The Iranian Crisis – A message for the Iranian regime and the Republic

February 14, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Lately, the puppet President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad representing the Islamic Republic of Iran, addressed the captive audience falsely claimed as the “pro-government” and “anti-Western” protesters – when they appeared to be the ‘oppressed’ choosing to remain silent amid government crackdown prevalent in the “pro-democracy” activism.

Since the fraudulent elections in June 2009, the Islamic Iran Participation Front, a reformist or the green party victory was suppressed violently by the Iranian theocracy.

The defiant autocrat Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed the incumbent candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the President in name only (INO).

Followed by the brutalities against the unarmed civilians with the clerics, the Guardian Coucil, The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the Basij and the entire regimen behind the ruthless authoritarian regime being responsible for the blasphemy of the sacred religion – Islam, they falsely represent in the Iranian Republic.

Iranian regime mostly controlled by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and the fractured group of Shiite clerics have superficially projected strength in the fragile government. When, in fact, it’s crumbling in the face of terror against their population and despotism through dupe proclamation of nuclear status.

While addressing the massive crowd attending the mandatory rally, ironically in Azadi Square (Azadi – translation in Urdu, Persian and Arabic – freedom/ independence), the cleric appointee President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Iran as a nuclear state on the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

Pro-democracy demonstrators should not inhibit the power possessed by them because their sacrifice thus far has not been in vain. In reality, it has rattled the regime and is nearing collapse sooner than later. It’s obvious in the actor President Ahmadinejad’s fumbling speeches and the misgivings from his statements.

For instance, The New York Times report dated February 12, 2010 titled:

Iran: Nation can make nuclear fuel for bombs – Dissent crackdown keeps opposition from taking over streets – Thank you.

“In the address in Azadi Square in Tehran, Ahmadinejad relied on familiar nationalist and anti-Western themes, accusing the United States and Europe of trying to hold Iran down and challenging them by saying that Iran had succeeded in enriching uranium to 20 percent and could do even more.

“We have the capability to enrich uranium more than 20 percent or 80 percent, but we don’t enrich because we don’t need it,” Ahmadinejad said.

But he added a warning to the West.

“Please pay attention and understand that the people of Iran are brave enough that if it wants to build a bomb it will clearly announce it and built it and not be afraid of you,” he said.

“When we say we won’t build it that means we won’t.”

‘Nuclear state’ – The president also repeated his declaration that Iran was a “nuclear state,” adding that it had the capacity to enrich uranium to weapons grade if it chose to.

The West has accused of Iran of running a nuclear weapons program, while Iran has insisted it is pursuing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

“The Iranian nuclear issue has become the main pillar of the regime’s legitimacy,” said Mustafa el-Labbad, an Iran expert in Cairo.

“So Ahmadinejad is putting it in the center of the scene in order to conceal the internal differences and huge domestic challenges they face.”
Deception by the Iranian regime – From Padmini Arhant

It’s clear from the report that the automated message confirms the fiction than the facts.

In the speech itself, the anomalies stand out despite the big and bold statements.

President Ahmadinejad boasts about the nuclear capability and inadvertently attributes the achievement ability to the people, contrary to his government response and miscalculation of the liberators’ will in the pro-democracy movement.

The Islamic regime’s representative is right. Underestimating the people’s power is a gross mistake for any government and the regime should be the first one to recognize the undercurrent beneath the iron fist rule camouflaged in the newly invented image as the nuclear threat to the west and the rest in the region.

Meanwhile, the international community is being beguiled on Iran’s nuclear readiness.

The Iranian President prods the United States and the allies to react in an effort to subvert the popular anger currently aimed at the regime.

By doing so, the regime could rein in on democracy and prevent the international support to the democratic cause for the Iranian population would view the Western aggression as extemporaneous.

That’s why it would be irrational for Israel and the United States to consider military action or economic sanctions that would adversely affect the people of Iran in many ways than the regime using the population as the pawn.

With Israel, the security concerns are legitimate and justified considering the flagrant remarks by the belligerent leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

However, Israel’s instinctive strike against the nuclear site would trigger explosives from its mortal enemies and Iranian regime’s allies Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and the bruised Syria, notwithstanding Iran for being targeted militarily.

Israel should realize that its earlier success in aborting the Syrian nuclear program is not equivalent to the Iranian provocation.

As such, Israel is struggling with the ‘sovereignty’ issue among the Arab neighbors – predominantly because of its ‘neo imperialistic’ status against the Palestinians.

Israel’s pre-emptive strike against Iran would exacerbate the volatility in the Middle East.

As for the United States acting on behalf of its strongest ally Israel, it would be detrimental to national security.

Besides being hypocritical, the U.S military intervention would be economically, politically as well as strategically a suicide to be drawn into a fourth war with a nation commanding a million in armed forces and several millions in reserve viz.the Basij available for service.

The hypocritical position stems from the Obama administration domestic plan to provide loan guarantee, essentially a federal subsidy to build nuclear power plants and reactors for the nuclear energy program, one of several overtures to appease the “hard to please” conservatives in Congress to build bipartisanship in passing the energy bill.

