Face the Truth – Project for New American Century Inception

December 30, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The masterminds, architects and catalysts of the Project for New American Century invented terror as the means to implement agenda.

The Project for New American Century (PNAC) is an extension of the concept – New World Order.

New World Order was formalized in the former President Ronald Reagan era. 

New World Order seeks one world government rejecting sovereign and republic status of all nations on earth.

The prototypes of New World Order were introduced through United Nations (UN) and UNSC in particular involving five members – United States, Britain, France, Russia and China – the nuclear nations with imperialistic aspirations and legacy.  The privilege is self-granted veto power to enforce economic sanctions invariably on non-western nations in addition to military interventions for economic and strategic interests.

Simultaneously the plan was further developed with the formation of European Union (EU) consisting highly paid bureaucrats in Brussels, Belgium and EU states leaderships viz. Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Scandinavian Royalty like Sweden among others and Britain’s monarchy colluded nexus group…to name a few in the influential role.

EU along with ECB and IMF imposing severe austerity to cripple economy has generated generational debtors in the respective member states in Europe witnessed in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and euro members within EU.

New World Order is premised on parallel government i.e. UN and EU controlled and run by power mongering and greed motivated forces using violence and fear induction to subjugate population worldwide.

UN and EU along with NATO as the military wing under United States military establishment engaged in provocative exercise and military drills in the Baltic, Yellow and South China Sea in addition to Middle East incursions summarize expansive operations exerting global dominance despite colossal failures thus far.

Elections serve as convenient mechanisms to legitimize illegitimate authority functioning as behind the scenes operatives with selected representatives as heads of the government to execute plan and policy against republic and sovereignty.

Furthermore, elections promote ideological platform, communalism, corruption via campaign funding from unlimited sources not barring unsavory organizations and entities far and wide, vote rigging and fraudulence with bribery to voters in cash and kind in rural and urban areas alike.

Understanding present global situation embroiled in incessant violence and bloodshed requires comprehension of the cause and effect as nothing happens without reason.

Project for New American Century (PNAC) is hegemony goal notwithstanding global syndicate comprising major powers poised as allies and adversaries in disguise to promulgate supremacy at the vast majority expense.

Accordingly, there is absolute disregard for life other than their own and little or no concern for environment considering the stance on nuclear disarmament and unabated terror manufactured and unleashed in diverse format such as gun violence in the United States, false flag events beginning with September 11, 2001 in the U.S and subsequently in world capitals to prolong ordinary citizens, the working class, marginalized and disenfranchised plight world over.

In the increasingly deceptive settings and choreographed electoral process whether the Presidential race in the United States and similarly elsewhere,

Public awareness on factual information and reality assertively challenged with inundated propaganda dominating airwaves, communication media, entertainment and educational institutions devoted to subversion and distortion.

The contemporary dilemma is could the circumstances be reversed with the elimination of counterproductive indulgence?

The answer is unequivocally possible and inevitable for anything that endangers survival and habitat existence is unsustainable and eventually succumb to disaster.

Meanwhile, humanity rising to the occasion in resistance to decadence is the viable and compulsory option towards liberty, equality and most importantly peaceful atmosphere in a nuclear and terror free zone besides economic and social opportunity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


The individuals behind the Project for New American Century.

The following names in the list acknowledged as authors, architects and contributors on official PNAC documents.

The entities profile provides insight to PNAC objectives and ongoing conflicts in the world.

Abramowitz, Morton – Senior Fellow at the Century Foundation.

Abrams, Elliot – National Security Council – top advisor on the Middle East. Alumnus of the Heritage Foundation.

Profile: As Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs under Reagan, was responsible for covering up war crimes committed by the U.S. backed Contras. Was charged in connection with the Iran-Contra affair, and pled to lesser charges. Was later pardoned by Bush Sr. The British media reported Elliot was behind the attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez  in Venezuela.

Allen, Richard V. – member: National Security Advisory Board and the Defense Policy Board. President of the Richard V. Allen Company (consulting firm). Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute.

Profile:  founding chairman for the Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center. Founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger. Former board member of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Assistant to the President for National Security affairs during the Reagan administration, but forced from office over suspected financial misconduct.

Anderson, Mark A. – Identified in PNAC involvement.

Armitage, Richard – Deputy Secretary of State.

Profile:  Former board member of CACI, the private military contractor whose employees were responsible for torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs during the Reagan Administration. Named by the government as one of the people guilty of supplying weapons in the Iran Contra Affair, but never charged.

Au, Andrew Y. – Identified in PNAC involvement).

Bang-Jensen, Nina – executive director of the Coalition for International Justice.

Bao-Lord, Bette – member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR director until 2003). Chairman of Freedom House. Wife of ex-ambassador to China Winston Lord, who is Co-chairman of the International Rescue Committee.

Barnett, Roger – professor at the Naval War College (a government facility).

