The Iranian Crisis – A message for the Iranian regime and the Republic

February 15, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Pictures are worth a thousand words @

Thank you.

Iranian Dissent – Armageddon

June 22, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The peaceful protest by the oppressed Iranian population continues in Tehran for the second week since the June 12, election results declaring the President Nominee Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the winner by the theocratic ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Uprising and revolution generally prompted by severe repression leading the population to the breaking point, particularly in the economic aspect depriving the youth, women and the minorities from realizing their hopes and dreams in life. The socio-economic environment throughout the Middle East until date is due for an exposure and analysis.

There have been numerous publications, reports and articles on the subject revealing the status quo on women’s’ rights, press and media censorship, voting irregularities, selective political nominations…summarizing democracy under siege in the totalitarian regimes throughout the region.

Interestingly, the autocracies have embraced the contemporary lifestyle for themselves and the close circuit loyalists while subjecting the rest of the population to the medieval rule of law such as public flogging, execution, and customary gender discrimination.

The severity lies in the economic disparity, visible in the wealth amassment by the privileged few against the majority struggling to make ends meet at all times. It’s a contentious issue especially for the nations enriched with abundant oil and other natural resources in their lack of concern to share the political freedom, economic prosperity and social environment with their nationals.

Oil reserves in Iran

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Oil reserves in Iran, according to its government, rank third largest in the world at approximately 136 billion barrels (21.6×109 m3) as of 2007, although it ranks second if Canadian reserves of non-conventional oil are excluded. This is roughly 10% of the world’s total proven petroleum reserves.

Iran is the world’s fourth largest oil producer and is OPEC’s second-largest producer after Saudi Arabia. As of 2006 it was producing an estimated 3.8 million barrels per day (600×103 m3/d) of crude oil, equal to 5% of global production.[1] At 2006 rates of production, Iran’s oil reserves would last 98 years if no new oil was found.”

Not surprisingly, the persisting sub-human conditions into the twenty first century contributed to the birth of terrorist organizations such as Al Qaida and various networks deceptively pledged to jihad directed at western democracies and emerging economic powers in retaliation for the conciliatory relationships with the autocratic governments in the region.

Middle East nations have overwhelmingly adopted the western concept in infrastructure and modern conveniences but failed to adapt to the twenty first century democracy and human rights now. In the regimes’ inability to resist technology and travel, the Middle East population familiar with the new millennium technological and commercial trend desperately seeking similar opportunities in political, economic and social progress.

Regarding social progress, the draconian laws impair women, minorities and other groups like gay community comparatively classified as social outcasts in many instances. The deliberate, conscientious mistreatment and segregation of certain members under the guise of traditions is a misnomer and diametrically opposed to Islamic religion or ‘democracy’ for that matter.

With no resemblance to a functional democracy elsewhere, the Middle East regimes have consistently defended the authoritarian rule of law as democracy only to serve colloquially and not operatively. Further, the governments remain successful in reigning terror against their own citizens, due to tolerance by the international community.

The global community in their defense might attribute their vulnerability to economic factors like oil dependency and financial credit from Saudi Arabia other than trade and commerce. Despite the required balancing act, it is obligatory on the international community to condemn violence and human rights violation supported by effective measures irrespective of the perpetrator’s stature.

It is worth remembering that the global economic era has created interdependency among nations as trading partners imposing versatility, a prerequisite for survival and sustenance in the aggressively competitive world economy.

Therefore, any drastic action against ruthless dictatorships is potent at present time by striking their personal monetary gains in terms of financial holdings usually held overseas like Swiss banks and tax haven destinations. As stated earlier, economic sanctions directly affect the victims and exacerbate the plight of the suffering population.

The ideal strategy would be to target the responsible figureheads and their representatives by denying diplomatic ties, travel and freezing personal bank accounts. Since most dictators pre-occupied in bankrupting their own economy, the overseas investments by them are a common source for wealth accumulation.

To shed light on the historic crisis in Iran, the theocracy is in grave danger for the reported killings and deaths of its own citizens in cold blood, carried out in the name of religion. In addition, more disturbing is the report suggesting the self-proclaimed clerics’ leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei engaging Hamas and Hezbollah as mercenaries to shoot the peaceful protesters because of the state police and paramilitary’s emotional reluctance to carry out the shooting order.

