As for misappropriation of funds, privileges and benefits they are by and large applied to politics in general.

However, the Obamas trajectory in splurging tax payer funded political office was taken to new level squandering taxpayer dollars like $100 million and more in Obamas private vacation with entourage in African Safari, chartering Air Force 1 for shopping spree to Paris on weekend and that’s not enough this particular routine takes the cake in misuse of public office and taxpayer money.

Barack Obama’s personal barber flown into the Capital Washington D.C. from Chicago regularly to attend to then ordinary apparently community organizer turned VVIP client at the White House service.

CourtesyUnited States tax payers who were admonished by then sitting President Barack Obama to live within means in the wake of sub-prime mortgage meltdown with homeowners made homeless on Barack Obama administration and relevantly the current Vice President Kamala Emhoff watch as the former attorney general of California.

The average American households were also advised by President Barack Obama to turn down the thermostat in frigid temperature on energy conservation and high gas prices to which news reporters attending the White House Press meet reported on the same not practiced in the Oval Office and the White House residence.

The political hypocrisy never cease in politics in ordinary and extraordinary times like COVID 19 mask mandate or social distancing flouted by politics more than ordinary citizens and the political figures were also caught in the act much to their embarrassment.

The competition in misuse of public office and taxpayer money is stiff with the predecessor George W. Bush increasing the Presidential salary from $300,000 to $400,000 regardless of extreme comforts and opportunities reaped beyond official term in office.

Barack Obama as successor went more than an extra mile than predecessor Bush and enacted lifetime secret service security for Presidency after leaving office at taxpayer expense.

In the background of Presidential misinterpretation of power and privileges, it is hardly amazing that Barack Obama together with former President Bill Clinton – democrats on campaign trail only vigorously campaigned and bolstered Republican George Bush – Dick Cheney’s policy on tax cuts for super wealthy rather than repealing or letting it expire during Barack Obama Presidency.

The elaborate comprehensive legacy of the United States’ 44th President Barack Obama detailed in this topic Presidential Crime presented in two parts and articles under corresponding titles in this website and sub-domain –

Categorically and unequivocally determine the Presidency of Barack Obama the worst in U.S. political history especially in the context of hyped hope and change hysteria ending in mass deception, disillusionment and monumental disaster in many aspects.

In response to those questioning on why no action was taken against various violations and misuse of power in Barack Obama Presidency.

The Presidency of Barack Obama was impeached by God in the aftermath of events in 2011 and health care reform scandal.

The impeachment proceedings against 44th President Barack Obama was ordained and declared in public domain and published on this site.

In historic terms, the French Physician Nostradamus predictions cited emergence of Mabus in 2009 – 2016 timeline referring to Barack Obama Presidency extending beyond two major world known individuals in international crimes Osama Bin Ladin and George W.Bush at the onset of new century.

MaBus – the prefix from OSA(MA) and suffix from (BUS)H

by Nostradamus – the French Physician and predictor of events cautioning the world on blood river flowing and mayhem all around were witnessed and experienced in the tradition continued by Barack Obama Presidency as an extension of horror commenced in Bush – Cheney era.

Ignorantly, Barack Obama negotiation with incognito forces pulling strings from behind to secure second term in office in 2012 was pitched as;

“I’m the one in between you and the pitch fork referring to Hindu God Shiva identified by the Trident  – Trishul.”

Barack Obama was projecting self as the barrier for divine intervention to act against the invisible forces running the gamut on world stage.

Obviously that myth was debunked with impeachment by divine force. 

Padmini Arhant

India – Declassify Information

March 14, 2023

India – Declassify Information

Padmini Arhant

While fake news and incessant propaganda continues unabated on alleged threat to incumbent Prime Minister’s position and life,

When the contrary is true in abuse of power committing crimes with impunity throughout political career till date.

Indian politics – the ruling and so-called opposition collusion and complicity on many national issues is the norm. Among them, the electoral bonds inviting flurry of unlimited funds and illicit financing from anywhere nationwide and across the globe auctioning democracy and election is a leaf plucked out of yet another so-called democracy branch.

The United States’ Supreme Court ruling on unlimited corporate and special interests’ cache cashing in on political candidacy from top to bottom i.e. Presidential race to municipal, city and mayoral election is political establishment cash trove.

Indian incumbency raucous on sedition charges with slogan coined as Tukde Tukde gang translated as disintegration mob referring to one of Delhi Universities’  Jawaharlal Nehru Unuversity (JNU) students isolated and profiled on unsubstantiated sedition allegations.

In the backdrop of Indian politics unanimity in many critical national issues whether flouting democratic rules and principles in electoral process via controversial electoral bonds or evading surrender of illegal wealth stashed in offshore tax havens and exotic island nations by political class across the spectrum setting precedence for the rest to follow in economic, entertainment and religious cult,

Indian political unity at the state and national level in the non-disclosure of pertinent facts in the following matter concerning India and Indian republic especially in 75th anniversary of Indian independence celebration raise these questions.

The subject is related to none other than India’s nationally and internationally renowned patriots and iconic legends in their own rights who significantly stood up to colonial rule to free India from colonization.

India’s freedom movement leader Mahatma Gandhi – assassinated by RSS associated Nathuram Godse.

RSS – the fundamentalist organization never shying away from deal making with then imperialists for individual and Hindutva ideological interests had a member Nathuram Godse pulling the trigger on the leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhithe pioneer of non-violence independence struggle energizing the freedom March pre-1947.

India’s other proud son – the brave and tenacious Subash Chandra Bose having challenged British Raj oppression until his mysterious disappearance albeit known to Indian polity regardless of party affiliations such as Congress and BJP as two major national political parties seated in power since independence as dominion republic and until now.

Last nonetheless relevantly India’s exemplary political leader and office bearer – Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri who practiced righteousness and anti-corruption valuesoxymoron in politics share similar classified information tag.

Then Prime Minister Shastri hailing the soldier and farmer in the famous slogan – Jai Jawan Jai Kisaan was genuinely a populous leader at that time. Subsequent to ending India – Pakistan war in 1965 with ceasefire and signing peace agreement to that effect in January 1966 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the Indian PM is declared no more the day later.

Indian politics together with international ally summed up the contentious issue as heart attack behind Indian PM Lal Bahadur Shastri sudden passing away in Tashkent, Uzbekistan – then under former Soviet Union in 1966.

In 2023,

Are the Indian political leadership in New Delhi and political party BJP along with so-called opposition in Parliament and state assembly prepared to come forward and declassify information on unnatural cause of deaths of all three leaders?

Their sacrifice for the nation they endeared were exemplified with utmost commitment towards liberty and sovereignty?

1. What is the compelling factor for Indian politics to have accepted foreign and internal forces versions on all three leaders’ deceased status that remain highly speculative till date?

2. To whom are the Indian political class obligatory and pledged secrecy under oath in maintaining paradoxical data on India’s proud sons as veteran leaders and soul of Indian freedom?

Nottwithstanding Indian politics’ dismissal of Indian republic awareness on their leaders popularly known as Father of the Nation,

The leader Subash Chandra Bose creating Indian National Army defending self-determination of his nation and citizens against foreign subjugation and,

India’s truly honorable Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri whose words to the nation were translated into action and whose actions reflected unity and progress for entire country.

The late Prime Minister Shastri also a visionary who acknowledged farmers and soldiers as two guardian angels for a nation unlike the contradictory treatment of both defense personnel and farmers today under current national leadership and administration.

3. Finally, What is going to take besides courage and integrity for Indian politics at the national and state level to declassify real factual information behind unnatural deaths including one known assassination of these three leaders?

Padmini Arhant

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