Profile:  Vice President of the National Institute for Public Policy. Professor at Georgetown University.

Bauer, Gary – founder of the Campaign for Working Families, president of American Values.

Profile:  Past president of the Family Research Council. Under Secretary of Education in the Reagan administration.

Bennet, William J. – co-director of Empower America, co-director of Partnership for a Drug-Free America, Distinguished Fellow of the Heritage Foundation. Writer.

Profile: Secretary of Education under Reagan.

Bergner, Jeffrey – study group member of the Commission on National Security 21st Century. Member of the board of trustees for the Hudson Institute and the Asia Foundation. His lobbying company represents a number of weapons contractors, among other major corporations.

Profile:  Staff Director for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during the Reagan administration.

Bernstein, Alvin – Identified in PNAC involvement.

Bernstein, Robert L. – Professor at the National Defense University (a government facility).

Profile:  worked at the Naval War College (government facility) and in the Defense Department.

Biddle, George – member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Senior Vice President of the International Rescue Committee (allegedly a relief organisation).

Bolton, John R. – Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.

Profile:  Senior Vice President of the American Enterprise Institute. Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs for the Department of State under Bush Sr. Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice under Reagan.

Boot, Max – Senior Fellow of the National Security Studies. Contributing Editor for the Weekly Standard.

Profile: editor of the Wall Street Journal, writer and editor for the Christian Science Monitor.

Bork, Ellen – Deputy Director of the PNAC.

Profile:  Transatlantic Fellow of the German Marshall Fund.

Boschwitz, Rudy – Presidential appointee to the Holocaust Memorial Council. One of the top fund-raisers for Bush Jr. in 2000. Founder of Home Valu Inc. Minnesota Senator (1978-1991).

Buckley, William F. Jr. – owner of National Review magazine.

Profile: CIA agent in the Fifties. Hosted the television show Firing Line.

Bush, Jeb – Governor of Florida.

Profile: Banned convicted felons from voting in the 2000 presidential election, using an extremely inaccurate system to remove voting rights; allowed ineligible absentee ballots to be counted.

Cambone, Stephen A. – Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Special Assistant to the Secretary and Director for Program Analysis and Evaluation – Department of Defense.

Profile:  Special Assistant to Donald Rumsfeld just prior to current appointments. Director in the Defense Department during the Bush Sr. administration. Past deputy director in SRS Technologies (Defense contractor).

Carlucci, Frank – Chairman Emeritus of the Carlyle Group and Nortel Networks. Member of the board of United Defense Inc. Considered a protégé of Donald Rumsfeld.

Profile:  Chairman of the Carlyle Group (1993-2000). Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration. Deputy Director in the CIA. CIA agent. Accused of being behind the assassination of Congo Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba during the Sixties, but never charged.

 Cheney, Dick – Vice President. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Employee(?) of Halliburton – draws a one million dollar per year salary.

Profile: worked for Donald Rumsfeld in 1969. Presidential assistant to Gerald Ford. Secretary of Defense for Bush Sr. Halliburton CEO 1995 to 2000; gains the company 3.8 billion dollars in federal contracts and guaranteed loans.

Upon becoming Vice President, Halliburton receives billions of dollars in Iraq contracts not tendered to other companies. Behind installing Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, and Elliot Abrams into their current positions in government. Wife Lynne Cheney is a senior fellow with the American Enterprise Institute. Daughter Elizabeth Cheney is Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs.

Clemons, Steven C. – Executive Vice President of the New America Foundation.

Cohen, Eliot A. – professor at Johns Hopkins University. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Profile:  professor at the Naval War College. Previously worked for Donald Rumsfeld.

Cropsey, Seth – Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau.

Profile: Director in the Heritage Foundation. Visiting Fellow in the American Enterprise Institute. Assistant Editor of the Public Interest (1976-77). Hudson Institute researcher. Deputy Under Secretary in the Department of the Navy during the Reagan administration.

DeConcini, Dennis Webster – Chairman of the Board of Directors for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Profile:  eighteen years as Senator from Arizona. Member of the Balkan Action Committee.

Dale, Helle – Director in the Heritage Foundation.

Decter, Midge – Writer. Heritage Foundation director. Wife of Norman Podhoretz. Claims to worship Donald Rumsfeld and has written a book for Rumsfeld admirers.

Dobriansky, Paula – Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs.

Profile:  Senior Vice President (Washington office) of the Council on Foreign Relations prior to appointment. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs for the Department of State in the Reagan administration.

Donnelly, Thomas – Deputy Executive Director of the PNAC.

Profile: Director of Strategic Communication and Initiatives for Lockheed Martin Corp. (weapons contractor).

Eberstadt, Nicholas – consultant for the State Department, consultant for the Bureau of the Census. Member of the American Enterprise Institute.

Edgar, Robert (Rev. Dr.) – General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ. Ordained as an United Methodist. Former Congressman.

Epstein, David – employee at the Office of Secretary of Defense – Net Assessment.