U.S attack against Iran, yet another Islamic nation would embolden Al-Qaeda and enable the easy recruitment of suicide bombers invading the land, air and sea voyages.

As suggested earlier the first and foremost step for the U.S,, France and Britain is to expand the permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council from the current P5 Plus to P11.

Bringing in conciliatory members like Japan, India, South Africa and Brazil including the UAE would give adequate leverage against the reluctant members China and Russia.

Next, freezing the regime representatives’ bank accounts, renouncing diplomatic ties with the government and restricting emissary travel should constrict the operation within and outside the regime’s control.

Ultimately, the viable option to ease the quagmire lies with the people of Iran.

Although, the bloodshed from the atrocity against innocent civilians is not the ideal pathway to freedom, the regime is unwilling to acknowledge defeat and remains committed to anti-Islamic means to retain power.

Moreover, the regime’s violent stance is oxymoron due to the theocracy supposedly representing ‘Islam – the religion of peace.’

On the other hand, the brave citizens, particularly the non-violent youth of Iran have admirably stood up to the totalitarianism that has shamefully brandished the sword against peace and democracy seekers.

Is this how the theocracy represents Islam?

What is the difference between them and Al-Qaeda that is vowed to terror against people regardless of race or religion, especially subjecting Islam and its followers to perpetual smear and stigma?

Do the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the clerics think they would be absolved of the unforgiveable sins against their own people, the callousness displayed and conducted in the name of Prophet Mohammad (May Peace be upon him) and the religion of Islam?

If they are confined to such belief, then they ought to be delusional. Overwhelmed by greed and monstrosity in clinging to power, the regime has lost the opportunity to redeem itself from the unspeakable crime against humanity.

Every one of them will pay a price according to their own deeds. Anyone slighting the warning will endure the burden of pain and grievances inflicted upon fellow human beings.

Unless, the perpetrators repent their wrongdoings and change the course of action by surrendering to the people representing the Almighty God, Allah (the all merciful and forgiving force) and allow democracy, freedom to prevail in Iran.

Perhaps it’s their only and the last chance to prove them as honorable Muslims. If they were, they would not have engaged in the oppressive behavior to begin with. Nevertheless, in accordance with the holy Quran, every Muslim is bound to defend the Prophet and Islam, the religion that has suffered intensely from the terror organizations’ and the dictatorial regime’s disregard for life.

The sinners could disavow tyranny and pledge their service to humanity through peace and non-violence, granting democracy and freedom to their citizens in order to pay homage to Prophet Mohammad (May peace be upon him) and the sacred Islam.

Further, the Holy Quran warns the sinners against any harm on their Muslim and non-Muslim brothers and sisters especially the non-combatants in their privacy of their homes and elsewhere.

For evil cannot exist eternally and all things end in compliance with the natural law.

Iranian leadership does not see the danger in the horizon with the nuclear disaster of greater magnitude than Chernobyl awaiting in the underground nuclear site at the holy city Qom and in other parts of Iran.

Therefore, dismantling the nuclear program entirely i.e. all over Iran, is the safe and the only solution to protect the sanctity of the holy city Qom and Iran.

Given the status quo in Iran, the reformist movement and the opposition with the republic support should maintain the peaceful and non-violent approach towards democracy for the people of Iran.

It would be in Iran’s best interest for the momentum to continue in freeing the nation from the theocracy’s shackles. The regime’s doctrine based on irreligious morals and personal philosophy is diametrically opposed to the Islamic law.

Reiterating the earlier message on Peace – It could be described as a sweet scented delicate flower that stimulates the senses with calmness and serenity. At the same time, it’s the formidable challenge against violence.

Nations that sought peace for their freedom were guaranteed political, social and economic stability due to the citizens’ inherent determination to prevail against the odds – the violence that produces only immense loss of life.

Victory is within reach of those who tread on the trails of peace, will and optimism.

The people of Iran courageously display these qualities in the on-going political crisis for truth and justice is on their side.

Good luck and fortune waits in abundance for the suffering Iranian population.

Your sacrifice will not be futile.

One should never quit without tasting the flavor of success in life.

The Iranian electorates’ perseverance towards democratic goals will be a trailblazer for other nations in the Middle East.

Yawm ad-Din “the Day of Judgment” (Arabic: يوم الدين‎) is God’s final assessment of humanity.

It is stated in Qur’an:

[From] now, God has lightened your [task] for He knows that there is now weakness amongst you: But [ever so], if there are a hundred of you, patient and persevering, they will subdue two hundred, and if a thousand, they will subdue two thousand, with the leave of God: for God is with those who patiently persevere.
—Qur’an, [Qur’an 8:66

Indeed those who are opposing Allah and His Messenger are bound to be humiliated. The Almighty has ordained ‘‘My Messengers and I shall always prevail’’. Indeed Allah is Mighty and Powerful.
—Qur’an, [Qur’an 58:20]

Persian , Independence, … الله أكبر (Allahu Akbar )
(Arabic , … Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر) : “God is the Greatest.” …)

Persian, … šāʾ Allāh (ar | ما شاء الله), which means, “God has willed it”. …-
Insha’Allah (إن شاء الله) – Allah Willing –

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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