The state authority’s diabolical conduct is reprehensible and genocidal in the humanitarian and Islamic law. It is worthy of condemnation in moral, ethical and spiritual sense with unequivocal judgment on the aggressors by the supreme force not excluding trials in the International court of Justice, Haig as the end justifies the means.

As for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Basij, the paramilitary volunteer troops are concerned, their primary duty is to defend the citizens of the nation. The soldiers’ integrity and true valor lies in the loyalty towards the innocent civilians representing the nation and not the brutal dictators authorizing the merciless killings of God’s children. The military forces guarding the nation are obliged to protect the citizens against any harm from internal or external attacks.

Disobedience by the national guardians in honoring the defense and humanitarian code would be similarly consequential.

The message is synonymous to all those individuals, groups (Hamas and Hezbollah) and authorities affiliated to the theocracy in the persecution and murder of non-violent demonstrators challenging the dictatorial leadership on behalf of the Almighty God, the supreme authority and significant force to reckon with.

It would be in the best interest of the theocratic leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the clerics and the puppet government to willfully resign and surrender to the mass seeking democracy with freedom of expression as the fundamental right of every citizen in the democratic society. The clerics’ must immediately end the press and media censorship by allowing domestic and international press coverage of the events to avoid regrettable repercussions.

Directives from the Holy Qur’an:

Objectives of warfare

According to verses [Qur’an 8:39], the Qur’an implies two objectives:[16]

1. Uproot fitnah (فتنة) or persecution

Against persecution

Directives for action against persecution:

And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.
—Qur’an, [Qur’an 8:39]

Also: —Qur’an, [Qur’an 4:75]

And what has come over you that you fight not in the cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: ‘Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.

It’s an eternal directive and believe that all types of oppression should be considered under this directive.[16][95]

Similarly, if a group of Muslims commit unwarranted aggression against some of their brothers and does not desist from it even after all attempts of reconciliation, such a group according to the Qur’an should be fought with:

[From] now, God has lightened your [task] for He knows that there is now weakness amongst you: But [ever so], if there are a hundred of you, patient and persevering, they will subdue two hundred, and if a thousand, they will subdue two thousand, with the leave of God: for God is with those who patiently persevere.
—Qur’an, [Qur’an 8:66]

Directive of the Holy Qua’ran for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard:

Islam expressly prohibits the killing of non-combatants.

Harming civilian areas and pillaging residential areas is also forbidden,[34] as is the destruction of trees, crops, livestock and farmlands.[26][35]

The Muslim forces may not loot travellers, as doing so is contrary to the spirit of jihad.[36] Nor do they have the right to use the local facilities of the native people without their consent. If such a consent is obtained,

The Muslim army is still under the obligation to compensate the people financially for the use of such facilities.

Elaborated in a number of sayings attributed to the Holiness Prophet Muhammad –

But there are also sayings that put strict limits on the duty of obedience. Two dicta attributed to the Prophet and universally accepted as authentic are indicative.

One says, "there is no obedience in sin"; in other words,

“If the ruler orders something contrary to the divine law, not only is there no duty of obedience, but there is a duty of disobedience.”

Accountability of rulers

“…And they (the sinners on qiyama) will say, ‘Our Lord! We obeyed our leaders and our chiefs, and they misled us from the right path. Our Lord! Give them (the leaders) double the punishment you give us and curse them with a very great curse’…”[33:67–68]

Islamic law states that when the rulers refuse to step down via successful impeachment through the Majlis, becoming dictators through the support of a corrupt army, if the majority agree they have the option to launch a revolution against them.


It is stated in the Holy Qur’an:

[From] now, God has lightened your [task] for He knows that there is now weakness amongst you: But [ever so], if there are a hundred of you, patient and persevering, they will subdue two hundred, and if a thousand, they will subdue two thousand, with the leave of God: for God is with those who patiently persevere. —Qur’an, [Qur’an 8:66

Indeed those who are opposing Allah and His Messenger are bound to be humiliated. The Almighty has ordained: ‘‘I and My Messengers shall always prevail’’. Indeed Allah is Mighty and Powerful.— Qur’an, [Qur’an 58:20]

Those who wish to disobey the commandment of the Almighty God Allah may do so at their own peril.