Etzioni, Amitai – founder of the Communitarian Network, and editor of their magazine. Was Senior Advisor to the White House on Domestic Affairs during the Carter administration.

Fautua, David – Identified in PNAC involvement).

Feulner, Edwin J. Jr. – Heritage Foundation.

Profile:  advisor to President Reagan.

Forbes, Steve – President, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine.

Profile:  campaigned twice for the Republican nomination for president. Directed the dissemination of propaganda on Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty during both the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations.

Fradkin, Hillel – member of the Advisory Committee on International Education – Department of Education. Part of Benador Associates, a publicity firm handling clients such as PNAC members R. Perle, J. Woolsey, F. Gaffney, C. Krauthammer, and M. Boot.

Profile: Fellow in the American Enterprise Institute prior to government appointment.

Friedberg, Aaron – Vice President’s Deputy National Security Advisor.

Profile: Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations. Consultant for the CIA.

Fukuyama, Francis – President’s Council on Bioethics. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Gaffney, Frank – President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy, Washington Times columnist, brother of Devon Gaffney-Cross.

Profile: worked for Richard Perle during the Reagan administration.

Gaffney-Cross, Devon – member of the Defense Policy Board (Pentagon). Member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Sister of Frank Gaffney.

Gejdenson, Sam – owns Sam Gejdenson International. Congressman (D) 1981 – 2000.

Gerecht, Reuel Marc – Senior Fellow of the PNAC, Resident Fellow of the American Enterprise Institute.

Profile:  former CIA agent (1985 – 1994). CBS News consultant on Afghanistan.

Goldman, Merle – Adjunct Professor for the Foreign Service Institute of the State Department.

Goure, Daniel – consultant for the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Energy. Vice President of the Lexington Institute. Was a Study Team Leader for the Institute of Peace (1990-91).

Halperin, Morton H. – director for the Council on Foreign Relations and for the Open Society Institute.

Hefferman, John – Identified in PNAC involvement).

Hooper, James R. – Executive Director of the Balkan Action Council.

Ikle, Fred C. – Distinguished Scholar for the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Profile:  Under Secretary of Defense for Policy in the Reagan administration.

Jackson, Bruce – President of the Project on Transitional Democracies. President of the Committee on NATO.

Member: Council on Foreign Relations, International Institute for Strategic Studies, Board of Advisors for the Center for Security Policy.

Profile: Director of Strategic Planning for Lockheed Martin Corp. (weapons contractor). Worked for Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Dick Cheney during the eighties.

Joyce, Michael S. – founder of Americans for Community and Faith-Centered Enterprise, an organisation created to help push through Bush Jr.’s “Faith-Based Initiative”. Member of the Research Council of America. Was part of the Presidential Transition Team for Reagan.

Kagan, Donald – Hillhouse Professor of History and Classics at Yale University. Writer. Father of Frederick and Robert Kagan.

Kagan, Frederick – Professor of military history at West Point.

Profile:  co-wrote, with his father Donald and other PNAC contributors, “While America Sleeps”.

Kagan, Robert – co-founder of the PNAC. Contributing Editor for the Weekly Standard and the New Republic; columnist for the Washington Post. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Husband of Victoria Nuland, Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President.

Profile:  Deputy in the Department of State under Elliot Abrams during the Reagan administration.

Kampelman, Max M. – Lawyer. Member of the Board of Trustees for Freedom House. Member of the Board of Advisors for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

Karatnycky, Adrian – member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Freedom House.

Profile:  worked for the New York Times, Washington Post, and Washington Times.

Kemble, Penn – Department of State – Head, Eminent Persons Group, Sudan Slavery Commission. Senior Fellow in Freedom House.

Kennedy, Craig – President of the German Marshall Fund.

Khalilzad, Zalmay – Ambassador to Afghanistan, Special Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan and Special Presidential Envoy to the Free Iraqis.

Profile:  Senior Director of the National Security Council (2001 – 2003). Accused by candidates in the Afghan elections of arranging President Hamid Karzai’s victory. Worked for Paul Wolfowitz at the State Department in 1984 – 1985. Advisor to Unocal for their proposed gas pipeline project through Afghanistan (1997).

Killebrew, Robert B. – Colonel (retired)

Profile: Security Strategies study member for PNAC. Consultant to a variety of army and private institute military projects.

Kirkpatrick, Jeane – on the executive committee of Freedom House and the board of advisors of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Committee on the Present Danger. Former U.S. Ambassador. Member of the National Security Council under Reagan.

Koh, Harold Hongju – Dean of Yale.

Profile: Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor in the Clinton administration.

Kovler, Peter – Nixon Center Advisory Council. Balkans Action Committee.

Krauthammer, Charles – Presidential appointee to the President’s Council On Bioethics. Columnist for the Washington Post. Contributing Editor for the New Republic and the Weekly Standard. Member of the Editorial Board for the National Interest and the Public Interest.

Kristol, William – co-founder of the PNAC. Columnist for (and co-founder of) the Weekly Standard.

Profile:  Chief of Staff to Vice President Dan Quayle, Secretary of Education Chief of Staff under William Bennett during the Reagan administration.

Lagon, Mark P. – Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.

Profile:  fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations. Deputy Director of the House Republican Committee. Senior advisor to Jeane Kirkpatrick – American Enterprise Institute.

Lasswell, James – Employee of GAMA Corporation (war games, military training via software).

Lehrman, Lewis E. – on the Board of Trustees for the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. President and co-founder of the Citizens for America.

Libby, I. Lewis – Assistant to the President, and Chief of Staff to the Vice President.

Profile:  after graduating law school, went to work for Paul Wolfowitz (1981 – 1985) at the State Department. Hired again by Wolfowitz in 1989, this time at the Pentagon.

Lindberg, Tod – Research Fellow at the Hoover Institute. Editor of Policy Review journal.

Mack, Connie III – Congressman for Florida. Previously served in the Florida House of Representatives (2000 – 2003).

Maletz, Christopher – Assistant Director of the PNAC.

Markey, Mary Beth – Executive Director for the International Campaign for Tibet. Worked in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee prior to 1996.

Martinage, Robert – consultant for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

McKivergan, Daniel – Deputy Director of the PNAC.

Profile:  research director for The Weekly Standard (1995 – 1997). Legislative director for Senator John McCain (2000), and for Congressman Dan Miller (1997).

Meese, Edwin III – Heritage Foundation.

Profile: Attorney General during the Reagan administration. Investigated for his involvement in the Iraq Bechtel pipeline deal (which also involved Donald Rumsfeld) – not prosecuted, but resigned.

Meilinger, Phil – U.S. Naval War College.

Muravchik, Joshua – Resident Scholar for the American Enterprise Institute. Member of the Board of Advisors for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

Owens, Mackubin – professor at the Naval War College (a government facility).

Owens, Wayne – Deceased (December 18, 2002).

Profile:  eight years as Congressman (D) for Utah.

Peretz, Martin – owner and Editor-in-Chief of the New Republic magazine.

Perle, Richard N. – Pentagon Policy Advisor (resigned February 2004), member – Defense Policy Board.

Member: Balkan Action Committee, Committee on the Present Danger, American Enterprise Institute associate. On advisory board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

Profile: Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan. FBI suspected Perle of spying for Israel in 1970 – not prosecuted.

Pletka, Danielle – Vice President of Foreign and Defense Policy for the American Enterprise Institute.

Profile: senior staff member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (1992-2002).

Podhoretz, Norman – member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Husband of Midge Decter, father-in-law of Elliot Abrams.

Porter, John Edward – member of the RAND board of Trustees.

Profile: Congressman until 2000.

Quayle, J. Danforth – was Vice President under Bush Sr.

Rodman, Peter W. – Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.

Profile:  Staff Director of State Department Policy Planning under Reagan.

Rosen, Stephen P. – Harvard professor.

Profile: professor at the Naval War College. Director in the National Security Council under Reagan.

Rowen, Henry S. – member of Department of Defense Policy Board. Presidential appointee to the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Profile: Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs under Bush Sr. RAND Corporation president 1967–1972.

Rumsfeld, Donald – Secretary of Defense.

Member: Hoover Institution board of trustees, RAND Corporation, Empower America board, Freedom House board, Balkan Action Committee, Committee on the Present Danger, Center for Security Policy.

Profile: Congressman from 1962 to 1969. Member of Nixon’s cabinet. Member of Gerald Ford’s cabinet and Secretary of Defense. Chaired Ballistic Missile Threat (“Rumsfeld”) Commission in 1998.

Scheunemann, Randy on PNAC Board of Directors, U.S. Committee on NATO Board of Directors. Treasurer for Project on Transitional Democracies. Lobbyist.

Profile: Office of the Secretary of Defense – Consultant on Iraq Policy (2001).

Schmitt, Gary – Executive Director of the PNAC. Consultant to the Department of Defense.Member of the Board of Directors of the U.S. Committee on NATO. Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institute. Adjunct Professor at John Hopkins University.

Profile:  Executive Director of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under Reagan.

Schneider, William Jr. – Chairman of the Defense Science Board for the Department of Defense. President of International Planning Services, works for the lobbying company Jefferson Consulting Group. Previously served on the “Rumsfeld Commission”.

Shaw, Sin-Ming – resident scholar at Oxford University’s Oriel College.

Shulsky, Abram N. – Director: Defence Department’s Office Of Special Plans, a division created by Paul Wolfowitz.

Profile:  Worked for the RAND corporation. Worked under Richard Perle in the Defense Department during the Reagan administration.

Shultz, Richard – Professor of International Politics at the Fletcher School. Holds Chairs at the Naval War College and the U.S. Military Academy. Fellow at the Institute of Peace.

Simon, Paul Deceased (Dec. 9/03). Former Democratic Senator.

Sokolski, Henry – Executive Director of the Nonproliferation Education Center.

Profile:  was Resident Fellow in the Heritage Foundation and the Hoover Institution. Was a Senior Legislative Aide for Senator Dan Quayle.

Solarz, Stephen J.– vice chairman of the International Crisis Group. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Profile: Congressman for New York (1975-93)

Sonnenfeldt, Helmut – Brookings Institution.

Profile: member of the National Security Council. Advisor to President Nixon.

Sussman, Leonard – executive director of Freedom House. Was a journalist in New York.

Sweeney, John J. – President of the American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Taft, William Howard IV – Chief Legal Advisor to the Department of State.

Profile: assistant to Casper Weinberger in the Nixon administration.

Thornburgh, Dick – Lawyer. Past governor of Pennsylvania. Attorney General in the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations.

Tkacik, John – Heritage Foundation. President of China Business Intelligence. Worked in the State Department during the Reagan administration.

Turner, Ed – Identified in PNAC involvement).

Vickers, Michael – Director of Strategic Studies for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Creator of “Future Warfare 20XX” games. Former CIA agent.

Waldron, Arthur – board member of Freedom House, member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Profile:  professor at the Naval War College (1991-97).

Wallop, Malcolm – Heritage Foundation. Founder and Chairman of the Frontiers of Freedom.

Profile: part of the Rumsfeld Commission. Senator for Wyoming (1977 – 1995).

Watts, Barry D. – Director of Program Analysis and Evaluation – Office of The Secretary of Defense.

Profile:  before government appointment, was a director in Northrop Gruman (weapons contractor).

Webb, James – was Secretary of the Navy and Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration.

Weber, Vin – member of the National Commission on Public Service. Member of the German Marshall Fund – board of trustees. Co-founder of Empower America. Partner in Clark & Weinstock.

Profile: Congressman for Minnesota 1980 – 1992.

Weigel, George – Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Profile:  co-founded National Endowment for Democracy.

Weinberger, Caspar W.– writer.

Profile:  past publisher and chairman of Forbes magazine. Secretary of Defense under Reagan. Indicted on felony charges for his participation in supplying missiles to Iran, but pardoned by President Bush Sr.

Weyrich, Paul M. – President of the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation. National Chairman of Coalitions for America.

Profile: co-founded Heritage Foundation. Co-founded the Moral Majority. Past treasurer of Council for National Policy.

Williams, Christopher A. – Department of Defense – Special Assistant to Donald Rumsfeld. Lobbyist for Boeing and Northrop Grumman Corporation (weapons contractors).

Profile: member of Pentagon’s Deterrence Concepts Advisory Panel, and member of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board during Bush Jr. administration.

Windsor, Jennifer L. – Executive Director of Freedom House.

Profile: previously held various positions at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Wolfowitz, Paul – Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Assistant to the Vice President.

Profile:  Head of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff under Reagan. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Regional Programs under Carter.

Woolsey, R. James – member of the Defense Policy Board, member of the Deterrence Concepts Advisory Panel, and member of the National Commission on Energy Policy. Trustee for the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Freedom House. Honorary Co-Chair of the National Security Advisory Council.

Profile: Director of the CIA during Clinton administration.

Wortzel, Larry – Director in the Heritage Foundation.

Zakheim, Dov S. – Member of the advisory board for the American Jewish Committee, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Adjunct Scholar for the Heritage Foundation. Under Secretary and Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Defense (resigned April 15, 2004).

Zoellick, Robert B. – U.S. Trade Representative and member of President’s Cabinet.

Profile: Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs, then White House Deputy Chief of Staff in the Bush Sr. administration.









Religion – Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Merry Christmas!  Celebrating Jesus birth and Christ’s sacrifice to redeem the world from sins and suffering.

The world overwhelmed with sins presumptuously defiant much to self destruction.

Despite chaos and catastrophe inflicted on innocent population through terror sponsorship and perpetual violence, the sponsors and catalysts pursue terrorism to achieve agenda.

The contemporary trend dominant in greed for power, fame and fortune by any means slight consequences with fatal outcome for the origin and anyone involved in counterproductive course.

The failed policies and flawed strategies are maintained in the desire for eternal rule. Having embarked on mission delivering deaths and devastation, the worst attitude is denial.

Similarly, falsehood and fraudulence create illusive environment leading to misguidance and surrender of freedom.

In brazen effort to forsake real benefactor – the merciful, insightful and powerful almighty God,

The forces behind global misery are delusional in promoting demagogues feigning in respective role leaving the audience in the dark as victims of mass deception.

The intolerance to peace and positive proposals exemplified then in crucifixion of Jesus continued with the present world events emanating from contempt for anything even remotely associated to collective benefits and humanitarian cause representing providential truth define status quo.

Human folly begins with rejection of facts and reality chasing mirage only to discover fantasy produce disappointment and despair.

Renouncing narcissism for altruism is the preliminary step towards self-redemption.

Those evading responsibility and accountability for their egregious decisions and actions ignore clarion call from within and remain prisoner of guilt unable to hide or run afar.

Accordingly, declining justice to crime victims essentially subjugate perpetrators in the confines of fault and felony.

Adherence to conscience – the key witness to activities regardless of personal convictions is the next measure to alleviate burden of guilt.

In other incidents, the deliberate and voluntary indulgence to hurt and harm others deriving sadistic pleasure is a sign of individual weakness and inner decay.

Human form gifted with discriminatory ability to distinguish right from wrong wasted in life results in self-imprisonment.

The liberated soul is the one free from shackles of sinful acts and acrimony.

The willing would strive for salvation and face challenges without compromising values and principles that describes identity.

Life is an opportunity to learn the art of living that is beyond egotistic self-interest. The pledge to reform expressed in conduct starting with compassion and honesty would set the trail for self-emancipation.

Finally, deed not creed determine destiny upon departure.

Jesus Christ teachings practiced in sincerity would illustrate appreciation and gratitude in the struggles for elevation in human spirit.

Merry Christmas!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Election – Mockery of Democracy

December 23, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Politics contempt for democracy evident in events toppling governments of the people and destabilizing states through terror sponsorship.  The other tactics deployed are staged political unrest, communal as well as sectarian and religion divide.

The operatives behind the scenes otherwise incognito power remaining eternal rulers pulling the strings of puppets installed to prolong status quo is the norm.

The anti-populists systematic dismantling of pro-ordinary class systems confirm inherent despise for republic rule.

Having declared people represented governments as Mob Rule and accordingly unseated popular governments in Latin America viz. Venezuela and alike in the region with similar trend in Africa, South East Asia and worldwide,

The tradition is maintained preventing genuine democracy and substituting with plutocracy.

Unlike covert representation in the past, the present feature defiant ramshackle governance legitimized through electoral process.

Election is the means to assert authority in disguise.

The illegitimate role of those as protagonists, architects, masterminds with elected representatives as catalysts promoting anti-republic agenda facilitated via election.

The unlimited financing attracting funding from unsavory elements notwithstanding black to white money laundering and liquidating illegal wealth to become stakeholders in political power established in electoral course.

The electorate are misled barring minor lackluster legislations the bulk activities benefit major investors in political campaign.

Besides high targets such as advancing global supremacy with perpetual violence and failed economic policies deepening social prejudice and income disparity.

The defense contracts and nuclear deals dominant in preserving hegemony goals deprive other sectors in the economy and essential public services in receiving fair allocation of national budget.

Communication media, press, entertainment and educational institutions are predominantly serving as propaganda tools subverting truth and masquerading facts despite revelations on forces behind global suffering.

The external influence with internal complicity in politics, economy and social issues is the standard practice.

Election is a catharsis and pre-approved candidacies prevail in the poll.

Voters are reminded of the authorization upon disappointment with elected government and leadership.

Feudalism revival with vassal statehood is prevalent rejecting independence and civil liberty.

On the issue of corruption, political scandals and egregious decisions resulting in deaths and devastations, the zero tolerance to exposures and dissent are prominent.

Justice denied to victims of horrendous crimes upholding criminality in society. The cultural decline is conspicuous with immorality and unethical ways overriding reason and rationality.

The ongoing developments are ominous signs of conclusion of counterproductive era.

The new beginning with providence replacing decadence is the saving grace.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Environment – Climate Treaty 2015

December 13, 2015

By Padmini Arhant 

The Climate Treaty in Paris to address global warming and agreement to maintain level below 2 degrees Celsius is welcome and represents refreshing global commitment.

The contentions in reaching consensus were industrialized states fund provisions to developing and island nations in combating environment woes due to excess carbon emissions from the former and now joined by emerging economies with greater energy demands viz. China and India.

The carbon emitters pledge towards $100 billion a year was the proposal back in 2010.  The current pact were to reflect the industrialized countries together with rising economic powers submitting to that funding in writing then that is the preliminary step in the acknowledgment of responsibility.

As for the unanimous consent in voluntary setting to contain emissions, the data could vary and might be deficient in achieving goals unless the undertaking meets the expected range.  The offer made binding on all nations especially the most obvious defaulters is crucial for the implantation of accord.

Energy giants relentless pursuits to excavate oil wells and mining companies nonchalant activities in coal production and export combined with nuclear deals in the backdrop of disasters determine reality.

Fukushima ordeal with nuclear reactors leakage contamination of ocean inflicted irreversible loss on marine life and grave health risks to inhabitants in the prefecture and across the shores.

Most importantly, the existential threat to environment is nuclear proliferation and endless warfare dropping bombs, missiles, air strikes and predator drone attacks leaving scores dead and causing destruction in targeted nations with regional and global impact.

Declining nuclear disarmament and signing climate agreement is paradoxical and confirms lack of sincerity in planet protection.

The ongoing military interventions through terrorism enabling terror networks access to chemical and biological weapons poison water reservoir and pollute the sky.

Considering the unwillingness to end conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and skirmishes in South China as well as Baltic Seas with nuclear laden submarines and fighter jets hovering over the areas, the climate accord is challenged in the seamless confrontations and expansive military operations.

The world leaderships hailing the climate agreement with key nations positioned as global powers sponsoring terrorism resulting in refugee crisis is not only a humanitarian issue but also environment problem.

The duplicity with contradictory engagements pose credibility factor in any serious matter such as planet preservation.

Any efforts to lower carbon emissions is compromised in aerial bombings and widespread shelling with severe health and environment hazards for the natives migrated elsewhere upon them fleeing the danger zone.

The climate pact coming into fruition is possible upon complete and comprehensive nuclear disarmament along with departure from dependency on fossil fuel and nuclear energy contemporarily invigorated in defiance to catastrophe experienced thus far.

The political will and genuine concern to save the planet for the present and future generations could no longer remain negotiable.

Planet is the habitat for all species with humans contributed calamity endangering survival and sustenance.

Never too late to change course and avert further deterioration of the environment.

Greener existence is directly linked with peaceful atmosphere devoid of violence and bloodshed in addition to adopting natural energy options available to all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







India – Celebrity Worship And Ostentation Ad Nauseam

December 12, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Recently the High Court in Mumbai – the city where Indian film industry (Bollywood) is represented delivered a verdict in the high profile criminal case. 

The hit and run case with Bollywood actor Salman Khan faced charges on manslaughter and four others severely injured in the incident that occurred in 2002.

The driver under the influence of alcohol having lost control rammed over people on the curb side leaving one person dead and four seriously hurt in the incident.

The drunken driver identified as the Bollywood actor Salman Khan at that time by eyewitnesses including the actor’s personal bodyguard in the initial police complaint set the stage for long legal battle between two sides – the victims –  the unknown and poor individuals vs. celebrity with net worth over $200 million.

In the thirteen years of legal wrangling and circumventions by the accused notwithstanding witnesses deaths having provided sworn testimony before the magistrate, the court drama in typical Bollywood style was brought to an end favoring none other than the defendant.

The defendant was acquitted of all charges and hailed victorious in Indian tinsel town. The film fraternity and admirers along with fans apparently rejoicing the outcome.

Yet another Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan aka SRK contemporarily dealing with investigations on financial transactions contributing to INR 100 crore rupees i.e. $10 million loss to Indian ex-checker or treasury welcomed the decision in the criminal case of his counterpart Salman Khan claiming the conclusion positive for the silver screen performer.

Just two months ago, the Bollywood actress turned politician currently representing the ruling BJP and NDA government – Hema Malini’s car collision with another vehicle near the national highway in Northern region resulted in the death of a four years old child and her family sustaining life threatening injury.

As per the family’s account – the passerby (a doctor!) having witnessed the horrific incident escorted the celebrity with minor abrasions while neglecting the family including the child that was in need of emergency treatment.

The celebrity Hema Malini received top notch medical attention in private facility compared with the ordinary family left on the highway for more than two to three hours without any sign of rescue attributed to the child’s tragic loss of life.

The actress cum politician Hema Malini held the distressed family responsible for the fatal scene.

Celebrities in Indian society – entertainment domain predominantly film industry and sports arena besides the powerful entities in politics and economic sector held above the law.

Celebrity worship ad nauseam promotes social inequality deepening economic disparity.

Celebrities entering politics upon diminishing stardom is not uncommon.  Actors turning politicians and vice versa is the tradition.

The movie and sports personalities are major attractions for political parties aimed at complicity to policy not necessarily in public interest.  The tasks of mobilizing disenchanted electorate made easier with glamor and glitz distraction.

Unfortunately for the average citizens – the segment in the lowest economic strata looking for opportunity to drift away from continuous struggles, cinema is the means for escapism.

When people in the poorest socio economic background make nobody into somebody evolving as celebrity, the source behind celebrities’ fame and success not only forgotten but also taken for granted in the ever increasing frenzy over superficial display.

The rich, famous and influential ability to wheel justice in their direction slighting evidence based facts in criminal cases made possible by corruption culture and undue fanfare to celebrity status.

Film stars are the creation of collective contributions beginning with make-up artists, costume designers, choreographers and multitude expertise as behind the scenes operatives not to mention the lyricists, screen play writers, musicians and technology oriented techniques under capable director that leads to the final product.

The glory assigned to main characters ignoring the crucial team in movie making and subsequent hype is distortion.

Above all, the show without audience would be zero despite overestimated hero.

