Reconciliation and Approval of Economic Recovery Plan

February 10, 2009

President Barack Obama’s candid appeal to Congress and Senate via press conference confirms the White House commitment to relieve severely hurting citizens from the agonizing pain of the ailing economy.

The legislators resisting compromise to the stimulus package obviously do not share the pain of their constituents. If they did, they would have no objection to essential and guaranteed investments specifically identified for job creation in President Obama’s plan.

It is frustrating that partisan politics remains a force to reckon with for the electorate in a democracy.

Tragically, ideology leads the way to oppose a bill designed to assist every taxpayer who is also the consumer and most importantly a voter from becoming a recipient of food stamps.

The excerpt from a recent article titled –

“Billions in aid to states cut amid struggle over stimulus”

By Associated Press, February 8, 2009.

“President Barack Obama and Senate Republicans bickered Saturday over his historically huge economic recovery plan after states and schools lost tens of billions of dollar in a late-night bargain to save it.

Forging compromise –

The compromise reached between a handful of GOP moderates led Susan Collins of Maine, the White House and its Senate allies stripped $108 billion in spending from Obama’s plan, including cutbacks in projects that likely would give the economy a quick lift, like $40 billion in aid to state governments for education and other programs.

Yet, it retained items that also probably won’t help the economy much, such as $650 million to help people without cable receive digital signals through their old-fashioned televisions or $1 billion to fix problems with the 2010 Census.

Among the most difficult cuts for the White House and its liberal allies to accept was the elimination of $40 billion in aid to states, money that economists say is a relatively efficient way to pump up the economy by preventing layoffs, cuts in services or tax increases.”

Reality Check:

Now, any rational citizen regardless of party affiliation should ask the following questions to the GOP moderates seemingly endorsing the bill.

Where are the priorities?

Is helping people receive digital signals through their old-fashioned televisions and a staggering $1 billion to fix problems with the 2010 Census more important than investment in education, easing the burden on states to lift economy by preventing layoffs, cuts in services and tax increases?

Do GOP members realize the reason behind colossal defeat in the 2006 and 2008 election?

The American electorate is tired and bogged down with Washington’s immature revengeful tactics in the approval of legislative matters concerning the lives of every citizen.

Ironically, all those legislators against the approval of this bill targeting the future of our nation with respect to education, job creation and needful services forget that their jobs are also on the line in the process.

If they presume Capitol Hill to be a comfort zone for a specified period and expect immunity from the economic crises, they are being delusional as the electorate has choices to reject such representation in a democracy.

Where was the hype and concern when the previous administration committed the nation to a reckless war that has virtually bankrupted our economy?

Whatever happened to the various failed stimulus packages without any accountability to taxpayers or the oversight committee passed by the Bush administration and approved by the same legislators in opposition to the current one committed towards education and aid to states to revive the economy by preventing layoffs, cuts in services or tax increases?

The irresponsible conduct to block the bill simply suggests that come 2010 the democratic system would be better off with an alternative political party pledging support to the people and engage in constructive rather than destructive role in nation building.

Similar dilemma experienced in the State of California where the budget crisis has reached a point of no return due to political dogma upheld against pragmatic solutions.

The electorates are viewing the entire situation at both state and federal level and will deliver their decision in the ballot in less than eighteen months.

Despite presentation of this bill in the most cohesive manner, all those legislators on both sides prolonging the approval are not only jeopardizing the opportunity to help every constituent from economic failure but also their own career as an elected official to serve the people and the nation in crisis.

It is the duty of every public servant to recognize the plight of their population and heed to the call to oblige urgent needs by approving the stimulus bill particularly the aid to states that are broke along with education, jobs, services and tax modification.

There is no time for procrastination and all that is required is action. Unfortunately, the Presidency of Barack Obama with unprecedented transparency is subject to undue scrutiny for political strategies.

The campaign trail promises prior to election to office whether it is the House or Senate always remains a distant memory with "business as usual " demonstration upon becoming Senators or the House of Representatives.
Decisive Action:

The economic recovery plan aimed at job creation, assistance to states sharing status quo of the nation, improvement of infrastructure and commitment to revival of education, energy, health care is the step in the right direction.

It is imperative for both Democrats and Republicans to get on board in a bipartisan effort and approve the bill without elimination of prudent investments mistaken for wasteful spending. The job losses in Indiana, near double-digit unemployment in California are real problems felt by hard working people across the nation.

The proposed bill with taxpayers’ dollars invested for taxpayers’ benefits is undergoing intensive criticism by lawmakers primarily responsible for allowing the previous administration to squander economic surplus along with exhaustion of national reserves and treasury in wild adventures as the signature mission of the Republican era.

President Barack Obama’s administration did not create this economic catastrophe. They have inherited it upon election to the office on January 20, 2009. Nevertheless, the rhetoric in the Senate and the House mocking hope and change in a theatrical manner is reflective of the opposition role to make noise, create roadblocks and exacerbate the crisis with an adversarial action or inaction.

Only if such fervor and excitement displayed during the approval of mass financial bailout worth a whopping $700 billion and the unlimited commitment of resources in an unnecessary war in Iraq by the Bush administration there would be no debate or discussion for any economic stimulus package today.

It is apparent from those legislators’ reluctance to acknowledge the realities that they prioritize their own needs to remain in power over their constituents’ hardships and suffering in a debilitating economy.

The electorates have a clear choice in the next election to remember those who care and reject those who abandon them during harsh crises.

Political parties might survive on rhetoric and empty promises but people cannot wait until political factions make up their mind for decisive action required to avert Armageddon upon failure to approve the authentic economic recovery plan by President Barack Obama.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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