National Health Care Forum with President Obama

August 20, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Despite grueling experiences and horrifying facts from millions of people across the nation, the health care debate bogged down by distortions, lies and deceptive tactics from the representatives of anti-national progress.

Please join President Barack Obama and rescue our nation from the partisan politics and demagoguery that dominates every legislation for national interest.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Reference: San Jose Mercury News, Thursday, August 20, 2009 – Thank you.

Readers’ Letters:

Government Option Needed:

Friday, my son underwent a five-hour surgery to reconstruct his cheekbone after a brutal, unprovoked attack two weeks prior. He has insurance through his university that ends mid-September with no option for COBRA extension. It is the policy of every private insurance company in California to deny coverage for six months following any surgery.

Our son will not have any option to purchase health insurance at any price for five months. He will be in the words of an industry representative, “on his own.”

Most of the anger in today’s health debate seems to result from conjectures about the future based on fear. My anger results from conclusions about the present based on fact.

As a minimum, we need a government option to today’s system.

Tom Martin
Padmini —

Thanks again for signing up to be a part of the OFA National Health Care Forum with President Obama.

The event is today (Thursday, August 20th) at 2:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. CT/12:30 p.m. MT/11:30 a.m. PT.

You can watch the forum live at:

This is an incredible opportunity to huddle with the President and discuss how we’re going to pass real health insurance reform this year. Glad you can make it.

Talk to you very soon,


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

P.S. — We need to make sure as many supporters as possible know about this event. Can you spread the word on Facebook or Twitter, or by forwarding this email?


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