Persian , Independence, … الله أكبر (Allahu Akbar )

(Arabic , … Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر) : "God is the Greatest." …)

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iranian Uprising – 21st Century

June 20, 2009

Apocalyptic New Era

By Padmini Arhant

The Presidential election results were out in the Islamic Republic of Iran and predictably, the theocratic rule through flawed electoral process declared the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the winner, with a landslide victory against the reformist leader Mir Hossein Mousavi of the Islamic Iran Participation Front, recognized as the largest reformist party.

Iranian youth, women and everyone oppressed by the existing regime mourning seeing no hope in the horizon for Iran aligning to the twenty first century nation governance. The re-nomination of the President Ahmadinejad by the un-elected and self-proclaimed clerics under the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei indicates the iron-fist authoritarianism executed as the guardian of the sacred Islamic religion.

The theocratic power claiming to be the representative of peaceful and respectful Islam effectively shackled the Islamic vows – equality, freedom, justice and compassion shared among all, with sheer denial of the humanitarian rights granted by the holy Islam.

Ironically, the election is anything but democratic with the election results not conforming to the actual data in more than one account. According to reliable sources, the higher voter turnout was encouraging and huge enthusiasm among the majority confirmed the readiness for the change that’s long overdue in the Islamic Republic and the entire Middle East. Upon opposition’s refusal to concede to the false ceremonial victory by the current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the streets in Tehran and the holy city Qom reverberated with chants against the undemocratic verdict.

Any ballot recount in selective areas to satisfy the republic with an insatiable appetite for emancipation is equivalent to an illusionist’s performance in charming the tense audience. Tragically, the religious order’s deception of the Islamic faith dedicated to truth, equality and justice for all vilified in the endorsement of killings and violence against peaceful protesters by the paramilitary under the top hierarchy’s direct command, reminiscent of the Tiananmen Square event.

The recent incidents in Tehran and other parts of the nation is a reminder that permanence is not in the laws of nature and change is the natural course of action to prove it. Despite resistance to positive reform, a priority beginning with the free and fair elections, the theocracy in Iran struggling to maintain credibility as the religious force inculcating bias in the contradictory version of democracy dominated by religion over the independent state rule.

Whenever any puppet government controlled by the ultimate religious authority or dynasty challenged to demonstrate democratic values towards the nationals, defiance is inevitable. Therefore, the victims subject to hard line approach viz. muzzling the voice of democracy in the technology-oriented age. Evidently, the Iranian republic determined to free themselves from the prolonged tyrannical rule of law under the guise of Islam – conflicting to the egalitarian religious philosophy.

The current events in Iran is a test for the theocracy led by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the clerics’ respect for the holiness, Prophet Mohammed’s teachings to value humanitarian rights and disavow violence, deceit, disorder in any form or shape. Importantly, the involvement of religion in the state affairs and the Supreme Leader as the head of the state is a gross violation of Islam juxtaposed to Islamic law prohibiting spiritual leaders from aspiring political power, materialistic gains and supremacy.

Autocracy implemented through theocracy is sacrilegious in the highest order.

It is imperative for the Islamic Republic of Iran to honor the will of the people towards democracy with an absolute guarantee of equal rights for all citizens of different faith and ethnicity in the historic Persian land. The reference particularly applies to the persecution and systemic abuse of the Baha’i population along with disregard for the faith until date.

Since the election outcome debunked with reprehensible practices such as vote rigging and unscrupulous means by the state in producing unrealistic victory for their choice of representative effectively disposes the results null and void. Henceforth, the reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi aptly qualifies in requesting the Iranian electorate to recall the nominee, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Guardian Council responsible for the protocol reportedly swayed to the theocratic preference has created a self-dispensable status in the so-called democratic election.

With the overwhelming international support and solidarity for the Iranian moderates in the ongoing political upheaval, the camouflaged autocratic leadership in Iran is on the verge of collapse serving testimony to the apocalyptic new era pledged to deliverance around the world.

The concurrent election results throughout the Middle East, with Iraq rejecting the Iranian supported political and terror faction, Lebanese sidelining the once popular and terror sponsor Hezbollah backed by the troubled Iranian theocracy, Palestine more eager to attain the dream of freedom empowering FATAH over HAMAS is a confirmation of the apocalypse.

