United States – Memorial Day 2012

May 28, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Memorial day is an occasion to memorialize martyrs and those sacrificing lives in defending national frontier.

However, the contemporary era dominant with warfare without boundaries for access to overseas economic resources and strategic advantage is the existential threat to humanity.

The quest for global supremacy adopting military intervention shows no mercy to life, regard for nature and above all defies international law.

Young men and women join the armed forces to serve the nation and protect the people of their country.

The modern wars predominantly waged through illegal invasion, occupation and destruction of nations for vested interests.

Considering war is a travesty that produces pervasive death and grief,

The ramifications evidently are irrelevant not to mention the atrocities against occupied nationals – the norm in the so-called civilized society.

The marines and troops at large upon being disillusioned lately from the mission not being remotely related to defending national territory but instead launching aggression with generational impact – loss of lives, severe health conditions, congenital birth defects, deformities due to chemical weapons such as depleted uranium again in direct violation of Geneva convention.

The vast majority of armed personnel experience betrayal and some of them suffering from psychological trauma with few demonstrating frustration by desecration of corpses, burning holy Quran and indiscriminate shooting spree…symptoms that are disturbing and deeply regrettable in the losing battle.

As for discharged and retired veterans – the courageous sharing of horrific tales and events while on duty perpetrated against innocent civilians in the war nations dealt with legal actions and some even subjected to veteran benefits withdrawal although the entitlement long been threatened to divest in further warfare.

The humanity faced with challenges not from the splintered terror networks rather the mastermind under the umbrella organization – New World Order.

Wars are conducted with no accountability on mounting casualties and burgeoning debt, violation of military code of conduct and above all the distortion in human toll on all sides including the brave men and women delivered in stars and stripes wrapped coffins prohibited from public view to avert anti-war protest.

The army unified with civilians categorically need to convey the message to the ruling elite – No more carnage and chaos around the world and not in our name.

Anti-war movement near the latest NATO summit were treated with excess force in police response that caused serious injury to many activists profusely bleeding and not widely reported in the media.

United States led NATO intrusions responsible for decimation inflicting pain and suffering on nations continue operations with persistent drone attacks that has claimed nearly 35,000 lives in Pakistan alone with much higher statistics in neighboring Afghanistan.

Similarly NATO interference in Libya under humanitarian pretext reportedly killed at least 40,000 or more with none held accountable for the horrendous crime against humanity.

The army misused by the nexus conglomerate profiteering from tragedies of war and those executing orders having never served in the line of duty commission troops in harms way for exclusive agenda.

It is time for collective resistance, rejection and peaceful non-violent revolt against the combined groups engaged in treason and massacre under the guise of national security.

The unanimous stance would restore United States honor and image notwithstanding the opportunity for the army patriotism in liberating nation from subjugation and reclaiming sovereignty currently under seize by new world order.

The deteriorating conditions eroding civil rights with Patriot Act, NDAA, ACTA and CISPA laws passed especially in the past months endangering democratic system and national identity that United States gallantly represented and now desperately required to be rescued from the hostile authority opposed to democracy, peace and harmony throughout the world.

Procrastination in rising to the occasion would minimize the potential to succeed in the national freedom.

The army and domestic security urged to exercise patriotic responsibility for republic safety, national status and democratic values increasingly compromised to accommodate one world government.

In remembrance of those having dedicated their lives to national service,

Memorial day is a reminder to end wars in pursuit of peace and respect for life and environment – the only habitat for all.

Sincere condolences to victims’ families and survivors of slain servicemen and women in different war zones fought for reasons excepting national defense.

With hope for peace to prevail over widespread violence,

Wishing the nations expeditious independence from foreign incursion.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/w5itoWe6fb4 http://youtu.be/20KDBELD20I http://youtu.be/jle47NiSNSQ http://youtu.be/U5B8pDeskts

Pakistan – Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Exoneration

May 24, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Pakistan Supreme Court held Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani contempt of court for not obliging order to write to Swiss Bank authority regarding President Asif Ali Zardari alleged accounts considered tax evasion despite national constitutional immunity to Presidency during term in office and,

Swiss Bank policy declining such requests on client-company confidentiality breach unless probe mandated by country’s legislation and bilateral agreement between Switzerland and Pakistan.

Prime Minister Gilani’s defense arguably based on the constitutional factor and Swiss bank customer protection deal – presented the predicament to the highest court and unfortunately failed in convincing the judiciary that ruled the verdict.

Although protocol allows Prime Minister Gilani to charter course for vindication,

The Supreme Court conviction on the head of the state impairs functionality with pervasive impact on the citizens and the nation.

The honorable Supreme Court action might be premised on national wealth recovery and rule of law establishment. Both notions are praiseworthy.

However, the judiciary bound by constitutional law in upholding national constitution that in this particular instance provides the office of Presidency impunity against investigation and legal ramifications until tenure expiry –

Perhaps generates odd situation considering truly democratic institutions are governed by constitution and any changes made possible through legislative amendment rather than judicial interpretation.

Besides individuals with Swiss Bank and other overseas accounts are legally entitled to prove legitimate earnings from otherwise prior to general assumption.

Hence given the system framework and civil rights combined with constitution granted Presidential privilege,

The misplaced target – Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani appropriately eligible for exoneration i.e. charges dismissal with prejudice.

Prime Minister Gilani compliance to the court order would be futile wasting valuable time and resources apart from causing unnecessary political rift in the first ever viable civilian rule in Pakistan.

On broader perspective – corruption and taxation revenues is a worldwide epidemic seeking collective measures beginning with tax reform in the domestic front and global treaty to enable nations in tracking and receiving tax funds owed to national exchequer or treasury.

International cooperation enforced via universal accord binding banking, commerce and economic sector not barring political structure such as governments is the only effective means to dispense with burgeoning corruption and tax fraud.

The contemporary problems for nations crippled with corruption are the tax loopholes and systemic breakdown in ethical efficacy that needs fundamental change to realize positive outcome.

With respect to Pakistan political stability – Under President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani leadership significant progress made with resolutions passed in Parliament protecting national sovereignty severely compromised until recently in U.S. led NATO military interventions and,

More inclusive cabinet appointments with caliber other than consistent strides on myriad issues especially threatening security handled adeptly demonstrating restraints and rationality.

Similarly Pakistan’s army led by General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani admirably defended the nation at the critical times with internal and external challenges constantly hindering efforts against incessant violence.

Prime Minister Gilani appointed ISI Chief Lt. Gen. Zaheer-ul-Islam poignant in strengthening ties among all three branches – the government representing the people, the army focused on national defense and intelligence agency directed at eliminating potential danger from within and offshore.

Pakistan citizens deserve peace and rapid economic development deprived in the ongoing tension and extremities inside the country largely emanating from sources engaged in regional destabilization.

Parliament overwhelming majority decision defining terms and conditions on foreign powers engagement in the so-called war on terror not only deters continuous turmoil but also reminds forces to refrain from undermining Pakistan’s independent identity.

Solidarity is key in Pakistan or anywhere to resolve issues confronting the nation amid turbulence for global dominance and subjugation.

Pakistan army and intelligence commitment in disarming militancy and dismantling terror networks in the country alongside government deportation of any elements from abroad would substantially reduce killings and safeguard innocent lives across the nation.

Maintaining harmony while remaining confined to institutional role would facilitate efficient governance.

Pakistan is on the right path in pursuing diplomacy with neighbors and improving trade relations imperative to alleviate population suffering on all sides.

Nuclear free zone predominantly dependent upon United States, Israel, United Kingdom and allies leading the world in denuclearization commencing with them and abandoning their far-fetched aspirations guided by self-detrimental ideology.

The western powers indulgence evidently hurting respective economies and credibility in the international domain.

Pakistan is a sovereign nation with long possessed rights to self-determination.

Therefore unity among all branches – legislative, executive, military, intelligence and judiciary complementing one another paramount to move the nation forward in all dimensions and cherish the freedom gained from immense sacrifice until today.

Pakistan society with proud heritage, tremendous talent and courage is a strong and vibrant nation.

The youth in particular are great assets and investments in education, economy and social advancement extremely vital for nation building.

Congratulations! To Pakistan’s democratic power nearing full term and,

Good Luck! To Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, President Asif Ali Zardari and political leaderships in peaceful resolution of the prevalent matter exercising diligence and prudence in national and republic interest.

Nations thrive when united and struggle upon divided with opportunists winning in the increasingly volatile environment.

Wishing people in Pakistan ever lasting peace and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States – NATO Summit 2012

May 20, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings! To world leaders attending the NATO summit 2012 in Chicago, Illinois.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) led by United States comprising the wings instrumental in the flight disproportionately represents the military might and accordingly responsible for massive casualties and destruction in the embattled zones around the world.

The alliance for formidability creating fear and concerns widely perceived as intimidation against sovereign nations justifiably deserves scrutiny behind the purpose of operations and extension contributing to conventional and nuclear arms race since formation.

NATO presence collectively poses major threat to peace and disarmament with proliferating nuclear arsenal and ammunitions,

Besides fomenting militancy and terror networks emerging from vulnerability and hopelessness generated in the cyclical violence costing lives and taxpayer dollars with no accountability.

The military missions involving NATO thus far has been controversial and counterproductive considering interventional means and magnitude often violating international law never investigated for fairness applying uniform standards and prevention in the ongoing engagement.

The tremendous turmoil and trepidation among nations bogged down by warfare exacerbating victims’ tragedy especially with NATO drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan demonstrate the questionable motives in the prolonged military offense with decisive outcome being troop withdrawal and NATO assault termination.

Despite NATO intrusion in Afghanistan and Pakistan for over a decade,

The dismal prognosis according to the U.S. military claim on the ever-increasing terror networks perhaps different in nomenclature but otherwise portending risks greater than before presented in defense budget spending deprives nation and citizens the opportunity for economic recovery.

NATO maintenance in the backdrop of negative attributes evidently signifies enormous drain on taxpayers’ revenue in the austerity period defeating the objectives to contain terrorism particularly the organization epitomizing traits endangering life and environment witnessed in Libya.

The defense industry arguably thrives under sprawling military capacity with renewable demands at humanity’s detriment and the profits not necessarily reviving the economy.

NATO and U.S. widespread military base worldwide is a burden established in the status quo and American taxpayers specifically the youth population dealing with burgeoning debt crisis not only on the student loans but also the future at stake for them with elected leaderships inability and lack of political will to reverse the trend in population and national interest.

However, the ultimate power remaining with people – the change made possible through ballots rejecting fundamentally flawed policies reflected in candidates’ performance and campaign finance other than individual dual platform i.e. rhetoric on campaign trail to win elections and upon election serving the substantial donors agenda.

Yet another contentious issue surrounding NATO is the expansion in Eastern Europe and anti-missile defense (AMD) installations jeopardizing START (Strategic Arms Reduction
Treaty) with Russia necessitating resurgence in short and long range missiles such as ICBM – Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that hinders contemporary reset in the relation between the two nations.

NATO summit this year focused on Afghanistan security force, army recruitment, training and sustenance post U.S. exit in 2014 alongside U.S. military permanent settlement plan beyond the timeframe estimated at $4.1 billion with U.K. Australia and Germany reportedly delivered the agreed interim amount followed by Canada apparently contemplating on the sum towards this requirement.

As mentioned earlier in this context, Afghanistan military dependency on the west equivalent to Egypt dilemma experienced by the people with never ending interference undermining sovereignty and quest for democracy violently suppressed long after U.S. and Israel’s ally former President Hosni Mubarak departure.

Afghanistan as U.S. and NATO proxy government entirely relying on western funding when western economies are in dire state drastically affecting the respective citizens,

The pledge to military component over Afghanistan’s economic development indicative of perpetual confrontation with Taliban resisting foreign occupation leaving the citizens with no alternative but to support the resistance.

Afghanistan utilizing country’s resources to build economy and address national defense, political and social reform would essentially be the cornerstone for war fatigued Afghans desperately seeking end to violence and moving forward with positive growth conforming to twenty first century progress.

Again turning away from poppy cultivation – the source destroying lives with funding for incessant warfare, systemic corruption and political instability would be a remarkable beginning guaranteed to improve overall situation.

Likewise in Pakistan, NATO concentration on north western border Waziristan tracking militants for several years with sophisticated technology and air raids having killed many tribal members in that area and repeat incidents elsewhere along the territory obviously backfire in the anti-western sentiments expressed across the nation.

United States military with new age weaponry and equipment nonetheless exhausted troops on revolving combat duty some demoralized in the perennial chase for Al Qaeda and Taliban lost credibility in strategy and reason provided in the so-called war on terror.

NATO confined to protecting own national frontiers instead of tagging along United States would be honorable and pragmatic reducing or even eliminating existential terror produced for commercial gains and geopolitical advantage.

Adopting peaceful negotiations, diplomacy and respect for nations’ independent status absolutely important to repair and restore tarnished image.

Promoting domestic and overseas economy through mutually beneficial trade agreements, educational programs and cultural exchange – the catalyst for universal peace and harmony.

Life is to be celebrated not violated in the journey to self-liberation from deeds or karma determining the destiny.

Best wishes for global peace and solidarity with actions always guided by compassion and rationality.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States – G8 Summit May 2012

May 19, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings! To G8 leaders at the 2012 summit in Camp David, Maryland.

The exclusive membership represented by North Atlantic nations – United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany with the exception of Russia and Japan might have the opportunity to shed light on current events in Europe and the usual targets North Korea, Iran and Syria on the security context.

However, the organization validity would be poignant upon integrative approach rather than isolationism that are obsolete and redundant evident in the status quo.

Dissolving G8 and improving G20 forums in dealing with global challenges would be frugal in the contemporary austerity era saving time and valuable taxpayer dollars besides correlation with relevant geopolitical and economic dynamics contributing to global sustenance preventing catastrophic meltdown.

Economy – Euro zone objectives lacking in candor and specificity responsible for members precipitous decline not only in economic status but also political stability considering the latest instructions from dominant powers to Greece on austerity, referendum and general governance.

Similarly France and PIGS countries sharing the dilemma expected to follow suit severely undermines national sovereignty in exchange for membership demanding more and providing little or none to the manufactured crises in the region.

While rigorous measures implemented much to the population detriment in Euro zone rescue efforts,

The source causing the chronic problems for euro zone subordinates –

The central banks viz. ECB, Bank of England, the privately owned Federal Reserve in the United States, IMF, World Bank and prominent western financial institutions having emerged the real beneficiaries instead of being held accountable ironically protected from any potential financial calamity.

Governments hit with worst economic recession in Europe are subjected to massive layoffs in the conditional monetary proposals neglecting euro zone taxpayers money wasted in hiring European commission bureaucrats apparently appointed for life costing ailing EU economies billions of euros and raising credibility factor in fiscal treaty.

Credit rating agencies downgrading Spain and Greek banks for bad loans on the books generating major liquidity concerns contrary to treatment against western counterparts – the origin of subprime mortgage and hedge fund debacle exempt from such standards and rewarded with taxpayer funded bailouts in trillions of dollars since 2008 until now.

The discriminatory practices directly affect public depleting hard earned savings exacerbating financial woes for college students and small-medium business owners constituting the backbone of the economy as workers, consumers and taxpayers in the society.

Another G8 dogma consistently pursued benefitting the privileged despite negative returns for nations in Latin America and Asia like South Korea is Free Trade Agreement.

Free Trade Agreement unlike Fair Trade Agreement sought by nations across the globe deprives negotiations on equal footing subjugating partners for unlimited access to domestic markets, national resources and human capital exploitation at respective citizens misery.

Again at this G8 meeting, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper enthusiastic pledge to promote Free Trade Agreement ignoring partner nations experience demonstrated in main street protests confirms the nexus group priority on global dominance.

Agriculture – G8 influential members in cohort with powerful corporations viz. Monsanto and agro based manufacturers behind farmers deteriorating conditions to survive and effectively compete in the globalized setting led to suicide and bankruptcies amongst farming community worldwide.

Politics and Global Security – Fundamental transformation with departure from U.S. led NATO military operations and provocative deployments adopting peace, diplomacy and economic development would clarify G8 commitment to humanitarian progress.

The political motives aimed at destabilizing West Asia through –

Arms supply sabotaging ceasefire in Syria,

Crippling sanctions against Iran even in the absence of nuclear capability per U.S. and Israeli military and intelligence reports,

Decimating Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya,

Authorizing Saudi Arabia with illegal annexation of Bahrain for strategic control is anything but democratic to intelligent minds in the international domain.

Environment – The trend continuity reflected in environmental goals with fossil fuel and nuclear industry financing political campaigns jeopardize climate talks from fruition.

More pertinently defense industry and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) combined with Trilateral Commission driven foreign policy determination to establish one world government through permanent occupation and illegal invasions pose existential threat to humanity endangering life and habitat.

Transfer of power from oligarchy and monarchy with imperialistic aspirations to republic rule is the only viable solution for universal peace and prosperity.

The nation at the foothills of Himalayas – Nepal successfully dethroned monarchy rejecting feudalist system in modern age.

Western nations and allies in this regard maintaining medieval kingdoms and fiefdoms under ceremonial pretext but in reality wielding tremendous authority is a paradoxical trait for shadow powers envisaging space colonization.

Dreams for greater good could be an eventuality contradictory to narrow vision premised on self-interests remaining a mere fantasy.

People power is the imminent future for mankind with pervasive freedom, equality and tranquility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – U.S. Arms Supply to Rebels Violates Ceasefire

May 17, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Ceasefire imposed on Syria led by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is in jeopardy due to United States and Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar persistent sabotage with arms supply to rebels representing them and not the Syrian people.

United States could perhaps clarify the modus operandi with respect to Syria and entire Middle East considering the intentional maneuver of initial peaceful and non-violent Arab Spring invariably steered towards violence through mercenaries imported from economically deprived North Africa and Saudi-Qatari regimes organized militants to destabilize the region.

United States and United Kingdom along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar intervention in Middle East evidently counterproductive displaying contempt for life in general.

Besides, violating peace process in Syria having voted for implementation is yet another paradoxical syndrome bound to backfire expediting departure from power.

United States latest arms sales proliferation to Bahrain deplorable especially despite the government brutal crackdown against peaceful protesters condemned worldwide with the authority showing no mercy on the citizens and aid workers helping the wounded and dying victims in the pro-democracy movement.

Similarly in Egypt, United States proxy government SCAF (Supreme Council for Armed Forces) reining control over Egypt population with U.S. provided military might costing American taxpayers $1.3 billion while they are being denied affordable health care, education, housing and clean environment…confirms elected leaderships misplaced priority and allegiance to global conglomerate agenda.

The forthcoming Presidential election in Egypt with unanimous call from mainstream and political factions to prohibit Mubarak loyalists and members from that era apparently not heeded exacerbating prevalent frustration among Egypt voters knowing too well the election without fundamental transformation i.e.

Egypt military removal from governance and restricted to national defense conforming to traditional role,

The scheduled political event under U.S. guidance is farcical and motivated to prolong status quo.

Likewise in Yemen, the cosmetic power transfer within U.S. appointed administration although headed by U.S. ally ex-President Ali Abdullah Salah behind the scenes exemplifies foreign powers reluctance to renounce unpopular intrusions undermining national sovereignty in Middle East and elsewhere.

The trend in Middle East aimed at vested interests would be catastrophic for perpetrators obstructing peace and inevitable political reform comparable to current wave sweeping across Europe rejecting ruling elite carte blanche domestic and foreign policy.

Syrian upheaval favors external opportunists vehemently opposed to democracy and diplomacy prevailing over armed conflict.

The protagonists constant ammunition supply to terror networks to prevent uprising influence in their country apart from regime change fervor claimed thousands of lives posing impediments to political developments in the war torn nation.

Constitutional amendment limiting Presidency to two terms facilitating diverse participation for the highest office that would effectively reverse inheritance legacy including recently held parliamentary elections eclipsed by outside sources deliberate chaos and unrest disrupting positive evolution in Syria.

The impression that Syria is a strategic advantage to accomplish targeted goals not only misguided but also cataclysmic for those underestimating consequences upon leading the nation into civil war.

Unlike Libya, Syrian defense capability far better than predicted in western analyses.

On the contrary, western trajectory thus far precipitously deteriorated since Vietnam War with Iraq and Afghanistan invasions epitomizing colossal defeats for modern warfare.

United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and Qatar leaderships bear responsibility in expanding Syrian internal crisis across the borders like Lebanon adding sectarian aspect to burgeoning turmoil.

Unfortunately, the serious repercussions to hostility endangering peace and life are slighted much to self-detriment.

UN ceasefire mandate was to save lives and move Syria forward in democratic transition.

Instead United States and allies relentless pursuits causing death and destruction in Syria and throughout Middle East impetus ending puppet governance and shadow powers challenging international consensus on freedom, individual rights, political and economic progress for all.

While United States and United Kingdom face verdict through electoral ballots for neglecting national issues and electorates plight creating generational indebtedness with borrowed funds divested on crimes against humanity committed in citizens name tarnishing national image,

Saudi Arabia and Qatar dynasties’ days are numbered consistent with history, contemporary fate met by authoritarianism and natural law.

Hence refraining from instigation and unnecessary interference in neighboring states would alleviate burden of atrocity and accordingly the price on lifetime deeds during settlement.

Syrian government pledge to peace, democracy and paradigm shift in political, economic and social structure largely dependent on the ability to keep the nation together practicing non-violence and democratic means guaranteed to be fruitful in national endeavor.

The government steps in addressing political demands are significant and encouraging given the tension and national security threat experienced in the approach to stabilize the situation.

Concurrently, honoring UN ceasefire and remaining focused on the establishment of peace and political power restored to republic rule equally important to win national and global trust.

With Syrian peace and political success in thoughts and prayers,

Wishing Syrian budding democracy longevity, formidability and prosperity shared amongst all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Greece – Economic and Political Turmoil Amid Eurozone Conundrum

May 15, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Greece continues to be in spotlight for economic woes and election results with no decisive victory.

The political parties inability to form a viable coalition has left the country under caretaker government.

The symptoms in the ailing economy were overlooked leading to status quo in Greece.

Greece problems originally associated with hedge fund debacle tracing roots in Wall Street and Goldman Sachs, borrowing funds on fictitious financial presentation ignoring revenue and expenditure…are fundamental errors in the burgeoning meltdown.

The successive governments failure to recognize the avalanche from preventable deficit spending combined with stagnant taxation policy in the absence of economic measures to stimulate growth could be attributed to prevalent distress having ripple effects on politics.

Whenever national economy neglected hurting the population, the voter backlash imminent against incumbent and potential aspirants without solutions to serious problems inviting chaos and unrest.

Greece is at the crossroads on economic and political front.

On the economy – Regardless of grand troika i.e. the IMF, ECB and EU bailout,

Greece could start with review of erroneous policies that caused the economic mess.

The government bears responsibility for not exercising prudence.

Simultaneously the private sector for tax evasion and capital flight overseas rather than job oriented domestic investments shifting the burden from public sector employment and catering to local business expansion.

The government tax reform blocking loopholes and retrospective collection from those not having paid any amount let alone fair share could open the channel for national wealth recovery.

In conjunction, companies in Greece and foreign entities could be offered concessions on corporate and payroll tax – incentives to create jobs absorbing the massive federal layoffs providing some relief to deteriorating situation.

Thorough assessment of income and expense to increase and decrease avenues respectively in the budget,

While maintaining key programs such as health care to the weak and vulnerable,

Youth education for qualified skilled labor force enabling productivity and exponential taxpayers in the economy,

Substituting bureaucracy with efficient technology in expediting government approvals on projects, business licenses, leasing government lands to industries within environment laws are some initiatives guaranteed to alleviate dire state.

Underemployment over unemployment would be a better alternative i.e. retrenchment replaced with furlough (hours cutback) in the small, medium and major corporations with trade unions participation limited to workers safety, healthy conditions with standard benefits, minimum to reasonable wages and anti-discriminatory environment could stimulate economy and consumerism necessary for retail, wholesale and eventually manufacturing sector.

Reiterating earlier proposals on attracting capital inflow for economic development is favorable against harsh conditional bailouts compromising sovereignty due to deprivation of negotiations with euro zone power.

Furthermore, funding towards job promotion and economic revival contrary to lending for government survival would benefit population and nation considering severe austerity tied with IMF, ECB and EU intervention aimed at vested interests.

Once forming Greek government, the political leaderships could convene a meeting with multi-tiered business community seeking their cooperation to resurrect economy initially with tax remittances saving government from pursuing them utilizing the legislative course.

Then granting subsidies to certain industries with a requirement to hire workers in addition to exempting trade tariffs and barriers would address the current soaring joblessness exacerbating citizens plight.

International financiers could be invited to invest with a well-organized business plan and risk evaluation methods to sustain gains facilitating peace of mind and definitive positive returns for investors allowing direct operational management.

Besides fostering venture capital dividends re-investment would energize market for pervasive economic recovery notwithstanding much anticipated employment in the process.

With lower inflation from deep economic recession in the past five years, the investment prospects are higher for any investor at home and abroad not to mention the substantial work force availability making overheads more affordable.

