The Powerful Dilemma

January 29, 2017

PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
Padmini Arhant.
Author & Presenter Spouse in Divine Mission.

By Padmini Arhant


Light dispels night without being the knight with military might.

Beware – Eye wear (Eyeglasses) manufacturers in the new craze for cosmetic spectacle blinding parody agents in search of tentacle to reach the pinnacle in the mindless act in accordance with the pact. 

BOLLYWOOD is the malady exploiting India’s majority seeking to escape tragedy. 

The filthy rich rise at the expense of those in grinding poverty with the former granted immunity on crimes from tax evasion, embezzlement, rape, man slaughter to corruption and links to under world and politics while the latter struggle for survival in the opportunistic environment is the reality delineating superficiality. 

Entertainment serving as the platform for political rhetoric is nothing more than rooster on the roof engaged in personal spoof. 

The chime rhyme with the crime not knowing the act is not worth a dime. 

Fame and fortune is a twilight zone where promiscuity and flattery pave entry to fraternity. 


By Padmini Arhant

The Powerful Dilemma

Power is meaningless when subjugated to falsehood and fabrication.

Spin on issues in any direction – right, left and center make the spinner dizzy and lose consciousness sinking into coma from frost bite protecting frozen peccadillo.

Free speech tongue tied unable to swallow or spit sour candy sugar coated for palate.

License to powerful is silence for the powerless.

Secrecy and supremacy leaves democracy a fantasy.

Immunity is a privilege in return for sacrilege.

Mute the voice of salient to amplify the noise of subservient.

Bake a cake with fillings and toppings producing the fake in poor taste and quality.

Title an entitlement in the agreement on derailment.

Dancing to tune promise fame and fortune.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spousal Partner Divine Mission


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