Although, credit for changes in the Middle East attributed to the previous and present United States Presidency, the real agent behind the democratic transitioning is the long brewing unprecedented will of the population with technological know-how rising to the occasion comprising free speech and human rights.

Similar scenario witnessed in Egypt initiated by the anti-government centrists and pro-democratic aspirants including the Muslim Brotherhood – the Hosni Mubarak government’s traditional rival. In this instance the moderates in Egypt were disappointed with the omission of Egyptian government’s prolonged human rights violation in President Obama’s Cairo address, even though the objective for detour appears to rest on the potential Egyptian influence on the Arab world in the recognition of Israel and resolving the two-state solutions crisis.

Many outspoken pro-democracy groups operating within and outside of Egypt shared their anguish over a missed historic moment by the United States Presidency to curtail excessive oppression in the Pharaoh land.

Back to Iranian political uprising contributing tremor across the Middle East – it’s no coincidence and remains an affirmation to pervasive democratic movement brought upon not by Super Power aggression instead, through peaceful and powerful populace demand, yet another desirable path in accordance to the apocalypse.

The contemporary political unrest in Iran is likely to subdue the theocracy limiting and possibly eliminating the intervention of religion in the state rule to promote real democracy. As for the reformist leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s parallel political stance with the opponent President nominee Mahmoud Ahmedinijad regarding Iranian nuclear program and Israel…

The notion between the Israeli Knesset and the White House ambivalence to the controversial re-nomination of the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad implies – “It’s better to deal with the devil you know rather than the Saint you don’t.”

This posturing by Washington and Jerusalem is disturbing considering the pivotal role by both nations as part of the military industrial complex in the lucrative and prolific nuclear and arms weaponry exhibited by the United States in Iraq and currently in Afghanistan. Likewise, by Israel in the aggression against Palestinians in Gaza in December 2008 accompanied by repeated retaliatory threats to strike Iran’s nuclear site with or without the United States alliance warrants a great deal of concern.

Israel’s selection of President Nominee Ahmadinejad over reformist candidate Mousavi suggests Israel accepting Ahmadinejad’s provocative gesture as an opportunity for military action. Such political maneuvering by Israel could prove immensely detrimental to its own national security other than raising a credibility issue as a viable peace partner in the Middle East.

An oil enriched and Shiite dominant Iran’s strong emergence in the Arab world posed a huge challenge to other oil-abundant nation like Saudi Arabia and others fearing identical fate with the impending overthrow of the political dynasty contrasting political theocracy in Iran, while both kingdoms sharing abandonment of democracy in the legislative rule.

Meanwhile, the massive rally and protests on behalf of the reformist party candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi justified when,

The reformist leader commits Iran towards modern democracy in every aspect of governance,

A nuclear free zone as the concept of nuclear energy program to generate electricity does not fit in with Iran being the third richest nation in oil reserves,

Oil reserves in Iran

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Oil reserves in Iran, according to its government, rank third largest in the world at approximately 136 billion barrels (21.6×109 m3) as of 2007, although it ranks second if Canadian reserves of non-conventional oil are excluded. This is roughly 10% of the world’s total proven petroleum reserves.

Iran is the world’s fourth largest oil producer and is OPEC’s second-largest producer after Saudi Arabia. As of 2006 it was producing an estimated 3.8 million barrels per day (600×103 m3/d) of crude oil, equal to 5% of global production.[1] At 2006 rates of production, Iran’s oil reserves would last 98 years if no new oil was found.”

Further, recognize and embrace Israel as a sovereign state,

Last but not the least; relinquish terror sponsorship in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon including conciliatory partnership via arms supply to belligerent North Korea.

Otherwise, Iran reflecting true reform in alienating from the ideological, theocratic principles and doctrine prevailing over the fundamental democratic values desperately required by the deserving Iranian population.

The imminent victory for peace against violence will testify the strength of populace power in the declining theocratic regime systematically misrepresenting the sacred and peaceful Islam.

The Iranian electorates’ perseverance towards democratic goals will be a trailblazer for other nations to follow suit in the Middle East.

Persian, … šāʾ Allāh (ar | ما شاء الله), which means, "God has willed it". …-

Insha’Allah (إن شاء الله) – Allah Willing.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant