Health Care Scandal – Apocalyptic Forecast

April 28, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Despite the candid presentation with facts and figures on the scandalous ‘Health Care reform,’ the issue is evaded with nonsensical representations by sources benefiting from the monumental fraud.

Perhaps, the notion among the authorities is the public have to be content with the policy that is unequivocally detrimental to the citizens interest, regardless of this being a life and death matter and,

Ignore the apocalyptic event arising from it – particularly with respect to,

The cost/value determination showing a significant rise in national deficit at $35 trillion for the period 2010-2019, without the much-acclaimed insurance coverage for the 34 million uninsured.

Details made available in the articles:

Health Care Reform – A National Scam – April 25, 2010.

Health Care Reform – Facts and Flaws – April 23, 2010,

Health Care Legislation Amendment – April 22, 2010 and

Thorough analysis of the components reveals the legislation is industry favored with the vulnerable population subject to predatory practices, otherwise the status quo extension granting exclusive rights to the private sector with an utter disregard for the public health and national debt.

Rejecting the legislation amendment call is a dangerous precedence in a democracy not to mention the constitutional breach, the latest trend in the abuse of power.

There is more chilling evidence that beckons unanimous action on the national debt.

According to the Washington Post article – April 27, 2010

Panel to meet on skyrocketing U.S. debt

If no action is taken, forecasters see fiscal crisis by decade’s end

By Lori Montgomery, Washington Post – Thank you.

Washington – A presidential commission will convene today at the White House to address what leaders of both parties agree is one of the greatest threats to the country’s economic future:

“The rising national debt.”

Official forecasts suggest that without sharp changes in federal spending or tax collections, the United States could enter into a downward spiral of indebtedness that by the end of this decade would erode the country’s ability to educate its children, care for the elderly or mount a robust national defense.

Republicans and Democrats alike say the fiscal challenges have been too long ignored.

But with the two parties feuding over health care reform, Wall Street regulation and a host of other issues – and the economy still uncertain after a deep recession – there is considerable doubt that they could join hands to fend off a still distant potential crisis.

“It would take a miracle,” agreed Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin, D-Ill.

But “I believe in miracles.”

Durbin is the highest-ranking lawmaker among a dozen members of Congress on the commission, which also includes six presidential appointees.

The panel has until Dec. 1 to devise a plan to stop a federal borrowing binge that exploded during the recent recession and will only get worse as retiring baby boomers tap into federal retirement programs.

The gulf between the two parties is vast.

No budget commission has managed to spur action since 1983.

And a host of interest groups is lining up to rally the public against any solution that involves higher taxes or cuts to favored programs – particularly Social Security, which members of both parties consider the ripest target for compromise.

Even supporters of the commission are not optimistic:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md, a vocal advocate, said the most he expects is,

“A good message with regard to the magnitude of the problem.”

But panel members from both parties say the experience of Greece, deeply in debt and begging other countries to help pay its bills, provides a vivid incentive to set aside ideological differences and work together.

“After stopping a terrorist with a weapon of mass destruction, this is the single most important issue we confront as a nation,”

Said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., a commission member.

That crisis seemed distant until the recession hit, causing tax collections to tank and federal spending to increase as policymakers scrambled to avert an economic collapse.

The public debt is forecast to rise from less than 40 percent of the economy to more than 60 percent by the end of this year, its highest level since 1952.

The debt will hit 90 percent by 2020 under President Obama’s budget, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, a level last seen in the aftermath of World War II.”

Grim Reality – By Padmini Arhant

It’s clear from the above WP article and the health care legislation costing $35 trillion for the decade 2010 -2019 under the private for profit health care with 34 million uninsured until 2020,

The United States fiscal crisis is a looming national and global financial disaster.

Failure to amend the health care legislation is a kamikaze action on behalf of those in power unwilling to acknowledge the inevitable catastrophe under the guise of health care reform.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce not surprisingly, considers the public option or the Universal Medicare disruptive in their televised forum on April 26, 2010.

Not long ago, their key representative proudly claimed to have influenced the Supreme Court decision in the ‘Citizens united vs. Federal Election Commission.’

With the cosmetic measures in the health care bill, the legislation is essentially a jackpot for the insurance industry due to the mandatory insurance purchase through federal aid and the regulation lapse extending beyond the decade.

Legislations espousing special interests’ agenda is not a revelation.

However, the ‘Hope and Change,’ campaign pledge was meant to transcend the culture in Washington through transparency and accountability, a misnomer at the political helm.

Continuation on this path projects the dismal economic conditions for the United States, similar to Greece forced to rely on external rescue for solvency.

There is an exception to the United States situation.

Unlike Greece, the United States shares the ‘Too big to fail,’ status and the major creditor China would be susceptible to the precipitous fall,

Notwithstanding the clichéd ramifications on the world financial markets.

CBO’s proclamation on the U.S. debt expected to hit 90 percent by 2020 under the current administration’s budget is not merely a national affair but an international calamity, seeking universal attention.

United States borrowings absorbing 90 percent of the national GDP with revenue on the decline and increase in federal spending is unsustainable.

The economic collapse that was averted in 2009 is effectively created through irresponsible legislations viz. the health care bill designed to escalate the national deficit.

National health care legislation was absolutely necessary to save lives starting immediately.

But not to promote the prospects for the flourishing insurance and the health care industry.

Medicare for all citizens with 24/7 access alongside the private insurance for the high end market as elaborated in the article Universal Medicare – Single Payer System, April 8, 2010, on this website is the ideal and the only viable solution to national health care apart from containing the national debt.

Since Medicare is already established, the cost control and the Medicare expansion to all citizens is no longer a request but a requirement.

Why would the authority in Power lead the nation to the ‘Death Valley’ and refuse to provide valid explanation on this bizarre decision that has been made into law?

Citizens’ disapproval and peaceful (non-violent) protest against the industry favored, private for profit health care is the only hope for democracy to survive.

As for those defending the health care bill and defying the burgeoning national debt from it are in denial.

Remaining complacent to the private for profit health care law at $35 trillion dollars in the absence of universal coverage is a huge burden on the baby boomers and the future taxpayers.

Perhaps, the self-realization that their tax dollars are transformed into the industry’s extravagant bonuses in the ‘business as usual’ environment could change their position and prompt them to be part of the solution rather than the problem.

National debt and valuable health care are inter-related and the health care law exacerbates both issues through preference for profit and politics over people.

The citizens action demanding ‘Universal Medicare’ with 24/7 access by health care bill amendment is imperative to protect life and the democratic system.

It’s incumbent upon the administration to do the needful for the nation or step down graciously.

Democracy is alive when the government of the people stands by the people and delivers for the people.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


One Response to “Health Care Scandal – Apocalyptic Forecast”

  1. sbobet888 on September 7th, 2021 4:37 pm


    Health Care Scandal – Apocalyptic Forecast |

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