Message Alert to America and the Rest of the World

December 4, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

I’ll release my response shortly to the recent development on the Afghan war and the West Point address by President Barack Obama.

I urge every American to take responsibility for actions committed on their behalf and in their name on foreign locations through political activities and wars by the powerful establishment such as the Military Industrial Complex that not only undermines the American democracy but also serves as the primary reason for global terrorism against American lives.

These are serious times demanding absolute attention because ‘Change’ cannot happen with one person’s voice and it’s imperative for every human being on this earth to think and contemplate over the powerful controlling the destiny of billions of lives through dominance and unconstitutional interference in political domain.

Needless to say that the forces have been highly successful due to the coherence of certain high profile political entities representing the establishment’s interest rather than the welfare of the citizens at home or across the globe. This is in reference to the willful participants apparent in the missions conducted thus far.

Details are available in the republished article ‘Global Terrorism’ December 28, 2008, International Politics, on this website and most importantly the segments with the revelations on 9/11 and the deliberate decision leading to the failure to capture the terror mastermind Osama Bin laden.

My message to the Military Industrial Complex is not to interpret my silence in the past two days as a retreat to the state of no return. I do not let my resolve crumble from the status quo resilience and in fact, remain steadfast to establish peace and harmony through non-violent philosophy.

It’s incumbent on the members of Congress, media and the public to demand legitimate explanation for the questions raised in my article titled ‘Checks and Balances – Afghan War Strategy,’ along with the facts pertaining to the September 11 attacks that is poignant to the premise falsely used by the military institution to prolong the war in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Whenever there is dissent against unlawful actions yielding unmitigated loss of lives at unaffordable economic costs, it is retaliated by casting a shadow on the ‘patriotism’ of the individual standing in between the powerful and the powerless. Often it’s easier to portray the dissenter as a questionable character, when the individual is an ‘immigrant’ from a specific region of the world.

To those raising questions about my patriotism towards my adopted nation, the United States of America that I call home, I have the following response.

Anyone having doubts about my commitment towards the United States or humanity at large through my message of peace, progress and prosperity for all around the globe should refer to the blogposts relentlessly presented by placing my life and family welfare on hold in the past two years without seeking monetary benefits or compensations of any kind.

More than 500 articles posted from the websites of, eblogger and the current website revealing the heartfelt sentiments for this nation and its greatness.

The zeal demonstrated to steer the nation in electing the first African American candidate as the 44th President of the United States despite several attacks, flak, humiliation and exploitation by the political campaigns and their opponents.

I would like to add that my enthusiasm defending the United States as the only viable Superpower long before my political involvement has attracted vigorous discussions and criticisms from some quarters at home and overseas considering the military and foreign policy positions of the United States. My loyalty to this nation even while remaining away from the American soil reflected in the continuous contribution to the U.S. economy against other available options.

I believe in actions and not words alone. Hence, the truth is visible only to the discerning beholder.

Meanwhile, there is enough public evidence equivalent to put one’s foot in one’s mouth against the authorities challenging my ‘patriotism’ to evade the illogical policies implemented in the vulnerable parts of the world.

Please check out the subsequent adapted articles, segments on the Afghan and Iraq war that is relevant to the current disturbing strategies pursued by the forces behind the operation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Checks and Balances – Afghan War Strategy

December 1, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

In my earlier post, World Peace – Part 1, I mentioned about the military might prevalent in the economic and political aspects governing the domestic and the international societies. Although, it’s not a revelation that the military industrial complex (MIC) authority spreads beyond the realm of providing national security, it’s imperative to study the extent of the institutional power.

Besides the limited constitutional role by the military to defend the nation upon real and potential attack, the unconstitutional engagements are expansive and encroaching on the general society.

Often, it’s the “potential” more than the ‘real’ threats or attacks that are the premise for the prolonged military operation proved extremely lucrative in the prolific conventional and nuclear arms race.

