United States – Happy Father’s Day 2015

June 21, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Happy Father’s Day!  To individuals and families on this occasion in recognition of father’s contribution and involvement in providing for the loved ones and to people as father figure to them. 

Parenting is a partnership and sharing responsibilities ease the burden on each other  leading to family happiness and peace. 

The relationships founded on equal respect and functioning with better understanding barring gender inequality and subordination has mutual benefits and successful future for the family.

The services and selfless actions of anyone gain prominence regardless of acknowledgment and exemplify virtues and values that determine human character. Their dedication and love in caring for members within and outside family demonstrate sincerity and true commitment that never is in vain.

Wishing a pleasant and memorable Father’s Day.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant



United States – License to Kill At Will

June 21, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

In the past week, yet another incident involving African American citizens claimed nine lives while praying at the church in Charleston, South Carolina.

The person (s) responsible for the horrendous crime was armed and overwhelmed with hatred and prejudice that has led them to commit such act.

Certain media assertion that the shooter was suffering from mental illness and at the same time failure to recognize the inherent problem i.e. easier access for anyone regardless of mental health to obtain ammunition further exacerbate victims and future potential targets in the country.

Two reasons – Violence and contempt mar human mind leading to internal degradation. 

In December 2012, the mass murder of 28 citizens with 20 of them being children in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut apparently has no impact and the tradition maintained with weapons flow within and outside United States pursuing goals premised on violent strategy.

The powerful forces ruling the world and those in position of authority in the United States sponsoring terrorism to kill innocent people in foreign land viz. Syria, Iraq and Libya…in addition to drone attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan and East as well as West Africa, waging warfare against people seeking freedom and political rights in Palestine, Yemen and elsewhere set precedence for citizens in the country to follow their leaders and the prevalent system granting immunity to such crimes is a subscription to summary execution.

Unless the license to kill at will among the powerful, famous and those choosing to harm unarmed citizens is revoked bringing the responsible assailants to accountability, the profuse bleeding witnessed in war zones and national scene would continue without mercy and merit.

I convey my sincere condolences to victims’ families in the Charleston, South Carolina tragedy and every other event notwithstanding the horrific 9/11 terrorism on American soil opening the floodgates for terror worldwide by architects and catalysts with lofty ambitions i.e. global supremacy.

May God bless the souls of the deceased and provide solace and courage to survivors and next of kin in enduring the ordeal.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States Presidential Race 2016 – Full Feature

June 18, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

The segment will focus on the United States Presidential race 2016.

I present my thoughts on two Presidential candidates – Hillary Clinton of the democratic party and Jeb Bush representing the republican party.

The other candidacies in the race will be discussed in the upcoming segment.

Your attention is critical for the world could no longer afford the status quo with the political systems worldwide under incognito power.

Furthermore, the participation and subsequent election more likely the selection of either the democratic contender Hillary Clinton or the republican challenger Jeb Bush would mean the continuation of Clinton or Bush dynasty in disguise as democracy besides perpetual warfare prolonging economic recession.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

United States Presidential Race 2016

June 17, 2015

Dear Citizens,

The segment will focus on the United States Presidential race 2016.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

World – Questions to Hegemony – Full Feature

June 16, 2015

 By Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

I present the segment 2 introduction with further questions to hegemony.

The full feature publication brought to you for further reference and knowledge.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

World – Questions to Hegemony

June 16, 2015

By Padmini Arhant,

Dear Citizens,

I present the segment on Hegemony rule and media role.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

Europe – Padmini Arhant on Immigration Issue

June 15, 2015


Planet in Peril – Melting Glaciers. Padmini Arhant

By Padmini Arhant,

Dear Citizens,

I present my thoughts on Europe’s immigration issue.  Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

Glimpse of Images – Pictures are worth a thousand words

June 14, 2015

Melting GlacierMelting Glacier Endangering Polar Bears

Planet at risk. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Padmini Arhant

North Pole Defreezing

Planet Scene from pollution and contamination. Padmini Arhant




International Yoga Event

June 14, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

This is Padmini Arhant.  Representative divine mission.  Author and presenter padminiarhant.com

Before I proceed with discussion on several issues concerning humanity, I would like to shed light on the recent decision by the present ruling authority in New Delhi, India.

The ruling power in New Delhi, India has scheduled June 21 as Yoga Day subsequent to incumbent administration proposal and UN approval of this event.

The action deserves attention.

Let me acquaint you with Yoga and the origin.

Yoga was founded and introduced by celestial deity in human form to humanity.

The deity Pathanjali was a powerful orator and philosopher with knowledge in spiritual science and medicine.

Pathanjali was the exponent of Yoga and combined the beneficial aspects of physical and mental development through Yoga.

Although Yoga originated since creation of the universe, Yoga has been practiced in India for over two millennium.

God Shiva is the pioneer of Yoga. The Supreme Guru.

Yoga is the integral part of Indian cultural heritage.  Yoga is a proven healthy activity for physical fitness and stress management.

The tradition is also associated with spirituality pertaining to inner peace attained from meditation and concentration besides the focus on physical exercise.   Those who are not inclined to be part of spiritual experience could delineate from such pursuit even though in my view physical wellbeing is sustainable upon maintaining peaceful state of mind.

The requirement to raise awareness and sharing the multitude prospects of Yoga to mankind is critical.

However, the politically motivated strategy using Yoga as the means to promote ill-conceived notions reflects negatively on the source and catalysts behind such involvement.

Generally, when honoring any positive contributions and appreciation of service would be carried out with sincerity that is ominously lacking in the relevant engagement by the authority.

I raise the question to organizers and those responsible for choosing the date June 21 among other days in the calendar.

What is so auspicious about this day that has led them to recognize as the day for international yoga event?

The reality is political smear campaign and swift boat politics being the dominant tactics to prolong status quo those in position of power are feigning the action as a tribute to Yoga.

Any genuine purpose would not be targeting innocent beings whether animals or humans and instead approach with humility for greater cause.

The fact of the matter is Indian political establishment along with external forces posing to commemorate Yoga prepared to stoop to any level in denigrating Indian cultural and spiritual endowments for mutual satisfaction. This further exemplify the severe deficit of integrity and credibility among them.

Political environment has never been conducive or congenial going back to roman days and contemporarily become brutally Brutus much to self-destruction.

Yoga International event is best spared from political dog fight that is guaranteed to backfire at them.

By the way, my family pet Sasha’s birthday as June 21 mistakenly believed by those coordinating the convoluted affair.

Sasha would be dedicated in practicing yoga upon permissible by nature and perhaps even serve as an example for certain human beings with serious deficiency in values and character.

Man proposes and God disposes as always whenever deception and unscrupulousness is prevalent.

Will be back with more on global matter.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Issues – Padmini Arhant Interaction with the Ruling Class

June 13, 2015


By Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

I present my interaction with the ruling class on social, political and economic issues including the religion.

This information is brought for public learning and knowledge.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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