International Banks Monopoly – Interest Rate Swap Fixing in US$320 Trillion Market And Anti Trust Class Action Lawsuit

January 31, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Wall Street control over finance is no surprise.  However, the major players in banking sector deriving billions of dollars in interest rate swaps dealings worth US$320 trillion exemplify monopoly.

The bankers barring non-banks participation from trading common derivatives like interest rate swaps on electronic exchanges similar to stocks subvert market economy.

Capitalism morphed into monopolistic system threatens the foundation of free enterprise preventing vibrant competition and fair pricing eventually affecting public investors in the market.

Such activities are not without repercussions and as expected the class action law suit filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, New York in November 2015 against Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Barclays, BNP Paribas, UBS, Deutsche Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland is the tip of the iceberg.

The lawsuit filed by The Public School Teachers’ Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago against the banks and trading platforms ICAP and Tradeweb sheds light on bankers’ network in collusion with swap key cogs rheostats behind securing complete management and monetary rewards in swap market.

The bankers’ safety net for profiteering on interest rate and credit default swaps reaping phenomenal returns while prohibiting investor friendly swap exchanges development from CME Group, TrueEX, Javelin Capital Markets and TeraExchange confirms antitrust violations necessitating actions for transparency and accessibility to protected derivative infrastructure.

Adopting unethical and unlawful means not excluding aggressive tactics to restrict exchange trading, the bankers solidarity in thwarting swap deals availability to general investors endanger market economy viability.

The banks listed in the antitrust lawsuit maintaining equity ownership in trading companies like Tradeweb maneuver rules in their favor for exclusive rights in derivative products.

With the main objective to inhibit growth in profit sharing derivatives domain, the banks and relevant firms complicity follow precedence despite the practice resulting in US$1.87 billion settlement last September in antitrust breach and egregious decisions for vested interests.

In politics and economy, the operatives at the helm projected as promoters of democracy and capitalism respectively proved to be otherwise in reality.

The functions demonstrate credibility or the lack thereof and determines sustainability.

Finance and banking industry representing the axis of economy require scrutiny and accountability eliminating seclusion in profitable zone not to mention carte blanche authority amongst leading international banks claiming privileged status evade compliance of rules that are applicable to the rest.

Removal of abusive standards set up to benefit large financial institutions and trading counterparts is paramount to avert ripple effects on the economy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



Bush Stimulus Package

July 23, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Presentation of Chronological Stimulus Package Details:

From: Stimulus Package Details

Source: – Thanks.

Bush Stimulus Packages

In 2008, the Bush Administration handed out a slew of economic stimulus packages.

Under President George Bush’s administration, the Federal government gave

$29 billion to bail out Bear Stearns,
$178 billion to American taxpayers in the form of economic stimulus checks,
$300 billion to bail out American homeowners,
$200 billion to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
$150 billion to bailout AIG, and
$700 billion to bail out banks (TARP).

Total Bush Administration Bailout – $1.557 trillion dollars i.e. $1 trillion and $557 billion dollars.

Timelines Of The Bush Economic Stimulus Packages

Following is a timeline of the economic stimulus packages, in chronological order.

March 2008 – $29 Billion Stimulus Package – Wall Street Bailout

The Federal Reserve stepped in to prevent the collapse of Bear Stearns (one of the world’s largest investment banks and brokerage firms) by guaranteeing $29 billion worth of potential losses in its battered portfolio. This provided enough economic stimulus for JP Morgan Chase to take over the beleaguered firm.

May 2008 – $178 Billion Stimulus Package – Average American Bailout

The U.S. Treasury provided an economic stimulus package to American taxpayers in the form of $600 economic stimulus checks for individuals and $1,200 economic stimulus payments for couples. That cost the government $100 billion, and they threw in another $68 billion in tax breaks for businesses, $8 billion to increase unemployment benefits from 26 weeks to 39 weeks, and a $4 billion economic stimulus package to be doled out to states and local municipalities to buy and rehab foreclosed properties.

July 2008 – $300 Billion Stimulus Package – Homeowners Bailout

The Bush Administration committed $300 billion for 30-year fixed rate mortgages for at-risk borrowers, as well as tax credits for first-time homebuyers, who could be eligible to receive up to a $7,500 tax credit.

September 2008 – $200 Billion Stimulus Package – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailout

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (privately owned mortgage companies that are backed by the federal government) were about to fail, due to declining house prices and rising foreclosures. The Bush Administration stepped in with a $200 billion economic stimulus package and placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their $5 trillion in home loans in “temporary conservatorship,” to be supervised by the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

September 2008 – $50 Billion Stimulus Package To Guarantee Money Market Funds

When the economic crisis reached a crescendo, Americans began to pull their money out of money market funds – historically considered to be the safest investment. To stop the bloodshed, the U.S. Treasury agreed to guarantee up to $50 billion, for up to a year.

September 2008 – $25 Billion Stimulus Package – Automakers Bailout

In an attempt to stave off bankruptcies for the “Big 3 automakers,” the Bush Administration gave General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler $25 billion in low-interest loans.

September – November 2008 – $150 Billion Stimulus Package – AIG Bailout

With the world’s largest insurance company in dire straits and 74 million clients at risk, the American government chipped in and gave AIG (American Insurance Group) $150 billion in a stimulus package that included: loans, purchase of toxic assets, and purchase of preferred shares.

October 2008 – $700 Billion Stimulus Package – Banks Bailout

The Bush Administration, under the umbrella of the U.S. Treasury, committed $700 billion in economic stimulus money under TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program). By many accounts, if this economic stimulus money hadn’t been injected, credit between banks would have frozen overnight, and not only the American economy, but also the global economy, would have seized up.

Is The Economic Stimulus Package Working?

“Is the economic stimulus package working” seems to be the question on most people’s minds.

But which economic stimulus package are you talking about?

Bear Sterns was taken over by JP Morgan Chase, so maybe that $29 billion economic stimulus plan worked.

We all got our economic stimulus checks in 2008, but we didn’t necessarily put them back into the economy, so that $178 billion might not have been well-spent.

The $300 billion mortgage stimulus, “Hope For Homeowners,” awarded in July 2008 didn’t work very well either, because few people took an interest in the program. While proponents of this particular economic stimulus package estimated that 400,000 homeowners could be helped over a three-year period, in the first month, only 111 had applied.

The $200 billion economic stimulus handout to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage giants, stabilized them enough to prevent collapse.

The $50 billion economic stimulus to stabilize money market funds might have averted a disaster.

The $150 billion doled out to AIG, the insurance giant, prevented their closure, but must not have completely solved the problem since AIG came back for $30 billion more less than six months later, even as they were awarding $165 million in bonuses to their top executives.

The $25 billion given to the Big 3 automakers, Chrysler, Ford, and GM, allowed them to live to see another day, but they remain on the brink of disaster.

The $700 billion bank bailout, given in extreme haste in October 2008, might have kept the banks functioning, but no one really knows where that money went or what was done with it, so it’s hard to judge whether TARP is working.

And that was just the economic stimulus packages of 2008.