Health Care

October 11, 2008

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Press Release

6 October 2008

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2008 with one half to Harald zur Hausen for his discovery of “human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer”and the other half jointly to Françoise Barré Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier for their discovery of “human immunodeficiency virus”.


Congratulations! to the recipients on the highest honor for their contributions to “Health Science”.

The medical community has achieved breakthroughs in most areas of health science. The quest for cure continues in all facets of modern medicine through scientific research and development.

Nevertheless, the challenge being, the achievement not shared among the general population even in the most advanced nation like the United States. Unfortunately, the average citizen cannot afford the best medical treatment due to the lack of Universal Health Care for the entire population.

The discussion on health care in the current “Presidential race” emphasized the need and urgency to care for the sick. However, there are no specifics provided to the public with respect to fund allocation and general layout.

The candidates have elaborated on the general plan. It is still important to disclose the exact costs involved to provide national health care. Besides, appropriation of funds for this purpose, the policy must detail the choices, if any, to the public and whether there are any fixed costs allocated in the health care budget.

The deductibles on all of the health care plans offered by various groups in the insurance industry exponentially rises with the rising costs of health care reflecting inflation. In this category, the lower and middle income population is the most vulnerable of all.

Attempts in the past towards general health care to the mainstream population fell short of targets predominantly due to the lack of “structured plan”. Within the nucleus of the health care plan, organization is required for different health care needs and priorities. The reason being, each segment of the population fall under different categories.

It is equally important to include the veteran groups and their families’ health care costs. Again, the G.I.bill should have a provision in this regard. The mental health care patients’ insurance costs were included in the recent $700 billion “bailout” legislation. Congress’ action is noteworthy in this regard. The Senior Citizens, is another group deserving immediate attention and focus for their various situations.

The investments on “preventive medicine” always pay off in the end. Whether it is prenatal, neonatal, infant care or adolescent and all the way through geriatric programs. All programs catering towards healthy life style cuts health care costs considerably for the nation. Therefore, the health care policy should vigorously promote and provide incentives to organizations involved in this effort.

Health care is more effective and efficient with minimal external intervention from the government and insurance industry alike. The government should facilitate the program by making it affordable to the wide cross section of the society. At the same time, it should leave the decision making process on patients health to the patient and the professionals involved.

The United States, as an industrialized nation should prioritize health care to all citizens and invest more in educational programs for youth to address issues like; obesity, teenage pregnancies and other social problems contributing to the health care costs.

In terms of humanitarian aid, the United States has always been in the forefront to help other nations combat various health crises. It has earned special recognition in helping the international community reach the milestone with the “AIDS” epidemic. The task is not over and the achievement thus far is praiseworthy.

The concept….“Health is Wealth” is the stepping stone towards peace, progress and prosperity for all nations.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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