Farewell Violent Decadent Politics

December 31, 2023


Violent Decadent Politics

Padmini Arhant

The world run by politics surrendered to treason, evil actions, violence, greed, power mongering, cronyism, identity politics, prejudice, hatred, mass deception, propaganda, diverse narcissism is responsible for status quo.

The political decadence in utter disregard for human lives, rights, home, space, territory are overrun with perversions and brute indulgence.

The writing is on the wall confirming the end of cultural moral human degradation predominantly represented by politics facing imminent termination. The trend conforms to anything destructive as unsustainable with inevitable dissipation.

The problem is politics unfortunately headed by obsession with power despite dismal track record and disastrous performance. The desire to be seated in power on permanent basis is aided by shenanigans and shady deals at the expense of the nation and citizens at large.

Politics flouting rules and responsibility is the norm. The political crimes including abuse of power is evaded with immunity holding members above law while applying the same exceeding fullest extent against those regarded opponents and the rest of the law abiding in society.

War is waged to deflect domestic attention on personal political scandals, subversion of democracy besides failed governance reflected in bad economy and public dissatisfaction in all matter.

The war crimes committed in the course viz. genocide and the true holocaust citing the so-called self-defense are normalized as entitlement.

Such politics reining control is equivalent to the fox guarding the chickens den with false assurance as the only trustworthy guardian in absolute denial of reality.

The political environment is toxic entrenched in corruption, criminality and on the precipice with resistance to peace, reason and rationality in the contemporary turbulence period.

Accordingly, bidding farewell to politics in turmoil in the out with all things counterproductive negative  and in with recognition of individual liberty, national sovereignty, territorial integrity, self-determination and equal opportunity barring selectiveness is the only way to experience normal existence.

Good riddance unruly, mob, perverse, violent decadent politics wreaking havoc.

Padmini Arhant



United States – Political Race Baiting

July 27, 2023

United States

Political Race Baiting

Padmini Arhant

The Gospel Truth


The operatives behind democrat political party in extension of unconstitutional undemocratic expired Presidential term engaged in relentless and hopeless racial connotation smothered in pseudo defense of own black culture draw attention to unsavory events.

Furthermore, the taxpayer funded politics unnecessarily adding brown color code in the palette in congressional hearings via proxy rank and file members recruited as the quad aka the squad is disingenuous to begin with notwithstanding the display confirming desperate times seeking desperate measures in political theatrics at taxpayers’ expense. 

The sincere care and concern of own culture – such as the black history or African American cause demonstrated in respect for life and acknowledgment of responsibility towards own family such as acceptance of the child born out of wedlock in extra marital affair with her African American mother gunned down in public square through taxpayers’ financed security personnel reveal the true nature in black and white.

Importantly leaving aside the deliberate brown interjection in these discussions which is at the least imposition of black supremacy overshadowing white supremacy in the nuanced characterization of a witness with further inference on the background of the latter as a philosopher allegedly undermining Africanism is a far cry.

In defiance of the bare naked facts – the source behind the dramatic innuendoes continue to remain the existential threat exemplified in violent legacy denying own people whether family deprived of parental and child support,


The community at large of African American race the right to exist with alarming outrageous incidents of merciless killing and mysterious deaths dismissed as freak accidents growing in numbers by the day.

Amidst the inherent complexities within, the political outcry on black culture setbacks ascribed to fixated target conform to the pot calling the kettle black.

As for the brown race, needless to say is adequately and satisfactorily capable of confronting challenges without any requirement of apathetic empathy especially from those mocking elements of genuine compassion and thoughtfulness defining the fundamental human value.

Last but not the least, the latest fad in political jab with anchored slur and slander of philosophy, only if the present politics disposed to constant racial bidding more in abuse of the contexts than serving any meaningful purpose other than individual and political traction were to adhere to philosophical traits on ethics, moral and social consciousness,

It would benefit politics and the nation in better management of all matter vulnerable to known and unknown crises.

PS: American political history is testimony to incontrovertible reality on slave ownership pertaining to African American race predominantly prevalent among democrat members in that era leading to a Republican President Abraham Lincoln emboldened historic precedence – the Emancipation Proclamation issued in 1863 on abolition of slavery freeing black population that cost then Republican President Lincoln’s life.

Not to mention the democrat party members such as the late Robert Byrd, the longest serving former democrat Senator from West Virginia – the known KKK member was also a close friend of the incumbent President Joe Biden.

The former Senator from Delaware Joe Biden now sitting President sharing some of his own racial overtones against different racial and ethnic demography in America called out during 2020 Presidential debate by none other than the current Vice President Kamala Harris reminding then Senator of racial discrimination on segregation endorsed and supported at free will.

The incumbent President Joe Biden controversial remarks and position throughout his spanning political career were consistently excused as Biden gaffe until today while never missing a moment on anyone not in agreement with democrat political establishment ideology.

Interestingly, the first black Presidency in 2009 settling for Vice Presidency Joe Biden and subsequent endorsements until today regardless of then Senator Joe Biden’s track record on race, civil rights, African Americanism and proximity to then democrat Senator Robert Byrd whose KKK association was open secret etc.

None of the significant background ever found relevant while choosing the running mate in 2008 and / or later honoring the VP Biden with Presidential medal of Freedom by the first black Presidency.

The favors continued into the present by campaigning and fund raising for the administration in quid pro quo. 

The bizarre preference create credibility issue for the black Presidency now crying foul on SCOTUS decision on Affirmative Action alongside scapegoat the one and only target on anything citing alleged indifference to African American plight for concurrence in the specific case involving other immigrant groups such as Asian Americans’ fair opportunity right.

Yet another factuality in contradiction to the black Presidency and present administration’s teachers Union platform used for political reasons in the hidden backdrop of an African American gay male elementary school teacher also a choir conductor at Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church, Chicago – Donald Young at age 47 shot dead in December 2007 with the case ruled homicide and those implicated contrarily experience meteoric rise in their political career in 2009. 

The make-believe dilemma is the biggest irony for the democrat political party transformed into the party of elites with the party prominent member condescendence towards ordinary citizens referenced as deplorable on campaign trail, one of several overt  and covert inappropriate assessments from the top tiered hierarchy.

The latest insensitive callous assault on speech impediments through staged enactments in public by democrat party leadership at the behest of the puppeteer in particular aside from Hollywood gigs on big screen and ceremonial award fiascos is disgraceful behavioral pattern.

The grave disorder amongst those priding in misconstrued self-perfectionism insulting and hurting the sentiments of thousands and million or more citizens in the United States and worldwide with such issues living their life with dignity unlike the performers is paradoxical parody. 

The democrat party self-declared supremos post 2009 until now and others conveniently discount the party structural malefic via Super delegates comprising upper echelons and influential members within and outside the party overriding the democrat grass roots choice in the party’s Presidential primary election.

The democrat political party selection of Presidential nominee by Super delegates displace the primary electoral mandate considering behind the scenes deal making transpire in the process.

The democrat political party is misled on race and identity politics, opportunity and equality since 2009 – the election of the first black Presidency set in perpetual denial of progress and prospects despite phenomenal gains evidenced in selves and others from African American race.

Meanwhile, the same members as the so-called democrats ignoring their personal lineage as descendants of slave ownership insisting on reparations compensation from immigrants in California, who in return have their past and recent accounts on systemic prejudice and exploitation is hypocrisy ad nauseam.

Introspection is the need of the hour prior to provocative insinuations on philosophy by politics gone astray.

Padmini Arhant 



United States, California – Identity Politics

June 14, 2023

United States, California

Identity Politics

Padmini Arhant

California electorate representation in the United States Senate – the CA Governor Gavin Newsom’s statement in the latest interview citing the criteria on race viz. identity politics when asked about the soon to be vacant seat replacing nonagenarian Senator Dianne Feinstein with African American candidate increasingly make the democrat party transformation to one race party i.e. African American party predominantly for political reason.

California is a state representative of multiracial multicultural and transnational from all over the world.

The democrat party proposal on reparation transferring the entire liability on historic injustice tied to race relations on Californians who are not even remotely responsible for that history and importantly with no evidence of slave ownership by present Californians or their earlier generations, yet Californians expected to foot the bill again highlight democrat party’s  political expediency.

Furthermore, California is also home to significant Asian Americans who are relevantly the highest tax payers ranging from income, property to business taxes other than taxes on goods and services procurement exceeding above average.

Accordingly, the demographic percentage from Asia appropriately deserve representation and recognition for their substantial valuable contribution to every city, county and the golden state of California.

The democrat party overarching consideration to one particular race viz. African American and the politically charged, driven and funded Black Lives Matter instigated into violence and anarchy torching and scorching public and private property indiscriminately across cities and states in the West Coast on world view elaborate political exploitation.

In the contemporary setting with long established affirmative action and many opportunities made available to address historic injustice. Afrocentric cause although having connection with South is served in many different ways unlike other demography like native Americans whose plight is associated with California.

The results of Afrocentric development are evidenced in political, sports, entertainment and economic success among members of African American race.

There is no doubt the trickle down effect reaching the actual segments in the lower income and lowest in economic strata are lacking and that could be attributed to government policy and plan not encompassing the inner city woes such as better schools, curbing crimes and social engineering directing community to help each other with family providing necessary care and financial assistance to members in the household especially children often neglected and abandoned by father.

The idea of accommodating African Americanness as the exclusive onus on California is plain politics that do not bode well for the party or for the state with the economic burden shared among diverse human population belonging to plethora of racial and cultural identity.

Finally, if identity politics is critical for a political party, then the incumbent head of the state of California, Governor Gavin Newsom could have yielded the recall outcome to African American Republican challenger and radio talk show host Larry Elder in September 2021. The gesture then could have allowed an African American to head the state per democrat party’s current disposition on equating racial identity.

Padmini Arhant 



Politics Hard Ball – Race Baiting

May 25, 2023

Politics Hard Ball

Race Baiting

Padmini Arhant

Identity politics today is the be-all and end-all strategy for power grab with mammoth efforts in variety of ways to masquerade real status smearing politics at national and international level – corruption, criminality and treason.

The topic New World Order – Political Doctrine published preceding this article elaborate the problems in contemporary politics.

New World Order – Political Doctrine

Politics is plagued by corruption beyond salvation. The cronyism in politics is premised on having each others’ back in corruption, treason and alarming crimes with no end in sight.

From campaign trail throughout political career and thereafter, the politics bear a price tag alongside using and abusing people thrown under the bus for political expediency and personal gains in the unconscionable act misconstrued as privilege.

Subsequent to assuming office -from the rank and file to the highest office, the violation of public trust, misrepresentation and failures to deliver to own constituents, state and nation at large is the norm in politics. The moral compass is long broken and subject to mockery synonymous to the term decorum on both sides of the aisle representing politics that is farcical than factual.

The status quo provide the deep state deeper entrenchment in all things with unbridled control over money and minds of the people in the entire global village.

Why do deep state care so much about protecting the corrupt and treasonous despite them being unveiled of their true colors and baneful personality traits having ruined and destroyed lives in millions and the trend continued via proxy?

The puppets enable puppeteers to pull rabbit out of ears and call illusion the mesmerizing magic show.

The world is indeed a stage with politics controlled by deep state representing own diverse interests with population transformed into herd increasingly morphed as sheeple with heads down and attention deflected from the misleading direction.

No matter what the deep state spring on the population inflicting catastrophe and devastation such as the pandemic and economic carnage, the deep state and front line representatives get away with self-granted impunity only to return staging the recycled performance as a new display.

The identity politics focus on race baiting is personal identity crisis for those engaged in the identity swap aka theft. The woeful indulgence expect identity exchange to cleanse the ones in the swamp while stain and stigmatize the source aimed as the target.

Identity politics is a massive propaganda pushing false narrative and agenda for own benefits to keep public eye and memory away from deep state affairs affecting lives without interval in the world.

Those behind identity politics refuse to turn inward in soul searching for obvious reasons. The exercise would open the can of worms directly staring at them and their crimes against own people let alone others. 

Whether that is Miriam Carey and her toddler –  the summary execution of an unarmed mother with a toddler in the car laying her own life to the barrage of bullets rained on her in public square at the White House periphery. The victim demonstrating courage in her commitment to save her child amidst violent pursuit unlike the ones who authorized and committed the abhorrent violence against own race and now in the forefront of identity politics scheme.

Or, the crime by then authority in the White House against the member of own race Troy Davis – an innocent man mercilessly dispatched to the gallows rejecting clemency to the sentenced with his innocence indisputably proven in the aftermath of the state crime and politicized justice.

The firing of Shirley Sherrod, the female member among own race and community relevantly serving then incumbent administration headed by black Presidency was another casualty in the race orientation.

Shirley Sherrod was removed from the agriculture department she was working for at that time. The White House self-centered action to save own skin from race baiting media rancor is a classic example of self-righteousness crashing on race politics.

What about the black Presidency pledging support including campaigning for the two-time incumbent multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg in the New York mayoral race against own political party black contender seeking opportunity to serve the marginalized black demography in the racial economic dynamic?

Prior to ascendency to major power such as entry to the White House, the background clearly showing the current identity politics purveyors promoting blackness and black identity now systematically then excluding own race in the lowest economic class from eligibility for benefits based on self-interests gained from appeasement of  previous employer – University of Chicago, Illinois.

The trajectory before and after seated as the face of the deep state power exemplify exclusive profitability and individual enhancement in political and economic windfall albeit at the loss, misery and misfortune of others rammed over in the never satisfied hunger for personal fortune in every aspect.

Accordingly, the contemporary identity politics facade is a desperation to conceal decadent legacy contrarily exposing duplicity in persona and character. 

Politics hard ball on identity politics is a rejection of own reflection shunning real self in the quest for image, culture and identity appropriation contrasting original being.

The irrefutable fact is mirror on the outside and inside never lie presenting the true inner and outer image.

Padmini Arhant



United States – Presidential Crime – Introspection and Scapegoat

March 1, 2023

United States 

Presidential Crime 

Part 1 

Introspection and Scapegoat

Padmini Arhant

Life provides opportunity. When that opportunity is misused and abused which happens with those misinterpreting opportunity as exclusive and exploit the opportunity as entitlement, they indulge in scapegoat rather than introspection.

When they are weak and guilty, they would blame anyone and anything except them. They would use old, outdated and obsolete strategy such as race card to absolve them from any responsibility and wrong doing. In this context, they conveniently ignore their legacy glaring at them in the absence of integrity and courage to accept their violations and intentional crimes they committed during that opportunity i.e. power in their possession.

However, none escape Karma. All actions are registered and well documented to be checked and accounted for upon imminent departure from the world. The judgment process in the other world do not allow tricks, evasive tactics and shenanigans deployed in the material world on earth where power and money corrupts human mind resulting in lifelong guilt and grief. That in itself cause self-inflicted punishment with nowhere to run and unable to hide from within.

Those stirring the pot using sycophants performing for pennies dropped in their hat making a spectacle of those they are serving and themselves in service, they are clarifying they have nothing positive and productive to live for except engage in self-deprecation and own humiliation.

Nonetheless, them using race card only backfire at them and repeatedly pose questions from victims belonging to the race they violated with their power at disposal.

The two term black Presidency extended right now has lot to account for on many issues.

In foreign policy:

The African nation’s former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan request to then Black Presidency in the White House in 2012 and 2013 for U.S. aid was turned down. The issue related to Nigerian based Boko Haram terrorist groups having outgunned Nigerian government and at that time abduction of Nigerian young girls – school students held hostage in undisclosed location wreaked havoc in Nigeria.

The White House instead focused on Arab Spring in 2011 and thereafter aiding and abetting terror outfits leading to creation of IS, ISIS, Al-Nusra and various al-Qaeda factions fragmented and evolved into cannibals and worst terror elements committing crimes like maim, murder, rape and horrific violence against Syrian young girls, pregnant women, male youth, disabled and vulnerable population in the country.

Notwithstanding the Libyan saga of Benghazi gate is a major violent debacle in U.S. and NATO operation in Libya.

In the domestic front, the following victims and their survivors having suffered merciless death and persecution ask the perpetrators of crimes,

On what basis are they exploiting race to earn empathy and credit they have irretrievably lost in this life?

Their crimes exacerbating severe karmic debts and sins bearing on them in living and upon demise is incontrovertible reality. 

The black family in White House with Black Presidency and Black First Lady presiding the public execution of unarmed young black mother Miriam Carey ruthlessly gunned down with more than twenty five round of bullets in public square by the Black President and First Black Lady’s security personnel during their term in office in 2013.

The brutality did not end there. The infant witness to heinous murder of her mother Miriam Carey was denied reunion with her maternal relatives such as her aunt and grandmother. Then the two-year-old survivor was also declined participation at her mother’s funeral with then White House Black Presidency in 2013 rejecting plea from her maternal family.

To make maters worse for the infant, the family and the deceased Miriam Carey’s soul, the toddler was tossed to a stranger not a black individual rather a white male – ex-CIA operative with whom none of the victims in the Presidential office crime had relations with.

Similarly, the other black victim during black Presidency was Troy Davis executed by lethal injection in September 2011 in the crime he did not commit and proven as such by his white defense counsel. Yet the callous execution carried out in gala media event hosted by CNN in public view.

The media fanfare with CNN leading the show was mocking me as they are now for standing up against unjust impulsive state crime. 

Troy Davis life could have been saved with clemency via Presidential pardon from then sitting Black President Barack Obama who chose to prioritize own re-election prospects in 2012 over scrutiny of politically charged justice that took Troy Davis life.

NB: Presidential history in the United States provide evidence of Presidential pardons issued to any President’s many political aides and those having had close relations with the office bearer in the White House. The quid pro quo is exercised regardless of political representation and affiliation even with the accused or convicted individual guilty of crime. 

Whereas in Troy Davis case, a civilian was sentenced and sent to the gallows without appropriate due process.

The recanted testimonies is testimony in this case highlighting flawed false concoction of theories failing to avert jeopardy of justice. The defendant Troy Davis as United States citizen was entitled to constitutional right for fairness and equality to prove his innocence that was refused to him. 

My written plea to the White House at that time and via cited blog posts verify positions in the past and present time. 

United States – Troy Davis Clemency Plea

United States Judicial Ethics – Troy Davis Execution


United States – Identity Politics

There is lot to think about and repent by those having squandered power in destruction of lives entirely in personal gains and glory that are now haunting them to involve in image damage control.

Needless to say, one leave the world with one’s Karma and not the ones borrowed, stolen or unlawfully claimed or dismissed as theirs trending right now exemplifying delusion.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter



United States – Critical Race Theory (CRT)

July 16, 2021

United States – Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Padmini Arhant

Who is behind the controversial critical race theory?

In 2020Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa (supposedly Anti-Fascism) were unleashed in major cities of the United States wreaking havoc with deaths and destruction of lives and livelihoods, torching and burning private and public properties nationwide without any legal implications whatsoever to those behind the unruly mob conduct embarrassing the nation and society at large.

The BLM i.e. BSM (B.S. Movement) together with Antifa proved themselves the progeny of Fascism and feudalism running the gamut in the global stage.

Not to mention, the destructive forces and their agents ever committed to deception, deceit and devious agenda propagate via crony broadcasting networks in social media, the information lifted from ethical and credible entity and domain to malign the source inviting self-inflicting irreversible damage.

Once again, these egregious indulgences clearly distinguish the fake and fraudulent from the original.

In 2021 – the critical race theory is promoted to stir reactions and controversy on the race subject. Unfortunately, the promoters expectations to season and fry the race related ingredients are working as they continue to pit people against each another in some form or another.

Notwithstanding the transgender mania having become the obsessive compulsive disorder affecting the identity politics peddlers, the classic ignoramus surrendered to own folly and personal identity crisis.

The critical race theory is debated as contentious due to the projection of a race and in this instance casting the White population, the oppressor in history.

Needless to say in any situation of abuse, violence and violations, the victimizer and the victims i.e. the oppressors and the oppressed are well aware of the truth and facts without any interpretation or revision of history.

It is important to highlight that those who are crying foul to critical race theory today are nowhere to be seen in the relentless assault on other races, religions, cultures and civilizations that are continuously mocked, ridiculed and denigrated not only in school textbooks but also in every available medium since time immemorial.

In this regard, Hollywood and the so-called authors in literary society have taken the liberty for granted and left others far behind in stereotyping anything and anyone they have targeted a fair game entirely for pecuniary interests. The prejudice playing a role cannot be ruled out in such behavior.

The customs and traditions of race other than their own often described and portrayed as barbaric, primitive and backward in every possible channel and outlet thus far are irrefutable. It always hurts upon own experience of incidents and events that are not necessarily reflected in others pain and suffering. Perhaps that is human nature.

Let it not be forgotten, the divide and conquer strategy is the premise to rein control and dominance throughout imperialistic and colonial supremacy.

There could be no denial in the fact that racial superiority and hierarchy is the norm and prevalent more so today than even before. Any belief to the contrary is superficial and farcical.

The proof is in the cancel culture – the epitome of intolerance to alternative views and contribution.

The concerted efforts and actions in silencing genuine voice with anonymity while ambush the individual life invading home, privacy and identity appropriating to whom so ever they deem suitable fitting their contaminated mindset is regarded their prerogative. None of these despicable engagements on their part are considered shameful or criminal by them.

Otherwise the groups like White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi gatherings in  Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 would not serve as political tool for those in favor or against race orientation. Likewise the black lives matter, antifa and alike would not be the catalysts for chaos and mayhem even though the outcome serve none including them and those behind these organizations except them deriving bizarre satisfaction from ruinous participation.

Above all, the superiority complex has transcended from race to elitism typically narcissism and nepotism blending the racial mix of similar concoctions on social economic status based on fame, fortune and power in global society.

The billionaire club, celebrity clique, academia flaunting A-Z titles after their name as intellectualism, political circle as world leaders and self-proclaimed statesmanship, media organizations and press touted as power brokers in exaggeration or embellishing records of anyone and anything to boost ratings.

Last but not the least, the religious God men and women especially the former in the costume with flowing robe sweeping the floor they walk on and the long beard competing with their robe in touching the ground is quite a sight to see them performing to the script in the mega theatrics currently representing the so-called global elitism – the contra euphemism for narcissism in the contemporary era.

The world is a circus under the purview of those lost in their lofty ambitions and delirious goals. They struggle and stumble revealing their cluelessness amid the house of cards crumbling on them.

The billionaire club – what anyone does with their personal wealth in their private life is entirely individual discretion. Again, the same principle is not extended to all by the global elitists having assumed the power as entitlement to enroll or expel whom ever they prefer or reject in society. The idea of free speech in the present time is transformed into a privilege. The social media they overwhelmingly own and control albeit due to ordinary citizens engagement in these social platforms as users and consumers are conveniently forgotten forbidding citizens from the public domain for not conforming to their political ideology and faction they represent in the government.

The global elites reserve the rights to be discreet and hold secret meetings as secret society to discuss and strategize on global affairs directly affecting every man, woman, child, their dog and livestock in any situation. However, the content and minutes of the meetings are ever held secret barring public and real independent investigative press knowledge on the matter.

Ironically, they criticize their arch nemesis as recluse for living a normal life and importantly they are irked with their enemy for unwilling to bow taking marching orders from them in reminiscence of enslavement of those they regard not worthy of any respect. The proverbial old habits die hard is prevalent in the indignation of anyone who do not agree with them and roll over in the swamp that are expected and carried out by the servile appointees to the position remaining a front for the secret society and the deep state.

The space travel is a new fad among the latest billionaires who have otherwise declared bankruptcy laying off more than 3250 employees citing global pandemic for massive termination and even sought governments’ assistance at average tax payers expense despite the latter already hit beyond revival. The wealth at their disposal apparently is well spent on extravagant pleasure trip to the galaxy that were otherwise not available to retain the heavily hurt ordinary workers in the worst crisis. The other billionaires on their part justify their stance on pushing merchant fees $7.50 in credit card payments on solar energy to struggling home owners saving the costs from it for their space journey. There are others in the billionaire league whose employees share their grievances on poor working conditions such as long hours with less pay and no incentives on hard labor of thousands of workers contributing to the billionaires’ success story.

Then there are billionaires entrenched in defining and regulating human genome, lifestyle and mind via investments in scientific experiments and altering seeds germination targeting staple diet of mankind and livestock hormone injection…regarded innovative ignoring cataclysmic ramifications experienced right now.

The topic is continued under separate titles highlighting the quandary confronting humanity today.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Irony of the Irony

February 28, 2021

Irony of the Irony 

Padmini Arhant

The ongoing trend is to cast identity of their target i.e. me in this instance to suit their mindless and baseless convictions.

The criminal clique and crony contingency propositions and propaganda about me are beyond logic, rationale and reality.

Why do they associate me with blackness and Black Lives Matter? 

I do not have any biological relation or platonic connection closely or remotely whatsoever with blackness or Black Lives Matter in this lifetime or in my recent past life.

Similarly, the Indian criminal political class and establishment entrenched in corruption, black money and treason on their part deploy deplorable servile media to project me as a Muslim.

There is yet another faction obsessed with trans gender mania about me.

Much to collective disappointment and defeat, I am neither black nor muslim or transgender etc.

Maybe they are confused and taken the liberty without my consent and approval to distort my personal profile as their prerogative.

Alternatively, the criminal league and minions simply care less about my inalienable individual right to hold anyone accountable for their unlawful and despicable conduct on constant fabrication and concoctions about me.

Above all, the criminal offense to violate my original identity to fit anyone’s imagination explain the mental condition of those involved in such activity.

I wish to clarify to criminal cabal and lunacy club;

If I were to be born black with either or both parents as black and,

Likewise Islam were to be my faith upon birth or apostasy,

Importantly, somehow had I ever gone through anatomical surgery to transform from biological female to alleged biological male as it is ludicrously and viciously spread about me,

I would have no problems declaring any or all of the above three assertions from those who deceitfully replace their profile with me.

In fact, I would be a proud black, muslim, transgender like a blimp on cloud nine interacting with sun, moon and the stars.

Just because you – the criminal class insist and prod your widespread sycophants to classify me however you deem right i.e false and fraudulent claims.

I do not become whom you desire or designate me as such in the past, present or future. 

The criminal syndicate and desperate propagandists anywhere could either substitute selves or engage in search of that fictional character or someone among them they allude to be me.

All living species are denoted by specific DNA unique to them that are not transferable or interchangeable to accommodate anyone’s whims and fancies let alone recreate or metamorphose in defiance of nature.

Fortunately, I am no exception in this regard.  I’m not a malleable metal to mold into any shape or design.

Human malice to hurt and harm anyone they pursue too has limits. Anything exceeding limit leads to self-destruction.

The identity crisis of one or any prompting hypothetical presumptions is the irony of the irony. Not to mention wanton indulgence posing serious challenge to their presence of mind or the lack thereof.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Politics – Election Reform 2021

February 21, 2021

Politics – Election Reform 2021

Padmini Arhant

Election reform is fundamental to restore and revive democracy. The clean free and fair electoral process is the only way for nation to be republic. The critical element of democracy i.e. election is violated with corruption and fraud. 

Politics – Election Reform 2021


The topic is to shed light on independence.

The hard-fought independence establishing constitution governed democracy, individual rights, religious freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of press are all threatened and to a great extent under siege right now.

Those nations claimed  democratic hold elections to elect representatives in the local and national government.

Are these elections free and fair in light of glaring election anomalies?

Why should the requests for any clarifications, audit and open investigations be declined and judiciary refuse hearing even before the matter is presented in the court of law?

Election is the stepping stone in any functional democracy.

Unfortunately, election in modern age is even more susceptible to corruption.

Election corruption is the norm. Though there are many mechanisms to infuse corruption, my argument is narrowed down to three main channels.

They are – Electronic Voting machines and software, Unlimited Election financing from anywhere and everywhere not excluding cash and gifts for votes rampant in many so-called democracies and last but not the least, foreign interference amass control without having to indulge in military warfare that cost blood and treasure.

Foreign powers especially adversaries long yearned ambitions come into fruition with red carpet and lo and behold they surreptitiously gain dominance.

All these factors played out in favor of those usurped to power in the Presidential election 2020 in the United States with election diminished to nothing more than a mere formality. The same would be applicable in recent elections elsewhere like India, Israel and Belarus…to name a few among several others qualifying in this category.

Electronic Voting machines and software are smooth operators for candidacy to flip votes, configure and calibrate machine to delete votes, outsource voting tabulation offshore, use foreign server for vote manipulation and far more shenanigans pulled via EVM and software. In recent memory, i.e. beginning of the 21st century has facilitated illegitimate candidacy to power in local and national election. The electronic platform with no paper trail as proof of one voter per one legal registered voter continues to enable illegitimate government assume office. This is despite failed policy and strategy combined with miserable performance and track record, candidacies and political parties are declared winners in election and re-election across the globe.

How to free systems from the shackles of archaic, secretive and dysfunctional structures reining control over finance, economy, politics, energy, health, communication and now life, livelihood and lifestyle?

I begin with the authority heading the nation and citizens during a given term in office.

The primary focus is government and governance. There is no doubt the government and governance do not represent ordinary citizens i.e. mainstream population and vast majority in any nation. This is a global problem for citizens worldwide. The governments are installed in power as fiduciary for non-elected members incognito directing their representatives as heads of the state to steer nation in directions suitable to their self and vested interests. There is absolutely no care or concern over consequences of such maneuvers and often irreversible impact on everything related to citizens and nation at large.

Election is not fought instead bought with the highest bidder becoming major stakeholder in administration and legislative branch implemented policies and programs. As a result, the government and bureaucrats serve as agents and catalysts for special interests, foreign powers and oligarchy undermining citizens’ rights denying them fair political and economic opportunity.

Who runs for office and are in government in the so-called democracy?

The millionaires and wealthy are the ones seeking power. Those in key government positions are millionaires and multimillionaires maintaining close ties with wall street and U.S. chamber of commerce. In fact, politics and wall street similar to politics and the private entity – the federal reserve are revolving doors for easy entry and exit between them.

In other democracy like India – it is customary for industrialists, celebrities, political dynasties and religious zealots to hold office.  They all hold public office on public payroll but are engaged in self and campaign financiers’ enrichment.

Failing that, the other types usurped to power in politics are those peddling identity politics premised on race, religion, casteism, classism, fundamentalism and political ideology that otherwise represent political gimmick to distract and deceive electorate from burgeoning issues and persistent economic, education, social and environment woes crippling society and habitat respectively.

The other constraints for government’s abstinence from people representation are corruption and lack of transparency and accountability.

Corruption is seeded in election via electronic voting machines, software, oligarchy and foreign powers unlimited election financing, voter fraud, vote manipulation and above all media and tech giants direct meddling in intentional sabotage of electoral process to sway electoral outcome to their designated candidacy.

When the foundation i.e. the election is managed and subverted for devious agenda as it happened in Presidential election 2020,

Where does that leave the average citizen?

In the middle of nowhere.

What needs to be done to overcome the stumbling block depriving any nation the republic status?

Election reform is the fundamental step towards restoring and revival of democracy.

Election is corrupted by diverse means and the prominent ones are the electronic voting machines with software, mail-in-ballots, limitless campaign financing from anywhere and everywhere, manual voting tabulation involving dumping and deletion of legal votes while adding illegal ballots as witnessed in 2020 Presidential election.

The electronic machines are to be replaced with one vote per legal registered voter. The voter must cast from personal smart phone or computer. The vote transmitted immediately to a central database tabulating votes in real time with a monitor in public view equivalent to Imax screen for the entire nation to see 24/7 without any political party, affiliates or third-party intrusion.

Next, the election financing is to be capped with strict limit. The corporate, special interests and foreign powers direct and indirect donations to any candidacy at the municipal to national level should be barred overturning the United States Supreme Court’s infamous and unconstitutional human status awarded to corporations and special interests as legal entities synonymous to any electorate.

Contemporary politics reflect corrupt and crony politics with merit discarded over pledge of allegiance to forces behind operation. In other words, the politics’ loyalty to the conglomerate running the gamut.

The candidates falling for any incentives ranging from high-ranking posts in government to willingness to submit to corrupt influential powers within and offshore are the preferred choice. Additionally, such candidates also have excess baggage and skeletons in the closet for the corrupt and criminal clique to blackmail them that typically makes the candidates surrender to those luring them with power, fame and fortune.

Politics has increasingly shifted away from meritocracy and moved towards plutocracy which in turn evolved into kleptocracy. The idea of government of the people by the people and for the people is substituted with the ruling elites that are essentially narcissists by design.

Accordingly, the candidates for Vice Presidency and other key cabinet positions such as Secretary of State, Treasury secretary, Defense secretary and National security advisor are to be directly elected and approved by people rather than their so-called representatives in the House and Senate and state legislators through electoral college in the United States. The proposal might sound an arduous and out-of-norm recommendation. Nonetheless, the selection of these members by inner circle within political party together with other domestic and foreign influence are in direct conflict of national interest.

The government is too big with expansive bureaucracy. Wherever there is vast bureaucracy, the government functionality is tangled in red tape costing taxpayers and nation an exorbitant payroll. The local businesses have to deal with hindrances due to the red tape and far too many government agencies handling tasks that could be minimized and digitalized for public and private sector to access services in the technology era. The other aspect of big government is opaqueness barring any public or independent scrutiny on department budget, operations and contacts as well as contracts with foreign entities near and far. The foreign infiltration into these agencies have compromised government role in protecting sensitive information and services in various domain. The case in point is SolarWinds hack hitting entire United States government cyber infrastructure and apparatus is a serious and aggressive attack that could not have occurred without some government agencies security lapse and/or complicity.

The reduction in government size starting at municipal to federal level is necessary to curb corruption and misuse of agencies such as FBI, CIA and IRS…by political parties upon assuming office in administration, legislative and judiciary.

Smaller governments would be subject to better monitoring by public and independent groups – the only hope for checks and balances, something the press and communication media in myriad format are supposed to fulfill utilizing the freedom of press which unfortunately is in reverse order.

On the contrary, law abiding citizens are denied access on social media with far more restrictions on average Americans for their political choice in the Presidential election 2020. These rapid developments post Presidential election 2020 contrast democratic principles and value.

The current administration’s policy and performance.

The new administration and Congress since assuming office are yet to engage in tasks concerning citizens and the nation at large.

President Joe Biden commenced first day in office and the week after signing over forty executive orders not necessarily to help or improve lives in the country hit with worst pandemic and economic collapse from government imposed shut down that were violated by those executing such orders.

It is no surprise campaign promises stays on campaign trail. That is the tradition. However, the   Presidency, keeping the promise on prioritizing nation and national interests became the target and remain so for the forces against such practice. It is considered a sin to break tradition in Washington,D.C.

Congress is preoccupied with President Donald Trump and unable to think of any other issue besides settling scores with Donald Trump for winning 2016 and 2020 election. The political storm may never calm down in Washington D.C. with national guards deployed in town reminiscent of authoritarian government reminding citizens on armed forces safeguarding citadel at ordinary taxpayers’ expense.

Meanwhile, Texas has been hit with winter storm and power outage. The citizens are forced to bear the brunt of harsh weather without power. The Texans are in my thoughts and prayers for swift recovery to normal situation.

In the domestic front, there is no sign of stimulus check in the pandemic affected national economy. The citizens were guaranteed $2000 stimulus check by Presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The earlier arrival of stimulus payment of $2000 during President Donald Trump’s administration was watered down to $600 by then Senate majority republican member Mitch McConnell who otherwise have no issues with China’s economic and political advantage against United States.

Congress wasted no time in organizing and passing package with pork spending including generous financial aid to far flung countries in South east Asia and other miscellaneous pet projects. The urgency to address American needs and desperate economic conditions apparently escaped congressional attention.

The employment situation in the United States under new administration is not very encouraging considering the loss of jobs from the pandemic imposed economic shutdown nationwide barely addressed by local and federal government. The keystone pipeline project hitting the major states Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota and Texas confronted with environment cause. Whenever such predicament arises, it is important to evaluate all factors weighing pros and cons for practical solutions.

The Canadian provincial government in Alberta and TC Energy owned and managed Keystone XL pipeline running between Canada and the United States has been shut down citing environment hazards from the pipeline leaks originating from a crack during the infrastructure construction.

The energy company fixing these leaks and preventing such incidents now and in the future are paramount to mitigate potential harm to ecosystem, biodiversity and pollution of rivers that are cited as the reasons for opposition to pipeline project from environmentalists. Again, economic liabilities and job losses are also to be taken into account while preserving natural habitat and environment. The energy company investment in these areas to avoid pipeline leaks and cracks would provide some relief to environment endangerment.

Any permanent blight to environment would inevitably hurt business and life existence. Keeping these important facts in mind, energy companies’ investments in averting any such mishaps are imperative to ecology and economy.

The business and environment organizations could work out an amicable resolution on the keystone XL pipeline project saving jobs as well as environment.

I end this topic here. The other topics will follow in due course.

Your patience and interest are appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter






Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Identity Politics

November 19, 2020

United States – Identity Politics

Padmini Arhant

Identity politics has long served political factions ideology in a democracy. When political parties and candidates running for public office as debutant or incumbent have none or dismal record, the campaign heavily relies on divisive polarizing strategy premised on identity politics categorizing voters on race, ethnicity, class, creed, religion, gender, social and economic background. The other popular means in politics to win election in the absence of verifiable positive actions and policies benefiting citizens and nation at large besides corruption in political career is negative campaign against opponent especially if the contender is hard to compete with and pose challenge to the other side on real issues and reality.

Above all, fake news via press, mainstream media, social media and diverse outlets representing deep state and their proxies continue to mislead and misinform public with false reports and concocted events until the deep state approved candidacy is installed in power.

That’s when and where the SuperPAC, HybridPAC, special interests, foreign governments and billionaires flushed millions of dollars adding to billions aid the lack luster lackey candidacy serving the intended purpose of donors not without them deriving more value for money they invest in such candidacy and political party.

Identity Politics – United States has witnessed and experienced violence, looting and mob attacks at frequent intervals and with great intensity since 2016 until now under the guise of protesting discrimination against blacks, police brutality and injustice to African Americans. Not long ago such protest snowballed wreaking havoc on streets with communal unrest nationwide on African American George Floyd death related to police torture in Minneapolis, Minnesota only resulting in more deaths from large gatherings in the middle of COVID19 crisis.

The organizations poised as civil rights groups seeking fairness and justice are in fact misused as political wing and deployed to spread violence and other crimes in the course of demonstrations.

The examples are Black Lives Matter and Antifa (Anti Fascism) though neither address the cause they claim to represent for they are invented and instigated by those behind social injustice and authoritarianism.

The public profile of this organization.


“Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. Wikipedia
FoundedJuly 13, 2013
PurposeAdvocacy and protests against racial discrimination
LocationInternational, largely in the United States
FormationJuly 13, 2013; 7 years ago

Contrary to the belief and public statement, unfortunately Black Lives Matter in the United States and other locations such as Britain and Canada, the involvement via protests has been anything but civil and non-violent. The other stigma on Black Lives Matter is the organization having become the political tool and arsonists for those actually responsible for exacerbating black lives tragedies and extraordinary plight.

Interestingly, there was no such movement or even voices of concern to the following incidents that was actually related to black lives mercilessly purged misusing authority granted by the people including the victims in a democracy during the much touted BLACK Presidency in the history of the United States.

1. Miriam CareyAfrican American Dental Hygienist. Public execution by White House Secret Service personnel at the White House periphery during the Black Presidency Barry Soterro aka Barack Hussein Obama and African American Spouse Michelle Obama presence at the time in the White House. The Vice President Joe Biden also present at that time.

Miriam Carey was gunned down with some thirty five bullets not five bullets as falsely covered up by CNN.com. Miriam Carey was shot dead on October 3, 2013 with her then toddler daughter witness to the heinous murder of an unarmed civilian and a young  mother in a democracy.

Where was the Black Lives Matter when this happened considering the organization founded and became active on July 13, 2013?

2. Troy Anthony Davis – African American falsely convicted and executed with lethal injection on September 21, 2011 by the state of Georgia for a crime he did not commit and yet the flawed criminal justice process ignored the facts based evidence clearly vindicating Troy Davis since apprehension. The worst was the incident attracting media attention and sensationalism in the United States and across the globe but not sensitivity from the White House with then first Black President and Black family unheeding requests submitted on this website per topics and voices from other corners of the country and across the globe.

United States – Troy Davis Clemency Plea – Published September 21, 2011.


United States Judicial Ethics – Troy Davis Execution – Published on September 22, 2011.


Troy Anthony Davis – the innocent African American’s life could have been saved with clemency from then sitting Black President Barrry Soterro aka Barack Hussein Obama which was not considered necessary and slighted at that time along with same crony so-called liberal media mocking anyone including my stance to prevent the state murder of an innocent life in the southern state of Georgia in 2011.

Fast forward in 2019 – the article on Troy Davis in Klau Center for Civil and Human Rights site.

“Troy Davis story highlights risks of wrongful conviction and execution

Jason Ewart, of Arnold & Jones, Washington DC, spoke at Notre Dame Law School on November 21, 2019. Ewart was the lead defense attorney for Troy Davis, a man executed in 2011 following a criminal justice process that many, in the US and around the globe, found deeply flawed.”

Many in the United States including myself and around the globe could see the glaring willful injustice to a man being punished for the crime he was not responsible for and made a scapegoat. Somehow, then administration led by Black Presidency and democrat Vice Presidency Joe Biden could not recognize the state of Georgia’s fatal error.

3.From the same Southern State of Georgia another embarrassing and unfair decision was taken by then first black President Barry Soterro aka Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, when the supposedly democrat administration on July 19, 2010 fired Shirley Sherrod, a black woman with respectable record in her career from her appointed position as Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the United States Department of Agriculture.

The reason behind firing Shirley Sherrod was the White House under then first black President Barry Soterro aka Barack Obama and democrat Vice President Joe Biden fell for the conservative talk show host on FOX NEWS – Glenn Beck’s fabricated distortion about Shirley Sherrod’s public speech that was not presented in entire and factual context.

The trend in haste reporting and disinformation by political establishment and deep state run media, press and communication outlets online and offline are well known and highlighted in this incident.

Where was the Black Lives Matter on injustice to a Black Man – Troy Davis and Black woman Shirley Sherrod under Black Presidency?

Given these deep wounds on black people during black Presidency with democrat Vice President Joe Biden on the side, the violence and injustice inflicted directly and indirectly speak volume on vote fraud in Georgia in 2020 that could not have favored the candidacy former Vice President Joe Biden then oblivious to black ordeal during two terms in office.

Ironically, the rise and prominence to violent activities linked to Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other disruptive groups created and fostered in conjunction with IS and ISIS emergence in 2011, 2012, 2013…under then administration of President Barry Soterro aka Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

These events are impetus to judge anyone on the content of character regardless of skin color i.e. racial social and economic status.

Identity politics is discriminatory reeking in prejudice with political motives to segregate and classify those targeted for devious political agenda. Furthermore, the profiling subvert progressiveness promoting caricature of human intellect and individual merit not necessarily relevant in selection criteria for key positions in deep state and establishment run politics.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter










Political Game – (Hindi) Part II

June 20, 2017

Political Game – (Hindi) Part II

By Padmini Arhant

Rebuttal to NWO TACTICS

Politics premised on Corruption, Communal Divide and Cronyism deny facts promoting fabrication and fiction.

The consistent efforts to malign and reject authentic divine mission and glorify negative forces continually experience debacles in the venture repeating history.

The irrefutable truth is fake can never be original in identity and trait. 

Falsehood never withstood test of  time verifying fragility and lack of credibility.

The genuine mission engaged in peaceful and positive endeavors to relieve humanity from the rule of duplicity and deceit is a solid commitment unrelenting to deceptive demagoguery.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse Divine Mission