BOLLYWOOD (Indian Entertainment Industry) JEOPARDY

October 25, 2016



By Padmini Arhant


Hallmark – Plagiarism, Piracy and Patent violation.

Benchmark – Lowest degree, gradation and class.

Affiliate Underworld, Political Clique and Money Launderers.

Attribute – Infamy, Insolence and Notoriety.

Aptitude – Decompose, Cheap sell out  besides Bargain esteem for fame and fortune.

Custom – Parasitic, Opportunistic and Synthetic.

Contribution – Corruption, Collusion with nefarious elements and Concoction for paltry gains.

Condition – Abomination, Contamination and Malfunction.

Category Sleazy, Slimy and Stupidity.

Conclusion – BOLLYWOOD Bogus ominous lack luster yoke woeful obtuse obtrusive dump.


Padmini Arhant




























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