Foggy Mind

August 24, 2023

Foggy Mind

Padmini Arhant

The difference between the ice age, Stone Age and the present dark age is the creation, evolution and  termination completing the full circle. The dawn to dusk events transitioning from growth towards progression now declined to regression in human behavior as the culmination of greed, power mongering and parasitic culture in dominance.

Vulgarity and Profanity do not add up to Masculinity is an empirical fact.

Ego fueling machoism is gasoline aiding the matchstick to ash.

Manhood is falsehood in the expression and submission to violent enraged misogynist emotions.

Regardless of the outcome in a man’s life from sexual orientation to civil decorum or the lack thereof towards the opposite gender i.e. the female, the fetus dependency on mother via the umbilical cord critical for fetus survival in the womb provide the physical and emotional attachment enabling life emergence into the world.

Despite the curses, abuses and vile demeanor towards a woman, the life origin from conception to birth as the gift and opportunity for Soul to redeem from karmic chain is facilitated by motherhood.

Chauvinism is the raw meat hazardous to health and overall well being.

The Superiority complex is an imagination vortex that deoxygenate brain with functionality impairment on inner and outer development.

Anger and hatred are combustible extinguishing the prospects for the Soul to self-emancipation.

The head up in the air with eyes distracted from the destination is the route to the precipice.

The distraught mind fraught with malice is the prison and guilt as the iron bars prohibit liberation.

Introspection impetus courage to look within prior to exterior indulgence.

The mind tricked by illusions and fantom thoughts lead to the foggy bottom.

Padmini Arhant


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