Iranian Crisis – Blasphemy of Sacred Islam and The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

June 24, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The categorical defiance by the theocratic ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the puppet nominee Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the clerics, the Guardian Coucil, The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the Basij and the entire regimen behind the ruthless authoritarian regime is blasphemous of the sacred religion – Islam, they falsely represent in the Iranian Republic.

Although, the dictatorial regime’s ruthless conduct in the past twenty-four hours involving civilian killings and arrests with a clampdown on the press and media coverage gained momentary leverage over the peaceful dissent, the truth and justice to be delivered by the all powerful Almighty God, Allah will never be conquered by the slaves of treachery and debauchery.

In fact, the autocratic dictators are not challenging the will of the innocent people of Iran, but engaged in cataclysmic battle against the supreme authority, the Almighty God, Allah determined to prevail being the ultimate universal force. The crumbling resolve within the secretive,totalitarian conspirators concealed with excessive violence inflicted upon the non-combative, non-violent truth seekers representing the valiant Almighty God, Allah.

If the present authority resigned to brutality, remain undeterred by the Prophetic warnings of the Almighty God, Allah demanding the conflict to end in the people’s favor through willful surrender of all those implicated in the horrific humanitarian crime led by the clerics’ leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,

The assassins will be subject to the wrath of the creator to justify the means.

Any slightness of the Almighty God, Allah’s message by the corrupt unelected clerics and officials would be a recipe for self-destruction and disaster. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Basij judged accordingly for volunteering in the slaughter of truth represented by the brave and unarmed civilians enduring injustice brought upon them by the sinners representing the theocracy.

The military role as national guardians to ensure every citizen’s safety and security in the nation currently in violation of the defense and humanitarian code unequivocally on the path of genocide will also be brought to justice.

Reiterating the earlier message titled “Iranian Dissent – Armageddon,” it’s against the Islamic law and the holy Prophet Muhammad’s teachings to cause any physical pain and damage to individuals revolting against delusional perpetrators in denial of the Almighty God, Allah. The escalating violence in curbing the freedom of expression against the fraudulent election is a strong indication of the theocracy’s power quest while posing to be a spiritual figurehead – a clear indignation of the Holy Quran and the Almighty God, Allah.

The current stranglehold on the movement as the voice for freedom and democracy is a deceptive victory for the deceitful demagoguery led by the autocrat, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the loyalists committed to blasphemy of the Holy Quran, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Almighty God, Allah, the ultimate judiciary power. Each heinous criminal act will be punishable in the highest order according to the moral and ethical code specified in the Holy Quran.

Evidently, the present confrontation is the battle between illusion v. reality and the outcome declared in the immediate future yielding victory to the pious and the truthful demonstrators with the supreme force, the Almighty God, Allah’s blessing.

Unfortunately for the offenders, the message directed by the Almighty God, Allah dismissed as the United States and other foreign governments’ ominous disguised operation confirm the self-proclaimed spiritual authority’s inability to discern and recognize the call from the Almighty God, Allah, the savior and protector of the universe.

Therefore, their self-indulgence in senseless violence and horrific violation of human rights will lead them towards their choice of destination i.e. demolition and downfall of the much-anticipated dictatorial regime and their disappearance into oblivion in resemblance to the fate of all those historic characters in the past and the contemporary era.

Any attempt to exacerbate the suffering of the population through excessive mistreatment and exploitation of the temporary power would prove detrimental to those in action.

Time is running out for the despots and the desolate crew following the leadership doomed to fail and fall from grace for ignoring the commandment of the all powerful, Almighty God, Allah. This is not a threat, instead a concern and a conciliatory final word from the eternal source prioritizing reconciliation in the reform and resolution of the political crisis affecting the humanity at large in Iran.

Meanwhile, the reformist movement and the opposition should continue their peaceful and non-violent approach and not dissuaded from liberating the culturally enriched Poetic Persian Land and the Iranian Republic presently under siege by the tyrannical rule of law.

The bold and audacious demonstrators’ sacrifice will not be in vain this time and victory is on the side of the truth and justice, regardless of the ruthless resilience from the agitating tumultuous terror nearing end in accordance to the apocalypse.

Freedom is not a cupcake offered through invitation at a birthday party.

History is testimony that every free nation on earth had to struggle and strive for their liberty and that of others commonly from the grip of adamant self-righteous rule possessed with dangerous emotional and conventional arsenal likely to engulf in their pyromania.

Peace is gentle, delicate and healing with a formidable characteristic to win against violence generally smothered in terror, aggression and illusionary tactics bound towards defeat as witnessed by the world since time immemorial.

Yawm ad-Din "the Day of Judgment" (Arabic: يوم الدين‎) is God’s final assessment of humanity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