The primary goal is to introduce robust economic policy encompassing fiscal and monetary oversight.

Concurrently targeting trade activities related to national resources and areas expected to generate proceeds viz. tourism, hospitality industry…each nation might vary in this regard and largely dependent upon unique endowments.

Most importantly taking control of money supply by printing money with precious metals like gold backing would emphasize sovereignty relieving nations from private ownership discretion.

Greece and neighbors with common economic strife could approach potential creditors with conversion debentures / bond Swap or shares convertible bonds maintaining flexibility for both debtor and creditor to transform debt into capital for the former and the latter with opportunity to become shareholder in economic undertakings moving away from debt servicing with stringent enforcement – specifically austerity.

The creditor declining conversion could be settled with cash reserves given the pre-determined fixed interest rates on these debt instruments are lower than market rate.

France and PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) dilemma on euro zone membership bound by rigorous terms imposed by unelected external authority predominantly responsible for mayhem triggering main street demonstration in state capitals with political impact in Greece.

Euro zone is a modern day conundrum with seventeen nations’ economies intertwined and forced in a tug-of-war.

The performance or the lack there of particularly negative trends contagion evidently significant and deserves careful analyses to ascertain pros and cons for member nations contemplating voluntary exit or facing punitive expulsion by dominant powers behind the Union.

Euro zone is a prototype for one world government under single monetary unit envisaged for global dominance.

The model inherently lacking in effective strategy to deal with upheavals and apparently designed to serve the privileged at the remaining members detriment.

As for the beneficiaries – the central banks, IMF, World Bank and prominent western financial institutions are protected from brink of collapse by riding on taxpayers worldwide.

Trading through common currency and safety net perception enticed nations classified subordinates in the hierarchy.

Those cashing from trading without boundaries are now saddled with the weight of the same economies that imported goods until the euro zone fate started hanging in balance.

Euro zone boosted the high-end export economy like Germany and the currency deutschmark in the short run.

However, the disintegration is inevitable given the discord among members and public outrage denouncing EU actions thus far described as draconian for driving their economies to point of no return through deficit reduction and spending cuts demand unaccompanied by economic output.

Moreover Greece and other nations sharing similar predicament thrived before EU and euro zone formation.

The dependency on euro zone as rescue operator not necessarily achieved in practice
irrespective of nations willingness and majority exemplified thrusting Brussels unreasonable recommendations in legislation on the people worsening en masse suffering with no end in sight.

EU and Euro zone architects could perhaps explain the purpose in broader aspect on parallel government run by plutocracy conspicuously oblivious to mainstream adversity from extemporaneous policies formulated in secret chambers for sole advantage.

European nations – the victims in euro zone experiment reverting to national currency adapting United Kingdom principle that opted out of adopting euro for internal or external use to retain sterling pound value even though EU and euro zone conceptualized by oligarchy and Europe’s monarchies network to be applied in global establishment.

Euro artificially contained in volatility via currency manipulation – unlike the open discontent expressed against China on trade imbalance.

Political Stalemate – Greece elections delivering no conclusive outcome interpreted as electoral frustration against main political parties for prolonging misery understandable.

Nevertheless the country needs governance and a sense of direction to lift the economy and move forward with pragmatic remedies not only to salvage in the interim but also in the long term averting repeat events with relevant safeguards and fall back options that are absolutely essential to independently steer out of quagmire.

The existing scenario barring political factions to form coalition premised on different platform could be overcome in accepting reality – austerity alone would not work to reset economy.

As highlighted above, stipulations on loans to Greece and counterparts right now are for debt reduction and core administration functioning to liaise with Brussels brushing aside hemorrhaged economy and representatives – the citizens across the spectrum.

Unless economy is financed for GDP improvement and job creation, the band-aid treatment would not heal the overall manifestation.

Opposition to austerity is responded with prompt replacement of EU choice witnessed in Prime Minister George Papandreou – no confidence vote brought upon by outside influence.

The outgoing head of the state Lucas Papademos was ECB ex-Vice President appointed to implement Brussels extremities obviously unsuccessful and revealed in political uncertainty amid economic turmoil.

Greece – the civilization that contributed modern political system to the world – Parliament and Democracy cannot be disoriented in the new age.

Greek electorates desire to be part of euro zone barring European Commission’s rules specifically austerity – the position met with criticism per news report.

Holding frequent elections is expensive for nations at any time. Greece under duress could no longer perpetuate economic downslide.

SYRIZA and Socialists Party could forge alliance with a paradigm shift in political and economic structure focused on departure from euro zone and adhering to self-disciplined resolutions for change to come into fruition.

The above-mentioned economic guidance could impetus the desperately needed surge.

Streamlining cuts – abandoning redundant, costlier government involvement ranging from military to civilian commitments would spare divestments in the economy.

Prioritizing job arrangement and crucial services is a necessity and practical endeavor for government and business leadership.

Policy framework could be regularly monitored for appropriate modifications and renewal.

Political perspective – crackdown on corruption that stigmatized Greece credit history apart from default speculation is paramount for new beginning with checks and balances conforming to transparency and accountability.

Greek republic rising to the occasion defending individual liberty and national identity would set precedence for others to follow suit.

Greece has weathered storms before as a free nation and could do it again in the likened spirit.

Progressive motion terminating procrastination and polarization would revitalize economy with lasting political stability.

Good Luck! To people and political leaderships in Greece for stable and prosperous economy.

Wishing Greece a brilliant future ahead.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Russia – President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Resume Office

May 10, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev upon being democratically elected and approved by Parliament respectively to serve six year term in office.

President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev – the dynamic duo are no strangers to Russia and international community.

Russia re-emerged multi-dimensionally as a growing economy shaping democracy in the culturally diverse vast nation under Putin-Medvedev diligent leadership demonstrating resolve, performance with results and patience in systematic resurrection of political and economic strength against challenges at home and abroad.

Following Soviet Union collapse, Russia was debilitated becoming the ultimate target for global conglomerate to access substantial resources especially natural gas with Russia being the world’s largest producer and second oil exporter next to Saudi Arabia.

President Putin rise to power regarded ominous among globalists eyeing on Russia preceded by China in the woeful global dominance doomed to be a colossal failure.

On the economic standpoint, President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev policies in streamlining taxation and job-oriented investments reversed declining position to emulous status with Russia as member of G-20 and equally prominent BRICS contributor consistently producing positive returns evident in the middle class expansion and impressive GDP to debt ratio elevating Russia’s credit profile compared to deficit ridden G-8 counterparts struggling to fund federal budget for government existence.

President Putin plan to crackdown corruption in public and private sector would improve efficiency in business operation and eliminating bureaucracy clears impediments for investors in the competitive global economy.

Besides wealth recovery from tax evasions boost federal reserves enabling government projects related to infrastructure, alleviating poverty and programs in national interest.

Political reforms – President Putin maintained campaign promise on free and fair elections with very few irregularities reported in the recent polls.

The President assurance to investigate the errors is noteworthy and inviting political factions across the spectrum to participate in the electoral process with registration – a preliminary step towards functional democracy.

However, the western powers criticism against President Putin is access denial to top job in the country.

Russia has been through tremendous turbulence and continually tested for formidability by imperialistic aspirants currently on the back foot realizing the ramifications of far fetched agenda backfiring at them in national elections with their representatives paying political price despite financial backing, marketing and promotion under the guise of democracy.

The opposition in Russia regardless of political ideology was lacking in solutions to domestic and global problems when requested by then Prime Minister Putin to come forward with election manifesto precisely addressing issues confronting the biggest nation on earth.

Competing for the highest office without knowing the direction country will be led is dangerous considering the external threat and prevalent predatory trend exploiting power vacuum from clueless and weak national leadership easily hamstrung and manipulated or even worse in cohort with elements endangering life and sovereignty would be treason in disguise.

The candidates resume with or without executive experience alone inadequate to govern nations in the world riddled with turmoil and complexities demanding ingenuity, integrity, versatility, courage, compassion, patriotism, pragmatism and spontaneity – qualities not necessarily acquired but inherent in extraordinary leaderships nowadays more significant than ever.

Western powers disenchantment with Russian electorates overwhelming choice i.e. 64% in the most transparent electoral victory only confirms the persistent bias and credibility factor given the trajectory of their alliances and discord towards people’s decision thus far.

The habitual rejection of popular mandate witnessed earlier in Iran with Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh then lately in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Haiti involving President Jean-Bertrand Aristride and throughout Latin America…installing their nominees clarifies western powers authenticity and respect or the lack thereof for real democracy.

On national security – the contentious anti-missile defense (AMD) system directed at Russia under Eastern Europe protection pretext and deterrence against Iran arguably provocative and unwanted controversy that could be resolved with mutual understanding to redress genuine concerns over any pre-emptive strikes in the north and south western borders of Russia.

United States and NATO downplaying the symptomatic risks alongside missile testing in Hawaii contradictory to START treaty ratification triggering nuclear armament rather than disarmament course.

Notwithstanding lofty rhetoric combined with economic sanctions against North Korea and Iran while violating international law on ballistic missiles seriously jeopardize U.S. as well as NATO legitimacy and commitment in containing nuclear arms race.

United States reluctance to provide written guarantee that no harm intended at Russia in bilateral agreement over AMD again reveals double standards in this context with Iran.

Although Iran as NPT (Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty) signatory allowed IAEA and UN inspection apart from cooperation in holding talks with EU last month and agreed to further dialogue on this matter,

United States rigorous campaigns on oil embargo against Iran with warnings such as comply or face consequences issued to nations irrespective of dire energy needs is counterproductive and hypocritical of epic proportion.

U.S. and allies recognition of geopolitical paradigm shift and economic realities would perhaps be conducive for crises resolution and benefit all.

Otherwise the younger generation expected to be tomorrow’s leaders in the rest of the world might simply not accept obsolete hierarchical feudalism set in medieval era.

Russia is on the progressive trail with steady transformation in political, economic and social platform learning from past mistakes like excess military spending in an effort to counteract existential western gimmicks – the ploy to derail economic growth that diminished Russia’s stature in spite of defense compatibility precipitating former Soviet Union disintegration.

Weapon modernization and advanced technology is essential,

Nonetheless prudence required in disproportionate budget allocation prioritizing sustainable prosperous economy, political stability and social equality preventing internal unrest.

United States alarming defense expenditure hurt vast majority depriving them basic lifestyle with cuts aimed at programs like retirement savings, health, education and environment.

Investments in economy resilient to volatility balanced with fiscal management would facilitate reliable productivity, capital infusion and constant employment generating surplus income.

Foreign Policy – Russia’s rational approach supporting peace and diplomacy in Syria and Iran is commendable.

As UN Security Council member – Russia could be a stalwart on Palestinian statehood with full UN membership at the general assembly.

On the UN Security Council Membership – In accordance with twenty first century socio-economic and political developments depicting marked demographic changes –

P15 substituting P5+1 barring political clout to garner votes would deliver general consensus reflecting fairness in applying universal standard on humanitarian issues and international affairs for common good.

Similarly G-20 replacing G-8 economic summits would be effective in strategizing remedies to downturns in global economy and financial market.

The contemporary two tier functionality is confusing rendering proposals from either groups redundant in the absence of solidarity.

Russia endowed with fossil fuel and nuclear energy could begin divestments in clean natural source for domestic consumption and worldwide distribution to attain 1.5°C or 350ppm – the optimum setting for planet sustenance.

Citizens in Russia entrusted power in mature, confident and competent leaderships of President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for prolonged success and great vision gradually coming into fruition overcoming obstacles on the path to glory.

Good Luck to Russian democracy and the architects proudly represented by President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with a promising future.

Best Wishes to Russia with cornucopia of peace and fortune.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

France – Presidential Election 2012

May 7, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President-elect Francois Hollande of the Socialist Party elected to power after nearly two decades since former President Francois Mitterrand administration.

The national election result favoring Socialist candidacy is a verdict against globalists and their failed policies through IMF, World Bank, Central Banks and European Union.

Globalization for access to world resources and human capital barring regulations enabling financial institutions, energy industry, health care and pharmaceutical companies including agro-based inorganic producers run political systems evidently backfiring at the conglomerate in the polls.

Alongside the defense industry strategy to thrive in the boom and gloom economy with arms race proliferation in the prolonged cyclical violence through illegal invasion, occupation and obstruction of peaceful pro-democracy movements in Middle East and elsewhere yet another dynamic to economic and political status quo.

Repeating earlier statements in this context – Corporations resist oversight and nonetheless the corporate managed political affairs serving in exclusive interests upheld by the unelected stakeholders via Government representatives from top to bottom.

Having been responsible for global economic depression, the globalists’ fundamentally flawed solutions to manufactured problems exacerbates human suffering world over.

The private financial institutions and EU major powers moneylending dictating unreasonable terms and conditions leading to severe austerity on European population proved adversarial to respective economies in the region.

The focus on deficit reduction while manipulating credit rating hurting government ability to borrow in international money market other than surrendering to IMF, ECB and World Bank financing under extreme stipulations confirm subjugation using economic strangulation for well known agenda – global dominance and establishment of one world government.

Again reiterating previous recommendation that France and PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) currently experiencing economic plight –

The balanced approach to address debt attracting capital flow for job and economic growth could begin with seeking monetary assistance as investments in the economy for development rather than funding government payroll witnessed in Greece situation.

By providing incentives to domestic and foreign investors without compromising sovereignty and economic gains on national resources,

The even keel opportunity would impetus economic stimulus enticing profit reinvestments in the economy.

Concessions on land or industrial site for setting up manufacturing base, exempting export/import excise duty and trade tariffs for raw materials and machinery would facilitate hassle free business operation.

Above all, eliminating red tape i.e. bureaucracy and expediting matter subject to any government approval within required framework could revive jobs in the stagnant economic sector.

Promoting small and medium enterprise (SME) could redress high unemployment in Spain, Greece…and rest of Europe.

Tax reform is another area to review and revise for fair taxation and national wealth recovery from tax evasion.

Furthermore, the economies tied to euro zone consequently forced to bear the brunt of arbitrary rules applied across the board instead of individual assessment again by members maintaining a disconnect with victims poses a major impediment for vulnerable EU nations unable to refuse the hierarchy’s erroneous decision despite dismal outcome.

Eurozone limited to regional and international trade with members resuming local currency dealings would allow flexibility without burden on either or both sides struggling to emerge from recession.

Every nation reverting to ownership on printing money backed by gold reserves would ultimately liberate them from generational indebtedness contemporarily inflicted at private entity discretion.

On other issues like immigration and foreign policy – President-elect Francois Hollande call for solidarity is constructive and important to move the nation forward abandoning divisive overtones in a diverse modern society.

There is a deliberate confusion induced in the immigration debate often prevalent during elections anywhere.

When economies flourish the anti-immigrant critics do not necessarily attribute credit to immigrants even though historically nations throughout the world continue to benefit from foreign workers myriad contributions in different fields enhancing competitiveness in the increasingly tough global economy.

However joblessness during downturns invariably ascribed to immigrants – the scapegoat for political, social and elements exploiting circumstances to personal advantage.

Imperialism somehow portrayed analogous to immigrants dilemma.

The distortion deserves clarifications considering imperialism unlike immigrants empirically authoritative usurping power violating natives trust and colonization through aggression.

Contrarily majority immigrants are law-abiding citizens, hardworking, by and large integrate with mainstream at ease.

With respect to warfare – President-elect Francois Hollande position on Afghanistan earlier troop withdrawal in 2013 is praiseworthy although commitment could be sooner with military divestments in the French economy.

French electorate desire for change could perhaps be demonstrated not only in economic surge but also by embracing peace over military intervention in Syria and Iran.

France could lead NATO in nuclear disarmament in addition to curbing arms race worldwide.

Environment is equally relevant and France leadership interpreting climate talks into action as an industrialized nation would be a significant inspiration to all.

With hope and optimism – France welcomes the newly elected government and society together in harmony could achieve common goals elevating republic and national image.

Best Wishes to people in France and President-elect Francois Hollande for a successful term in crises resolution yielding lasting peace and prosperity nationwide.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Chemtrails – Crime Against Humanity and Environment

May 5, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Modern warfare is not necessarily restricted to conventional and nuclear arsenal.

The use of biological and chemical weapons was introduced by western industrialized nations –

The imperialists evolved into globalist power represented by defense and other industries in the contemporary period.

Humanity confronted with three-dimensional threats comprising economic sanctions, military intervention and chemical ammunition such as Vietnam Napalm, depleted uranium witnessed in Iraq and White phosphorous bombings in Gaza.

Another form of attack targeting political dissidents and/or anticipating mass casualties is chemical interjection in the environment depicting sinister agenda.

Chemtrails – Jets spraying Aluminum, Barium and other toxic compounds evidently posing serious health hazards widespread in the United States and reportedly Europe as well as elsewhere.

Speaking from personal experience with chemtrails becoming routine over the house and effects noticed in the tree on the property exposed to toxicity prompts the warning to perpetrators regardless of stature –

Any repeat incidents will be dealt with cosmic interception of unimaginable magnitude to deter heinous crime against humanity.

Attempts to disregard ramifications on life and environment with continuous hideous activities would potentially be an invitation for self-disaster.

The experiments on humans as guinea pigs unbeknown to them by military and political apparatus under the guise of geo-engineering or diverse reasons are nothing new and proliferated since cabal inception.

Whatever might be the objective – depopulation, challenging global warming, facilitating genetic modifications against organic methods …obviously they are detrimental to humanity and habitat carried out in opposition to natural process not to mention the criminal endeavors in the absence of accountability.

Injustice anywhere would affect citizens world over and condemnation important through global resistance towards these practices aimed at collective destruction.

Besides bringing down the empire responsible for inhumane tactics and cavalier approach to sustain dominance.

Creating public awareness at grassroots level and demanding legislation to prevent extra-judicial execution lately having become the prerogative imperative to restore civility, law and order in society.

Instead legislators’ active role in introducing bills curbing freedom of expression online and main street signify allegiance to shadow authorities demonstrably engaged in exacerbating inhabitants suffering for convoluted vested interests.

Power granted by the people are increasingly exercised against them in the so-called democracy rendering constitution irrelevant despite inevitable electoral backlash-

The significant non-violent response to strategies attributed to human plight.

Ironically U.S. State Department currently lecturing nations on human rights record while conscientiously ignoring the gross neglect and disrespect for citizens’ basic rights at home and abroad is yet another hypocritical stance regularly maintained at political helm with self-assigned privileged status in international domain.

Educational institutions from elementary to higher standards including civil society members are urged to participate in informing the public on environmental pollution endangering life predominantly due to political and economic powers catastrophic pursuits.

In this context, Japan’s recent decision to shut down last nuclear reactor subsequent to devastating Fukushima nuclear power plant melt down is commendable for prioritizing human safety defying external pressure.

Japan has unique opportunity to lead the world in exploring renewable energy options and perhaps even export technology to developing nations in dealing with global warming pervasive impact.

Similarly Germany preceding Japan in this regard is praiseworthy setting precedence in clean and healthy conditions for planet sustenance.

The posted videos involving investigative journalists, environmentalists, social activists, experts in related fields and some dedicated political figures share their thoughts, findings and dire consequences in remaining silent to the persistent attacks on air, land and sea with intent to harm trusting innocent population across the spectrum.

The greed driven policies specifically designed to serve the preferential ruling class i.e. feudalists has no limits and at present accountable to none.

Unless the victims – humanity at large come forward in solidarity and enforce irreversible measures on deliberate contamination of essential life elements viz. air and water,

The atrocity would perpetuate taking advantage of the lack of checks and balances with prevalent lawlessness forced upon people to prevail in cause doomed to be a colossal failure.

Citizens’ efforts via networking and social movements would be a formidable challenge to any organization rejecting others rights to survive in the common space.

Not surprisingly the authorities expending national resources and taxpayer dollars to quell legitimate voices viewed impediment to ill-fated goals.

Remember complacency to crimes is complicity particularly when terror sees no boundary in reining control on life born to be free and treated equal sharing bountiful endowments meant for all and not merely exclusive club in the world.

Please watch the informative visual presentation below and make valuable contribution in promoting materials on protecting natural surroundings benefitting all.

Good Luck to earth preservation – the duty and responsibility of every human being and best legacy to mankind.

Wishing enormous success to crusaders risking life, career and reputation for universal peace, progress and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant












http://youtu.be/yZFNJplylns http://youtu.be/VBqNY6l20OU http://youtu.be/jf0khstYDLA http://youtu.be/b61cwf9LuhY http://youtu.be/G9cQfcKR0EM

Afghanistan – Strategic Partnership Agreement with United States Military

May 2, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Afghanistan and United States agreement heralded as partnership renewal deserves scrutiny to ascertain long-term goals and ramifications on Afghan citizens as well as U.S. servicemen and women not to mention American taxpayers forced to bear the burden on no-exit military strategy.

Afghanistan mission that began in October 2001 following September 11 terror attacks carried out by interests in the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia with western intelligence complicity is steered in a direction similar to Egypt and Iraq creating a scenario for perpetual dependence on U.S and NATO intervention.

The contentious issues were night raids and U.S run prisons especially Parwan facility near Bagram Air base in spotlight for Holy Quran burning to have been resolved leading to calibrated catastrophic deal.

With night raids in Afghanistan – According to President Hamid Karzai NATO shelling in the dark supposedly targeting militants predominantly involved civilians of whom many were apparently rounded up and held in detention without charge causing standoff in the fragile Afghan-U.S. relation.

The antidote in this context stated to be Afghan committee approval upon U.S. advise heeding western intelligence briefing otherwise Afghan officials would serve as rubber stamp to U.S and NATO chartered course.

The second issue – changing of guards at U.S. set up prison camps across Afghanistan again with U.S. advisers retaining access to detainees subsequent to transfer ironically out of concern for possible Geneva Convention violations confirms U.S. reining control under humanitarian pretext having desecrated and mistreated deceased and alive Afghans in recent memory.

As for the so-called historic accord – the declaration to bring 23,000 troops from approximately 88,000 on Afghan soil in semblance with Iraq situation consisting armed forces redeployment in Persian Gulf while remaining contingency dispatched to Afghanistan is playing Russian roulette with dispirited sparsely military personnel,

Notwithstanding prevalent aspirations for military intrusion in Syria and incursion in the Persian Gulf against Iran.

Furthermore, Afghanistan is awarded the title major non-NATO ally enabling reciprocal defense benefits including financial support for Afghan security forces with indefinite security assurance in exchange for permanent U.S. military base after 2014.

In the particular instance, the characteristics correspond with arrangement between U.S. and Egypt – United States military aid to a tune of $1.3 billion to Egypt Supreme Council for Armed Forces (SCAF) delivers loyalty and subservience undermining national identity.

Post treaty period is expected to focus on troops strength, engagement and legal immunity granting NATO and U.S. operatives exemption from accountability on casualties invariably regarded collateral damages in the military involvement thus far.

Special Forces to conduct counter-terrorism alongside extending olive branch to Taliban with simultaneous claim on Al Qaeda weakened and dislocated yet the terror group reportedly appointed the organization chief  suggestive of the well known fact –

War is a racket with industries primarily defense and finance profiteering from death and destruction worldwide.

Henceforth the current development poses a legitimate question –

What makes U.S. and NATO assume the status quo brought upon from eleven years of occupation and drone strikes under the guise of training Afghan security would yield different outcome in militarization ominously benefitting the global empire at vast majority peril?

Afghanistan is in dire need of political stability with leadership dedicated to nation building – eliminating corruption, disarming militancy although arms supply from the west are responsible for the combat nature on the ground coinciding policy based on

First start a problem, then comes the reaction and self-serving solution to the generated disaster reminiscent of 9/11 to pursue selective regime change in Middle East.

Afghanistan warfare funded by opium production contributing systemic corruption and abuse of power is an impediment to fundamental change in political process that could in return provide opportunity for economic and social progress.

Complete troop pullout beginning now with no residual military marks is the only healing option for the war torn nation yearning to end foreign invasion allowing sovereignty under democratic system to prevail leaving behind underdeveloped image in totality.

Any circumvention for military establishment in Afghanistan would backfire from potential revolt within armed forces deeply demoralized due to deception and betrayal in the eternal war on terror.

Abandoning cavalier approach and failed remedies for wise and prudent choices such as military divestments towards economic development and infrastructure improvement, disarmament with incentives to join the labor force, substituting poppy cultivation and

Political overhaul attracting hard working, honest and patriotic leaderships to serve the people and nation at large would perhaps bring hope and anticipated peace.

International community – regional partners in particular could play significant role in Afghanistan’s economic growth.

Rejecting military cantonment plan with specific aims would prevent history repeating itself in the strategic partnership agreement.

People in Afghanistan are required to rise to the occasion and challenge the detrimental pact for republic empowerment.

Good Luck to Afghan citizens in the struggle to free the nation from violence and overseas dominance paving the path for political independence.

Wishing everlasting peace, prosperity and social justice to Afghanistan

Peace to all!

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant