Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Repeal

December 5, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The U.S. armed forces are served by brave hearts demonstrating loyalty and patriotism for the nation they defend at different frontiers.

Gay service men and women are equally dedicated in serving the nation alongside their heterosexual counterparts.

Yet, the ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ policy aimed at the Gay members is not only discriminatory but also contradictory to the military code of conduct that prohibits intolerance towards race, religion, gender and other identifications.

The U.S. defense is well known for disciplinary code during and after the training, preparing the personnel to deal with civil and combat situation.

The lifestyle orientation is not alienated from the general human characteristics and the rejection of one against another confirms the individual attitude rather than the institutional rule.

Recently, the U.S. military adopted rigorous steps to promote unity among the troops representing the diverse American society.

Further, the U.S. high command has appropriately been sensitive to the defense force’ ethnic and religious backgrounds lately to maintain harmony in the entire military while not being unanimously forthcoming in the long overdue DADT repeal.

In the political context, the ideology driven opposition to DADT ban is unconstitutional considering the defense department under federal government is governed by the constitution that guarantees equal rights to all citizens.

Accordingly the decision lies with the Congressional lawmakers elected to honor the constitution and uphold individual rights regardless of personal reservations in this matter.

Besides the disproportionate defense budget is taxpayer funded and not provided by private sector.

Allowing a federal run organization implement prejudicial policy towards specific groups foments isolation which could affect the victims’ performance due to the social stigma induced emotional stress.

When no gay member has been involved in incidents jeopardizing defense image or functionality, the procrastination in eliminating gay troops seclusion is counterproductive and cultivates preferential treatment in national security force serving together to ensure freedom and equality for all.

Although reports on abusive behavior against women and certain minorities at the training institutes and overseas stations surface,

The military has transformed since last century when African American personnel had similar experience with segregation and endured apathy to their social plight.

Likewise there is an urgent requirement to make inroads on DADT issue in tandem with the new millennium progress.

Human knowledge in science exploration and entrepreneurial expertise has revolutionized life.

However, socially the contemporary society is still struggling to reconcile terms with reality in acknowledging the fact that;

All are created equal and deserve mutual respect along with acceptance.

The Senate hearing on December 3, 2010 shed light on the perceptions regarding DADT. The Army Chief of Staff George Casey and U.S. Marine Corps Commandant James Amos reportedly shared apprehensions about repealing DADT claiming that delaying action might be beneficial right now and upon Congress approval they recommended gradual repeal over a time period.

Poignantly, the Army Chief and U.S. Marine Corps Commandant concerns are hypothetical and not factual for there has been no evidence to the concept on DADT removal having negative influence over the remaining personnel.

Therefore it’s imperative for Congress to address the DADT continuation from the constitutional standpoint that unequivocally invalidates injustice against anyone with a stark reminder about the core principle upon which the United States of America is founded – liberty and justice for all.

Pursuing a pragmatic course to end the inhumane and un-American rule would aptly satisfy the Congressional obligation to abide by the constitution thereby strengthening the role of democracy.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell strategy is unethical and divisive with a superficial reasoning used by the minority within the national defense.

It’s time for the U.S. military to conform to the twenty first century social achievements in deep appreciation of the gay troops’ exemplary sacrifice to protect civil rights – ironically being denied to them.

Please repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy once and for all to restore American democratic values.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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