India – Jan Lokpal Legislation

August 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Congratulations! To Shri Anna Hazare, his team – Mts. Kiran Bedi, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, Mr. Prashant Bhushan and others,

Most importantly the citizens of India especially Jan Lokpal supporters including the members of Parliament in the ruling and opposition political parties for their unanimous support to a strong and effective Jan Lokpal legislation to liberate the nation from corruption.

Hopefully there will be more unified resolutions to many national issues benefitting the people and country at large in the present and the future.

It is gratifying to learn that Shri Anna Hazare will be ending his fast after 12 days – an incredible display of resolute and patriotism from the Gandhian, a true leader to guide the youth and citizens from all walks of life for a brighter tomorrow,

Indeed a resounding victory to Mahatma Gandhi’s doctrine – Satyagraha, Ahimsa (Non-Violence), Shanti (Peace), Republic and the Parliament in a democracy.

Jai Bharat!

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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