Among them, the prominent activities are:

The appointments of foreign heads of the government usually the undesirable choices that are unanimously rejected by the global citizens, not part of the exclusive membership. In this context, the deliberate selection of such candidates aka the ‘puppets’ facilitates the anticipated political instability stunting economic growth and declining social progress.

It’s a perfect ambiance for creating a generation, a partly weak and submissive otherwise resigning to the state of no return and the other, resisting the status quo which becomes the recruits for the forces challenging the dominance of the superior.

The end-result being the terrorists rejecting the foreign occupation and/or the anti-government rebels vs. the military industrial complex ‘supposedly’ representing the democracy.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s nomination along with the pre-meditated military coup and the subsequent army backed undemocratic election in Honduras are the recent demonstrations by the external forces, ironically entrusted with the diplomatic responsibility.

Another interesting yet unconvincing factor is the Pentagon being the most sophisticated military institution on the face of the earth with the capability to intercept the rogue spy satellite in 2008 and many other phenomenal challenges up until now,

Claimed to have been taken to task by the overzealous fundamentalists, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda insurgents in possession of inferior artillery and resources by any means for the past eight years.


“Lockheed Martin’s Aegis missile launches and successfully destroys the rogue spy satellite. This is a huge success for the Pentagon and the anti-missiles system.

The mission was simple. At 10:26PM EST, a standard missile 3 carrying a kinetic warhead was launched northwest of Hawaii from the USS Lake Eire, a Ticonderoga Class missile defense cruiser. 24 minutes later, at 10:50, the Joint Space Operations Center at the Vandenberg Air Force base confirmed the breakup of the satellite at 153 nautical miles above the Earth from a direct hit.

The video, however, shows that the direct kinetic hit has completely obliterated its target. Now the world can rest at peace. Until A542B, that asteroid ten times bigger than Texas, finally arrives.”

American taxpayers are currently funding two simultaneous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq over the last nine and six years respectively. With no end in sight and mounting casualties on all sides, the combined U.S. and NATO combat and support troop level serving in Afghanistan is nearly 150,000 compared to the former Soviet Union occupied level at 120,000.

Further, it’s reportedly more than double the number since the former President George W. Bush left office. Ref: U.S. force in Afghanistan swells with support troops – Washington Post October 13, 2009.

In that perspective, the military industrial complex, the President of the United States and the legislators supporting the massive contingency owe a legitimate explanation to the following questions:

Considering the nine-year war in Afghanistan, why is the mission not accomplished?

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee statement on the eve of the Presidential speech regarding the troops commitment confirmed that the U.S. defense headed by Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the commander at that time Gen. Tommy Franks failed to execute an order to apprehend the terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden within the armed forces’ grasp at Tora Bora in 2001.

What was the real motive behind abandoning the apprehension of the terror leader Osama Bin Laden that could have not only prevented subsequent attacks in Bali, Indonesia, Riyadh, Jordan and several other locations but also debilitated the terror organizations around the globe?

Is it because Osama Bin Laden remaining at large was convenient for all concerned parties i.e.the military industrial complex, Pakistan receiving over $10 billion in U.S. aid for the “war on terror” that is unaccounted until date notwithstanding the re-emergence of Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan for the war games to persist?

What were the strategies at the beginning i.e. 2001 and What are they now?

If the war was unwinnable in the past nine years, what is the basis for the present victory speculation?

How do the legislators propose funding the war amid the heavily contested health care reform and the soaring unemployment?

While demanding drastic spending cuts on health care and economic stimulus,

Are the fiscal conservatives on the right and the left comfortable with the military spending $1 million per soldier per year to satisfy the Army Generals’ elaborate military plan in Afghanistan, not to mention the expense in Iraq as well?

If the war tax is being introduced to finance the MIC mission, who is picking up the tab and where are the anti-tax advocates and the small government proponents?

The Defense department being part of the federal government, the sprawling budget allocated for military expenditure comes right out of the American taxpayers wallet.

Aren’t the conservatives bothered by the ballooning national deficit and the burden on the next generations from the unmitigated Pentagon military extravaganza? When in fact, the illegal adventure in Iraq initiated the precipitous decline of the economy.

Is it going to be the top 10 percent absorbing the costs since the rest at the bottom already hit rock bottom given the economic woes ranging from the heath care and education costs exacerbated by the rising unemployment in the stagnant economy?

Any thoughts on the deteriorating morale and the escalating social crises detailed in the preceding article such as the suicides, the divorces and the systemic collapse of the family structure among the armed personnel. Is it even a matter of concern for those touting support from the comfort zones of the executive and legislative authority?

It’s well known that truth is the primary casualty during war and election.

Afghanistan’s corrupt government is an alibi now to quell the pervasive dissent in the United States and particularly Afghanistan. The fact of the matter is the Karzai government was the preferred choice for the MIC, the U.S. Secretary State and the Defense department.

The reason being, the beleaguered leader was conciliatory to the permanent occupation of the foreign troops all along and the details were published on this website under the article titled – Afghanistan war, troops request and election analysis.

Hence, it should come as no surprise when President Karzai’s appointment is falsely propagated as a ‘re-election’ in the absence of any election following the earlier fraudulent election results that was overwhelmingly rejected by the international community.

If the kingmakers in the Afghan deal were sincere, they would have moved heaven and earth to ensure free and fair elections yielding the desirable outcome i.e. the removal of the Karzai government riddled with corruption charges from the onset for the Afghan population.

Instead, the powerhouse decided to nominate (never re-elected) the worst possible choice for the oppressed Afghan people, in order to sustain the perpetual carnage, chaos and catastrophe for the Afghans and the U.S. as well as the NATO armed personnel.

There were even photo-ops with the U.S. Secretary of State as the ‘Foreign Policy expert,’ enthusiastically blessing the second term of the Karzai government during the recent inauguration, striking a resemblance to the former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld cordially greeted by the dictator Saddam Hussein during the official visit to Baghdad.

Similar scenario was carried out with the Honduran election. Orchestrating military coup, appointment of corrupt leaders with complete knowledge and recognition of despots as the heads of the government later transform into the mortal enemies for the United States and allies to justify the implementation of war.

When evaluating the credibility and the real purpose behind the alarmingly high troops presence i.e.. the existing U.S. troops 71,000 plus the new proposal 30,000 – 35,000 combined with the NATO alliance equals nearly 150,000 to contain the approximately 25,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda insurgents beckons reasoning with clear and honest submission of facts from the high command in the military industrial complex.

It’s rather hypocritical of the powerful entities constantly fearing self-mortality despite extraordinary security to treat other human lives as easily dispensable.

Troops withdrawal and not additional deployment is required to resolve the nearly decade old conflict.

Finally, It’s about time the military industrial complex confine to national defense and refrain from regional dominance.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Afghanistan – The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) Indefinite Mission

December 1, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The White House and the Congress members are back at work after a refreshing break from the ‘Thanksgiving’ holiday that allows the average and the privileged citizens to celebrate the family moments together. Not all are able to participate in the long held tradition due to the ceaseless demands of the high commanders, the real authority in the system disguised as democracy.

Military Industrial Complex (MIC) troops expansion policy is having a nuclear impact on the nucleus of the Army, the brave men and women in harm’s way as evidenced in the following reports:

Thanksgiving for the soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan is a moment to pause and express gratitude to one another for providing the family like atmosphere through solidarity.

1. Associated Press, November 27, 2009 – By Denis D. Gray

‘Another day, another mission’ for U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan

Most of all, they give thanks for surviving a year of combat

From 1st Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally said of soldiers from Able Troop, 3-71 Cavalry Squadron:

“They become your family and being able to eat together like this, to break bread together is a highlight.”

“We’re thankful for all still being here. We’ve been lucky, on the lower spectrum when it comes to casualties.”

“Just another day, another mission,” several soldiers said as the first patrol prepared for a six-mile slog to aid village schools without windows, desks and other necessities.

From Padmini Arhant: For the kind attention of,

President Barack Obama, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Diane Feinstein and the united Republican members of Congress endorsing the enormous troop buildup,

Would you, perhaps consider either matching or exceeding the incredible sacrifice by the honorable Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally in the following manner?

As per the above report, “1st Sgt. Gonzalo Lassally, a father of three from Deltona, Fla., has spent four ‘Thanksgivings, three Christmases and “quite a few birthdays” away from home.”


2. Associated Press – By Pauline Jelinek, November 28, 2009.

Divorce rate edges up among military families

It’s climbed since troops were first sent to Afghanistan

The toll for a nation long at war is evident in military homes: The divorce rate in the armed forces edged up again in the past year despite many programs to help struggling couples, and the rate now is a full percentage point higher than around the time of the attacks of September 11, 2001.

There were an estimated 27,312 divorces among roughly 765,000 married members of the active-duty Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps in the budget year that ended Sept. 30, the Pentagon said Friday.

That’s a divorce rate of about 3.6 percent for fiscal year 2009, compared with 3.4 percent a year earlier, according to figures from the Defense Manpower Data Center. Marriages among reservists failed at a rate of 2.8 percent compared with 2.7 percent the previous year.

Friday’s reported 3.6 percent rate is a full percentage point above the 2.6 percent reported in late 2001, when the U.S. began sending troops to Afghanistan in response to the September terrorist attacks.

As in previous years, women in uniform suffered much higher divorce rates than their male counterparts – 7.7 percent in 2009, compared with 3 percent for men.

3. Associated Press, Washington, November 18, 2009:

Suicides in Army likely to increase:

“Army Vice Chief of Staff General Peter Chiarelli said that as of Monday, 140 active duty soldiers were believed to have died of self-inflicted wounds so far in 2009. That’s the same as were confirmed for all of 2008. We are almost certainly going to end the year higher than last year … this is horrible, and I do not want to downplay the significance of these numbers in any way.”


It’s essential to highlight other news related to the Afghanistan war, NATO involvement and the Karzai government credentials or the lack thereof.

4. As for NATO alliances in the war on terror:

Germany’s top military official resigns:

New York Times – By Nicholas Kulish, November 27, 2009

Berlin – Germany’s defense minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, told Parliament that the chief of staff, Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan, as well as a senior official in the Defense Ministry, State Secretary Peter Wichert, had tendered their resignations after a German news report that information on civilian casualties had been withheld from the public and from prosecutors.”


5. Pakistan warns of influx of militants

More U.S. troops could push Taliban from Afghanistan

By Kim Gamel – Associated Press, November 21, 2009.

Islamabad – Pakistan expressed fear Friday that a large increase in foreign troops in Afghanistan could push militants across the border into its territory and called on the U.S. to factor in that concern as part of its new war strategy.”


6. Washington Post – By Joshua Partlow, November 18, 2009.

Afghan official accused of taking bribe

Contract allegedly goes to Chinese firm after $30 million payout

Kabul – The Afghan minister of mines accepted a roughly $30 million bribe to award the country’s largest development project to a Chinese mining firm, according to a U.S. official who is familiar with military intelligence reports.

Karzai is coming under intense international pressure to clear his Cabinet of ministers who have reaped huge profits through bribery and kickback schemes. Although he announced a new anti-corruption unit this week, the president has been reluctant to fire scandal-tainted ministers in the past and it is unclear whether he is ready to do so now.

Meanwhile, Afghans’ perceptions that they are ruled by a thieving class have weakened support for the government, and bolstered sympathy for the Taliban insurgency.”

Notation – By Padmini Arhant:

Obviously, the prolonged occupation and the extended service by the armed personnel are crippling the integral unit of the society, the American families of these silent patriots.

Accordingly, the checks and balances are appropriate to determine the validity of the additional troops request.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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