Humanitarian Call

March 3, 2009

In the tough economy, charities and humanitarian groups are worst hit and struggling to raise funds for various causes. Their relentless effort to reach out to millions at home and around the world is admirable despite sharp decline in donations from ordinary people willing to participate but unable to do so in these difficult times.

Each one of us could make a difference with whatever affordable to the less fortunate and those deserving inspiration to meet with challenges in life.

I request all generous citizens to spare time and share limited resources at our disposal to help charities engaged to promote spirit of living against all odds.

There are many charity organizations praiseworthy and I list some of them to raise awareness of their service to humanity.

Your generosity will serve many aspiring athletes, children deprived of any future and adults incapacitated due to debilitating illnesses.

Let us not forget our fellow citizens at home and around the world.

Your time and donations deeply appreciated now and in the future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Special Olympics – 2009 Annual Fund –

Special Olympics

If you decide to make any donations, please mail payments to;

Special Olympics Northern California

3480 Buskirk Avenue, Suite 340

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Accredited by Special Olympics, Inc.

Important: Your gift may be doubled if your employer has a matching gift program. Please see your Human Resources Department today.


2. International Rescue Committee – Mr. Tom Brokaw (Reputable and well respected journalist and NBC Host)

among the Board of Overseers.

Why is it important? In Mr. Brokaw’s words —

"If I seem to be writing about the IRC in very personal terms, there is a reason. You see, the Brokaw family has a long history with this remarkable organization. It dates from my daughter’s work in Europe helping refugees from Soviet oppression to her six months in Pakistan, providing health care to Afghani women during the Soviet occupation.

Jennifer saw this legendary organization from the inside and impressed on the rest of our family the importance of the IRC’s work. So when I was given the opportunity to take on a new role with the IRC, I quickly agreed. Jennifer’s engagement with the IRC has continued as well. A highly-skilled physician, she was a member of the IRC emergency response team dispatched to Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Because it operates in 42 countries around the world, the reach and scope of the IRC’s work is quite dramatic. But, at the end of the day, it all comes down to individual people getting the help they need when it matters most.

Helping the IRC is about reaching out to a child in a crowded refugee camp who, along with her mother, fled Darfur when armed men burned and attacked their village."

For further information: Please visit – International Rescue Committee.

Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Mailing address: International Rescue Committee, P.O.Box 98152, Washington DC 20077-7355.


3. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, P.O.Box 50, Memphis, TN 38101-9929

Many children are living after traumatic and agonizing illnesses like cancer through chemotherapy, radiation and bone marrow transplants at this center.


4. Easter Seals, San Jose/San Mateo Region, P.O.Box 611840, San Jose, CA 95161-1840

Easter Seals is involved in helping all people with severe disabilities to gain independence.

Again, if you wish to make payments, please make check payable to Easter Seals.


5. Feed The Children, P.O.Box 36, Oklahoma City OK 73101-9989, Tel.# (405) 942-0228

Engaged in helping American families receiving pink slips instead of paychecks at this time.




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