Unless bias and adulation set aside with civic funded institutions across the spectrum such as judiciary, police, prosecution and forensics immunity to incentives compromising fair trial, the victims would be denied justice in the real world.

Perhaps the people especially the poorer sections in society facilitating empowerment of those trampling on their rights to fairness and equality awakening to reality would balance the scales in the court of law.

My condolence to families and survivors affected in the society’s intoxication to ostentation prevalent in the form of entertainment.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







India – Floods Exacerbate Common Citizens Plight in Tamil Nadu

December 10, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The unprecedented rainfall in the southern state Tamil Nadu with capital Chennai and other districts experiencing excess rise in water level face challenges in retaining regular activity.

In any natural hazards, the average citizens are worst affected due to authorities lack of preparedness and evacuation programs combined with poorly developed drainage and sewage systems contributing to the problem.

The residents in low lying areas unable to prevent water flow inside their homes could have benefitted from proper development to channel rainwater away from the residence with underground canal.

The building code incorporating construction and maintenance of appropriate trough would have eased the situation for people forced to leave their premise.

Cities marooned in heavy monsoon are at stake in the aftermath with the outbreak of disease and breakdown of essential supply chain exacerbating citizens suffering.

Again the Indian news report on the private hospital losing 14 patients in ICU in Chennai from power failure cutting off oxygen source is a tragedy that could have been avoided with alternative mechanism as constant energy provision.

Human tendency to react after mishap rather than making proper arrangements for untimely disasters is the revealing feature.

The readiness and safety measures is ongoing requirement to mitigate losses and cannot be differed or neglected clarifying miscalculated crisis management.

The hard lessons impose necessary tasks on government and private industry with real estate in particular to focus on town planning and development comprising robust structures and fall back options to alleviate environment woes and malfunction of critical facility.

Meanwhile, the Indian Navy, Air Force and coastal guards’ relief operations efforts proved dependable.

The citizenry in Tamil Nadu – the youth volunteers outreach to stranded victims and families exemplify human spirit in the hour of needs and emergency worthy of emulation.

Collective actions reduce the burden on the vulnerable and economically deprived citizens at any time although the bulk of responsibility remains with government and political class in addressing acute to minor issues on public services and state governance that controls civic coordination.

The poor and marginalized sections in society sharing their disappointment in the political leadership and other members of establishment for having ignored them despite severe conditions is regrettable.

The grieving citizens account on political domain apathy is yet another dilemma. The routine gesture with voters remembered at the election onset and subsequently slighted as distraction from usual business prioritize personal and vested interests in the position of power.

Hopefully the fund allocation towards flood zones would be made available to the people and major cash distribution expended in the repair and restoration of towns and cities with protective and risk deterrent methods in place.

I offer my condolence to mournful and wish for recovery to normalcy in Tamil Nadu.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










United States – Shooting Incident (False Flag) in San Bernardino, California

December 5, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The shooting incident scheduled once a month in the United States claiming innocent lives has a pattern.

The established false flag event with patsies never challenged for conspicuous odds accepting impropriety in the featured crisis.

Despite dragnet surveillance and prevalent espionage activity, the attackers in gun violence somehow always escape the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) watchful eyes and intelligence agencies radar.

The slip reveals the surveillance conducted on law abiding and peaceful citizens constituting harassment and stalking while sheltering members and behind the scenes operatives posing security threats in the country.

The operation unleashing violence and committing mass murder followed by media frenzy creating hysteria, xenophobia and misogyny is the standard practice.

Another consistency in the organized shooting episodes in the United States is the suspects are always killed rather than apprehended denying victims families and the nation access to facts and premise.

State policing shifting from suppression of non-violent dissent and civil rights to forces complicit in harming and endangering lives in society would exemplify tax payers funded indulgence appropriate.

When authorities sponsor terrorism providing financial assistance, arms supply and training to terror networks maintained using different names at every stage and currently referred to as Daesh terror groups,

The nation is no longer free with sovereignty compromised by fallacious interests.

The abuse of power and public trust violation clarify the enemy within necessitating actions to implement checks and balances to restore republic rule.

Prolonging status quo desensitize reactions to repeat occurrence imposing premeditated will.

Security lapse and agencies negligence in intercepting plots and targeted killings contributing to senseless violence and tragic deaths in the shooting rampage.

Besides, the important factor on gun control legislation with requirement for background checks to prevent unsavory elements procurement of assault and deadly weapons is the minimal procedure missing due to little or no concern for others life.

The lack of political drive to protect citizens nationwide proves misplaced priority in governance under special interests control.

National Rifles Association (NRA) representing defense industry and the military industrial complex at large lobbying Congress gaining preference over citizens’ safety explains the state of affairs and the urgent need to revive democracy.

Citizens initiative and activism in the removal of illegitimate incognito power run parallel government is the solution to problems in the deteriorating political, economic and social environment.

I offer my condolence to grieving families and hope for speedy recovery of the injured in the latest violence in San Bernardino, California.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant